Watch victoria eat

Chapter 5 - grocery shopping

In the day that followed Victoria was in the middle of the biggest shop of her life, leaving just enough cash for her rent. Pushing her very heavy trolley down the confectionery aisle she picked up anything that looked even remotely tasty, figuring her job would be easier if she was eating food she enjoyed. Thus, she chucked various brands of chocolate and biscuits on top of the soft drinks she’d picked up in the previous aisle.

Feeling a bit like she was seven again, when no one was looking, she did a broad swipe of the fruit-lollies. Smiling to herself she made her way to the health and wellness section, where she was sure to find protein shakes. Victoria had texted her gym acquaintance Braydon about which weight supplements he used to elevate his muscle growth. Being very proud of the work he’d put into his body he had no hesitation telling her.

Well more like flirted, but whatever it worked.
Squinting at all the indistinguishable brands she came across the stuff he used and picked up six of the chocolate flavoured ones. Done fam, time to get out of here.

Pushing her cart towards the checkout, Victoria watched the protein shakes wobble on the questionably high pile of junk she’d selected. Aside from a few cursory glances, she found most people didn’t really care, except of course the check-out girl who’s eyes ballooned.

Once she approached the counter the check-out girl made some small talk about Victoria “having a party?”

“Um no?” she answered, and the girl grew quiet, eyes growing wide once more before simply deciding she wasn’t going to ask. Alas, Victoria couldn’t help but get a kick out of shocking the teenager and made sure she stood around a looked idle while the girl did what was really a three-person job.


"And that comes to $72 dollars, cash or card?"

Pulling out her card and giving the check-out girl a pointed look, she grew quiet once again and fiddled on her computer.

“Whenever you’re ready ma’am,” she mumbled before Victoria swiped and loaded the bags into her trolley.

Struggling to fit everything in her car she swore and decided the fee for home-delivery was worth avoiding this shit. Frustrated she reached in the back seat for a chocolate bar she’d picked up and munched it ferociously. Already feeling better about life, she couldn’t help but appreciate what would be a pretty big job perk.

“I could get used to this.”

Turning into her drive she stopped and stared out in front of her, thinking about the sheer number of bags and the upstairs climb to her apartment stairs.

I actually cannot be fucked taking all of this inside myself. Maybe I can ask someone over…

Victoria: hey you
Braydon: hey what’s up?
Victoria: i was thinking about our talk the other day and if ur free I wouldnt mind a visit
Braydon: uh ok I’ve got an early morning so idk that I can
Victoria: stay over lol… wanna see if ur as hot without your tank top on
Braydon: well when you put it like that how could I say no ;)
Victoria: haha u comedian
Victoria: come asap byeeee

Feeling relieved at having Braydon come over to help her – even though he didn’t know it yet – she sat in her apartment and yawned. It really had been quite the day and honestly, she looked forward to the hot distraction that was coming to help her. With a bit of luck, he’d be too focused on getting some that he wouldn’t ask why she needed all this food in the first place. She’d placed him as being a bit of a meathead and he hadn’t yet proved her wrong.

There was also a deep dark part of her that knew some of the special treatment she was getting would be temporarily gone once she lost her gym-body. So, in a sense, having Braydon’s help and fucking his brains out would be a bit of a goodbye present to herself.

But if she was being honest, putting her all into this thing and having it work out was an absolute thrill. Braydon was just one man, guys all over the world would want to watch her gain, and nothing was going to take that away from her.


I can’t thank you all enough for your ongoing support. I’ve made a post detailing this on DA, but just as a heads up this series will soon be moving to Patreon: but will be accessible here and on DA in snippets as previews. Patreon will help me keep writing in these trying times so if you’re keen, be sure to give it a look.

Also, I’d like to make a quick disclaimer. The Victoria character has some quite overt flaws and judgements that in no way reflect my own. I wanted to try my hand at creating a character who was approaching feedism/gaining very much from the outside. As I’m writing this series with more realism, I feel the need to make this distinction because many creators monetising their gain get unfairly stereotyped as being money-hungry and manipulative, which is often rooted in some pretty ugly misogyny. So please treat this as fiction and stand in solidarity with fat-content creators.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 3 years
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Fatchance 3 years
Nice Start, good luck with Patreon.
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
Oooo interesting