Boardwalk binge

Chapter 2 - part 2

By the halfway point, Devo had to stop and take a break. He quickly devoured the sausage he was holding and waddled to the nearest bench. Sitting down caused the bench to creak and groan, but the plump man either failed to notice or didn't care. He brought a chubby hand up to his forehead to wipe off the sweat that was forming. It wasn't a particularly hot day, but Devo was sweating like he was in a sauna. His breathing was much heavier than usual, too, and his legs were burning from the walk. He figured it was from a lack of recent exercise (his job at the office didn't exactly leave room for much cardio), but the true culprit was quite apparent to everyone else but him.

Devo was fat. Like, really fat. He now had a double chin and chubby cheeks. His chest had expanded noticeably and moved a bit whenever Devo made any movements. Though unnecessary at this point, they could probably fill up a small bra if he felt inclined to wear one. His arms jiggled as well, and the fat had somehow found its way to his hands, making them a good deal chunkier than before. It certainly didn't interfere with his ability to hold a sandwich, though. When it came to jiggle, though, nothing could quite compare to his rear end. Throughout the mile, it had swelled up from a bouncy bubble butt to a bloated badonkadonk. His shorts were being pushed to their absolute limit, but the tight fabric did little to stop its endless movement. At times it seemed like just standing still was cause enough for it to bounce around uncontrollably. His thighs now touched no matter how far apart he spread his legs, forcing him to adopt a stride similar to that of a penguin or a toddler. His progress along the boardwalk was hampered at every turn, however, by his gargantuan stomach. Bloated and overfed, his fattened abdomen released a steady stream of gurgles and rumbles. The digestion process couldn't possibly keep up with Devo's intake, so his stomach had to stretch and stretch to accommodate the food. At this point, Devo didn't have much of an excuse to keep eating. Much of the restaurants had similar menus to the ones in the first mile, though there were still some new items (he never though fried Oreos could taste so good). Plus, he felt uncomfortably full right now. Not that one would have to guess given the state he was in. His shirt had long since given up on trying to cover his expanding gut and was now acting as a makeshift crop-top. It looked overfed and overtaxed, and it certainly felt like it, too. Devo could feel his stomach struggling to keep up, but the thought didn't really occur to him to just... stop eating. He hadn't really questioned why he was eating so much, nor had he process the fact that the stares people were giving him were related to his expanding body. His mind was focused on one thing: getting to the end of the boardwalk. At least, it would be as soon as he caught his breath.

Devo dug through his pocket and pulled out the Sprite bottle he got earlier. He almost forgot about the drink, but now it seemed like a blessing from the heavens. He popped off the top and drank the entire bottle in a little over a minute. A rumble from his gut was followed by a loud belch as he tossed the bottle into a nearby recycling bin. That drink certainly hit the spot, but he didn't have enough energy yet to continue on the journey. There was a Starbucks nearby, though. Maybe he could stop by for a quick pick-me-up.

Just as soon as his legs were up to the task.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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AshBear 3 years