Watch victoria eat

chapter 8 - shopping trip (preview)

Sitting her iced coffee down, Victoria stared at the ‘SSBBW Perrie is typing…’ on her screen, wondering why she was taking so long to respond. The amateur gainer had spent too long going back and forth on whether she should message the seasoned SSBBW, deciding to simply bite the bullet and do it.

A nightmare about the logical endpoint of continued weight gain had given her second doubts about it, something she wasn’t used to experiencing. Even now the thought of succumbing to her greed to the point of being completely encompassed in soft, heavy flab sent shivers down her spine.

Yeah if it was anyone else, asking a stranger about how they felt about gaining weight would be weird. This model woman was used to it by now though… right?

Becoming less convinced by this as time went on, Victoria took some chocolate bites from her snack draw and munched away to distract herself.

In the weeks passed since she’d entered the gaining world, the stringently health-conscious Victoria had really embraced her gluttonous side, being sure to stock her pantry with plenty of food to cook with and even more on-hand snacks. The latter wasn’t restricted to the pantry as she often craved food in her bedroom and office, thus utilising a snack draw for her cravings.

Despite her reservations, the raven-haired beauty was also really starting to appreciate how comforted sugary goods made her feel, only to the detriment of her clothes which were long-past just hugging her growing frame. While she’d anticipated gaining weight, the combination of her inconsistent exercising and the sheer amount of grazing she’d been doing had added visible padding to her hips faster than she could keep track of. What was slight padding on her hips mere weeks ago had fleshed out to a roll and sizeable love handles. Similarly, her arse had really rounded out giving her a sizeable bubble butt.

It wasn’t until she slurped the last of her iced coffee that the model responded with a long-winded message.

Hi Victoria,

Perrie works, SSBBW is just for fans.

So, you’re new to gaining? Welcome aboard haha. It can be a fun experience for some people, but monetising your gain is, at the end of the day, work. You never have to gain, and smaller models still make a decent amount on here, but a lot of men have signed on to watch you gain and it’ll be obvious if you try to fake numbers at a small weight.

Having said that I really love being my size. 450 pounds isn’t easy, there are a lot of accommodations I have to make for myself, travelling is tricky, and I always have to check if a restaurant has armless seats and wide-open space. That and some feeders can be really intense… but you’ve probably gotten that already. Despite all that I like how much space I take up; I like seeing where my weight goes as I gain. On top of that I get enough money to eat whatever I want and there’s no shortage of guys who want to appreciate my body. I’m very close to setting up my own website, and honestly, I think being my own boss will be fantastic.

So just think about what it is you can get out of this and work through what you’re worried about. Not every model has to gain to immobility.

Hope that helped haha. Don’t really get messages like these so it was a nice change of pace.

- Perrie

She sat staring at her monitor in thought. This woman actually likes it? She made her gain sound kinda nice, and honestly, I’ve loved eating as much as I want. But like… what about the adjustments? Don’t they stress her out? Does she feel judged?

Leaning back in her chair she closed her eyes. Maybe I’m overthinking it… it’s just short-term easy money.

She absentmindedly slipped her hands in the little space between her hips and bike shorts. Letting her soft flab sink through the gaps in her fingers whilst her stretchy shorts struggled to make space for her was a unique sensation. Grabbing them she even felt them slightly jiggle when she let go. She expected to feel a sense of dread, both having gotten used to moaning about even the slightest gain with her fitness friends and remembering her weight gain nightmare.

Interestingly she grew more curious than anything, almost like she was exploring a new body. The soft roll on her front was still small enough to sit underneath her shorts but her thighs were starting to spill out of them. It was such a surreal moment that she was only half-convinced her shorts hadn’t just shrunk in the wash. Even her t-shirt was starting to bunch up where her boobs had gotten bigger. She undid her bra so her suffocated boobs could breathe. Moving her hands up her body she cupped them and felt how much more of her hands they filled up.

I did that… I made them bigger just by eating what I want…


This is a preview of a longer story over on Patreon:

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Fatchance 3 years
Nice Start, good luck with Patreon.
Akwolfgrl13 4 years
Oooo interesting