Watch victoria eat

Chapter 3 - getting fat?

Clocking in at 20 miles on her indoor bike Victoria was sweating out the absolute monster of a meal she’d had. Grinning she anticipated the views her video had gotten and subsequent money from the banner and midroll ad space. She couldn’t wait to show Kerrie!

Whilst she was outwardly quite slight in frame, the tanned beauty had enough of a regular exercise routine that she’d built up significant muscle mass to push her along. Having chosen to tie her long black hair up to keep it from distracting her, there was no hiding the slight pinkness to her freckled face. Perhaps she’d been a little slack lately… but the last 10 miles would be no trouble.

With a huff she pushed herself even harder to get those extra 10 miles down as fast as she could. Simultaneously, she was planning a long list of audience engagement ideas. Victoria figured the next step would be to post a call to action on her social media account, friends would make for a supportive audience after all. Then the next step would be setting up new accounts to direct an audience and then…

“Yes! done, ooof,” she slowed just after her machine displayed the 30-mile goal and kick off her exercise shoes feeling equally physically exhausted and excited.

Flopping unceremoniously on her bed she reached for her phone and looked at her channel statistics and monetisation, only to find…

“6 dollars? 6 fucking dollars for real?”
Throwing her phone just shy of her teddy bear’s head, she pushed her head into the sheets.

God damn, this is some long-haul work isn’t it? How the hell am I gonna pay rent now?
Still in shock she grabbed her phone back and returned to that stream, looking through the comments. Most of them were positive so she knew it wasn’t a case of bad work, maybe this just wasn’t as easy to crack as she’d thought. It was a good time too, just clearly nowhere near popular enough for her to make a liveable income.

She kept scanning, for what she wasn’t sure. Reassurance? Closure perhaps…
That was when one comment in particular stuck out to her. It was from the vocal group of viewers who had really gotten into her stream.

PeZPX: She is hot enough that she could definitely make it as a gainer. Just imagine her 100 pounds heavier.

It had several likes as well… but what the hell was a gainer? What like gain weight? Mind racing, Victoria decided to PM the commenter and ask them what they meant.

VickyEats: hey u watched a video of mine yesterday, what did you mean by me making it as a gainer
PeZPX: oh uhhh wasn’t expecting a private message lol, yeah well um a gainer is basically someone who eats to gain weight and sometimes they show their audience who uh like that stuff…
PeZPX: some of them make a career out of it

Victoria felt as though she’s lifted the curtain to a whole other world. Like yeah sure she knew enough about the internet to know it was used by all sorts, but there were people who could make money by gaining weight. So, what did that mean? Could she basically just eat whatever she wanted and as long as she packed on a few pounds there’d be people willing to engage with it? For the first time after losing her job she felt a strange sense of power within her.

PeZPX: sorry if I offended you, was caught really off guard haha
VickyEats: soz i was just thinking about what you said
VickyEatz: can u link me a website or something that uh gainers use
PeZPX: yeah no problem
PeZPX: …

Clicking on it she was taken to the front page of ‘Plushcamz’ and was greeted by the images of several featured creators. All of them were pretty girls sure, but incredibly fat. Their faces were accented with at least a double chin, some triple. Rolls and rolls of soft blubber covered their arms like bakery rolls, and they all had thighs that were pushing 3 times the circumference of Victoria’s waist. But almost instantly her eyes were drawn to the arses of the more pear-shaped models that sat like twin watermelons and the pancake bellies of the apple-shaped models.

She was taken aback, feeling slimmer than she’d ever felt in her life, and thinking back to all the bitching she and her friends had done about their weight. Even then she knew it’d had been a bit of an exaggeration, but she was sure they’d faint if they laid eyes on these lard-asses. Clicking on the previews of the first featured model she saw her content was in service of enhancing the fattest parts of her body. And eating, lots and lots of eating.

Determined not to let this put her off she looked for the amateur creators, in which there a platitude of only slightly chubby girls sharing their content. Feeling that this was more her speed, she checked out the premium membership prices of a few of the models and gasped. Some of them were making a damn killing doing this.

As the day grew to a close, Victoria set her alarm for the next morning and set her phone to charge. Lying back on her soft sheets she knew she had a lot to think about. On one hand she prided herself on being fit and loved her lifestyle, but on the other hand she was in serious need of cash and she didn’t want to sponge off friends for rent money if she could help it.

Some of those smaller girls on PlushCamz were stilling making money and they hadn’t really gained all that much weight so maybe… just maybe… she could build enough of an audience and gain slow enough that it wouldn’t make her super fat. Plus she’d genuinely enjoyed the Mukbang video and a gluttonous side of her reckoned that stuffing her face with takeaway was certainly not the worst way to make money.

So, it’s settled then, first thing tomorrow I’m going to sign on and make an account. Get on my grind and keep my head afloat.

Grinning in anticipation, Victoria shut off her light and settled into bed before her big day tomorrow.


If you liked what you read here please consider reading some of my other stories over on DeviantArt!
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 3 years
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Fatchance 3 years
Nice Start, good luck with Patreon.
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
Oooo interesting