Watch victoria eat

Chapter 6 - the consequences of indulging

Victoria had a game plan she was certain would get her exactly what she wanted.

She’d allow herself to eat whatever she pleased but to ensure her gain was slow, she’d maintain her exercise routine and avoid going over her daily 3000 calorie limit. Following the plan seemed pretty easy on paper, Victoria was pretty good at sticking to diets. Only given how different the situation was this time around she couldn’t help but occasionally wonder what consequences would unfold if she scrapped the plan altogether.

I gotta stick to this… and if I don’t have breakfast, I can have more junk food.

Chocolates, biscuits, fizzy drinks, candy bars, chips and many more delectable goods were sprawled across her kitchen counter. It was a fat girl’s dream but even the svelte Victoria couldn’t deny how tempting the goodies were.

Twiddling her fingers in front of the array she giggled and picked up some chocolate covered peanuts, taking them with her as she lay on the couch. With the first few bites she let them sit in her mouth, tongue swirling around the decadent milky chocolate until she got to the peanut centre. Slowly munching away, she soon realised that she didn’t have to stop at just a few anymore. Feeling her mouth salivate, she looked down into the packet and felt a desire to indulge herself.

She could have more; she could even have the whole packet.

Shoving her hand in the packet she grabbed a hearty handful and popped them in her mouth. Crunching away she moaned at how good it felt having a whole mouthful of chocolate to herself. Feeling particularly devilish she kept going, her mouthfuls getting bigger and her munching getting more ferocious. So much so that it wasn’t enough to just scoop them up once she reached the last few bites. Sitting up and upturning the bag over her mouth, she shook it until not a single dreg was left. With a soft burp Victoria lay back down and ran her hand over her stomach, closing her eyes contentedly.

This kind of unrestrained indulging was something she’d more often reserved for material goods. The chocolate had given her a similar feeling, that same euphoric rush. Only there was something else too, a weird sense of rebellion. Almost like she was getting to have something great that no one else did.

And there was still more.

Getting up from her couch with energetic ease she rushed over to the counter to grab more snacks. Unable to contain herself she opened her bag of chips on the spot and scoffed them down whilst she made her way back to the couch.

Deciding to watch a movie she kept munching away and enjoyed the feeling of growing comfortably full. She’d chosen to wear a baggy t-shirt and form fitting pants, the latter of which was pushing against her body as her tummy grew taut. Running a finger under the waistband of her pants she felt shocked at how tight they had become on her full stomach.

Trying to ignore the discomfort Victoria’s pants were giving her she turned her focus back to the movie, but her mind couldn’t help but wander.

One day isn’t going to do shit. It’s because I stuffed myself. That what happens when you eat like a fat person, you just get super full.

Burping loudly, she gave in to the strained pants, shifting the band down under her stomach. Looking over at the kitchen counter she felt strange.

It’s all right there… I’m gonna turn into a fat pig if the food is just sitting there. Might need to chuck the snacks in my pantry, that way it isn’t tempting me.

Slowly sitting up she made her way to her snacks and put them away, making a few trips with the sheer amount of junk food she’d bought. Thankfully the pantry was separated by a door keeping the goodies out of view.

Satisfied, she lay back down and felt her body sink into the couch. Victoria had only experienced food comas when she was younger. Specifically, Christmas dinner after grandma’s cooking. But feeling her eyes grow heavy, she let herself fall to sleep.


Stretching her arms and legs Victoria woke from her slumber several hours later. Hazily checking her phone, she saw it was 7pm and she’d been asleep for a good five hours.

Jolting awake she sat up too fast and felt the contents of her stomach slosh about. Clearly the nap hadn’t let her digest much and more served to catch her fall after a massive sugar crash.

Oh god she held her tummy to settle it I really fucking overdid it, how the hell am I gonna work out now?

With a groan she got up and shuffled over to the kitchen for a glass of water. Tummy growling angrily at her for her stuffing session earlier that day, she pleaded with it to calm down. Almost as though it were answering her it growled louder. Wondering how the hell a few chocolates and chips could shake her up this much.

I’m not working out like this or I’m gonna barf.

A few more glasses later it seemed to settle but she still felt too full to eat another bite, let alone cook dinner.

She lay on her bed and scrolled through her social media feeds, scoffing at the latest photos from the celebrity couple she followed.

Her lips are so big it’s unnatural. Like why do all these girls have trout pouts, do they think it’s hot? Like if that’s the bar why can’t I have brands deals ugh.

Tuning into a live stream from a model she followed the minutes turned to hours and amazingly she found herself feeling peckish towards the end of the day.

What the hell…

Completely thrown by what her body was doing she decided to just get takeaway. And that day set the precedent for what the rest of her week looked like. Stuffing herself with junk food and, if she hadn’t gone over her calorie count, drinking a protein shake resulting in her getting too full to work out. However, six days of shameless pigging out wasn’t without consequence.

Her actions came to roost when she woke up post-nap on the day she was scheduled to check in on PlushCamz.

The first thing Victoria felt was a now familiar heaviness in her bloated stomach. Rolling to her side she ran her hand over it and was shocked to find the beginning of a soft roll on her abdomen.

Incredibly taken aback by how soon it’d happened she forced herself to get up and get some exercise done. Feeling completely drained she struggled to get her gym clothes on. Her gym shirt was always a tight fit, but now hugged her uncomfortably tight. However, her shirt had nothing on her spandex pants which were actively fighting against her distended stomach. After huffing at the effort, she marched to her exercise bike.

“Ohhh crap,” she groaned, struggling to lift herself up onto her bike.

All her energy had been zapped, hoisting her leg up was nothing short of painful, but up she got. Similarly, her usual 20 miles was far more of a task than before, but she pushed through as it was a matter of self-discipline now. She wasn’t going to allow herself another week of stuffing without exercising and feeling the rush of endorphins she knew she’d have to modify her eating plan.

Her check in was at 8pm and whilst she initially thought she’d have the time to push out 20 miles and then have a short break, her cycling was taking longer than usual. Feeling the contents of her stomach rise Victoria knew she was damaging herself, but a fear was forcing her to keep going.
With minutes to spare she finished and huffing madly sauntered over to her laptop to get her set up organised. Brushing off the twinge of insecurity at how dishevelled she looked, the raven-haired beauty got herself online and decided she’d incorporate her experience into fantasy for her viewers.

“Hey sweeties, I have an exciting update for you all. I’ve only been gaining one week, and I’ve already got a little belly, see?”

She moved right up to the camera to show off her tummy before checking the comments. Most of them congratulated her on the gain and many more noticed how out of breath she was. From the looks of it, some of them were even enjoying her struggle for breath. Was that a thing for them?

“I got sooo winded today, my body is growing so fast and it can’t keep up… but how hot would it be if I was this out of breath all the time.”

The flood of comments and subscribers more or less confirmed it. Victoria wasn’t sure how she felt about that but figured she’d deal with it later. Masking her feelings with a big grin she bit her tongue and directed their attention to the tightness of her gym clothes. She then went on to talk about her experience eating nothing but junk.

The more she talked the more she found herself just telling them the truth, like she would a friend. Realising she’d lost herself for a second there she shook her head and played with her breasts, whilst secretly chastising herself.

I can’t do that; they’re watching VickyGains not Victoria.

Checking her comments once more there were a few people posting links to “healthy weight gain” pages. Curiosity getting the better of her she bookmarked them and decided to address it in the comments. Strangely this seemed to divide people.

Some of them very clearly believed there was a healthy path to gaining and others felt it was easier to simply freefall into it. Victoria found herself somewhere in the middle, while she loved the devilish delight snacking on junk food brought her, it was obviously taking a toll on her body.

Wishing her fans goodbye, she was thrilled to find her monthly total was now closer to $400. There was no going back now. If $400 was a weeks’ worth, she knew she’d be rolling in it once the month was over.
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Fatchance 3 years
Nice Start, good luck with Patreon.
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
Oooo interesting