Boardwalk binge

Chapter 4 - part 4 (final)




"Hah... Hah..."


"Just... a bit... more..."

Against all reason, Devo had continued down the boardwalk. Against any rational though, he lugged his elephantine body further down the wooden path. Against every shred of logic, he continued to stop at every food place along. He was naked. He felt sick. Each plodding step was an ordeal that took half a minute to get through. But he kept going.

Devo couldn't really think of a reason why. He couldn't really think, period. To digest the massive amount of food, his stomach had completely sapped every other part of his body of energy. He felt so sluggish as if everything was moving in slow motion. He certainly was, at least. He moved at a glacial pace. He'd wobble over to the nearest food stall, order something (he didn't have the mental awareness to know what, exactly, he was ordering), and then he'd slowly eat it as he tottered over to the next one in line. Again, Devo couldn't really think of a reason why he was doing this. He just... was.

Is it even worth it to describe Devo's body at this point? He was so massive, so gargantuan, so... big, that any attempt to describe him would fall woefully short. Any motion whatsoever sent his entire body rippling. He had long since outgrown his clothes, leaving his entire body exposed for all to see (honestly, it was a wonder how he hadn't already been arrest for public indecency). Each and every step cause the old wood to creak and crack, and sometimes even the merchandise placed outside the shops would shake as Devo plodded down the path.

His puffy-cheeked triple-chinned face was perpetually covered in sweat and the remnants of his binge. A sound was always escaping his mouth, be it a loud, wet belch or a deep concerning moan as his insides tackled the obscene amount of food.

His moobs were easily ahead of every woman he knew. They rose and fell with each labored breath as they rested atop his engorged gut.

There was so much blubber around his arms that they defaulted to a raised position. Lowering them--heck, moving them in general--took a great deal of effort on his part. Perhaps if they were fat enough to the point where he couldn't move them at all--and thus couldn't shovel more food into his mouth--he might get some respite from this ceaseless feast. But alas, his fat hands were still able to reach his face, and so the eating never stopped.

His ass was a sight to behold. Not that it wasn't already, but the sheer amount of motion is was in at all times was astonishing. The brown globes bounced and quake and wobbled even if a stiff breeze passed by. It could easily swallow up the entire backseat of a car, and the copious padding it possessed meant that he was just as tall sitting down as he was standing up. On the plus side, its sheer size meant that it served as a nice counterbalance to his immense stomach. On the downside, it was even more weight that his poor legs had to carry.

Human legs were certainly not made to carry something so immense. Heck, his legs would have a hard enough time carrying their own weight. They hand become so swollen and fatty that moving his feet any more than a few inches was simply out of the question. Moving was a dangerous balancing act; too far to one side or the other, and he would be sent tumbling to the ground. And there was no way his legs would be able to get him standing again.

And then there was the king of it it all: his super-sized stomach. There are probably a thousand words that could be used to describe the raw immensity of his stomach, but they would all still fall short of adequately capturing it. It was just... big. It was as large as he was when he started this trek all those hours ago. It dragged along the ground, much to its ire. It was simply too big for Devo to carry with his arms (ignoring the fact that his arms were nearly useless now), and leaning back to lift it up was a surefire way to end up crashing to the floor. So there it was, sliding along the ground. The underside of his belly ached with a dull throb, but Devo would much rather deal with that than the stabbing, burning pain that wracked the rest of his stomach. He was overstuffed. There was no getting around it. Hours and hours of stuffing his face had lead to his stomach stretching to its absolute limits. The skin was stretched dangerously thin as new stretch marks cropped up constantly along its taut surface. The thick layer of fat on his abdomen did little to make the boulder any softer to the touch. Even his belly button had popped out. His stomach would violently spasm and twitch every so often, forcing him to stand still and attempt to soothe the agitated goliath. The pain was accompanied by an ever-mountain sense of nausea. His belly wanted to get rid of all of this excess by any means. So far, Devo had managed to quell each wave of queasiness that hit him, but the victories did not make him feel any less ill.

Devo was fat. No, he was obese. Corpulent. Elephantine. Whatever word you wanted to use, it would apply ten-times over.

And he was still eating.

Currently, he held the last bit of a hot dog in his bloated hand. Without even thinking, he shoved the entire thing into his mouth, chewed slowly, and swallowed. Swallowing was a painful process as his body tried to fight the addition of any more food to the party in his belly. As soon as he swallowed, Devo's face turned green as a pulse of nausea radiated throughout his belly. That green was quickly replaced by a bright red as the nausea was replaced by searing pain, and then that was replaced by a ghastly white when his stomach nearly gave up the ghost. His breathing was shallow and rapid. He could feel his vision fading, but whether he was actually dying or just tired remained a mystery.

Fortunately, a light at the end of the tunnel was waiting for him. The end of the boardwalk was in sight! The end was capped off by a section of railing and a bench. He had come so far. Just a bit left to go!



BOOM!< br>
"Gah...! Ugh... Oooooo..."


"C-can I help you?"

Devo snapped out of his trance to take in his surroundings. Despite him being in the shape that he was in, his feet had betrayed him and taken him to the last shop on the pier: a burger spot. This wasn't too bad, though. All Devo had to do was continue on his way, and he'd be good.

"C-c-can I-I... g-g-get a... ch-cheeseburger...?"

Damn it.

The cashier nodded quickly and handed Devo the burger. She had to reach around his stomach to reach his limp hand, but she eventually got the job done. "D-don't worry about paying me! It's on the house!"

"Th-thank... y-you..."

As soon as Devo began walking away, the cashier hid in the backroom. If this was going where she thought it was going, she didn't want to be there to see it.


"Ah! Ooooooh..."




"Mmmm... Ooooh..."

Devo felt his stomach brush up against something. It was... a bench! He did it! He made it to the end of the boardwalk! If he didn't feel so stuffed and sick, he would've celebrated. But for now, he just wanted to rest for a bit. He slowly turned around and plopped his behemoth butt on the creaky bench. He took up every inch of space on it, and even all of that was too small to properly contain him, but he didn't really care. He was just happy to be off of his feet. Breathing heavily, he stared at the burger in his hand. He felt sick just looking at it, but the cashier had been nice enough to give it to him for free. He shouldn't just throw it away. Besides, it wasn't actually that big. He should be fine, right? He brought it to his lips and took a bite.

Devo thought about the entire day. About all the restaurants he stopped at. About all the food he ate.


And now, he could say that he walked the entire boardwalk in a single day.


All he had to do now was wait for a tram car to come, and he could ride it back to his car.


... Come to think of it, Devo hadn't remembered seeing a single tram car on his entire trek here. Were they gone?


Wait, if they were gone, wouldn't that mean that in order to get back to his car...

He'd have to walk all the way back?


Devo finished the burger, and almost on cue, everything started falling apart. Firstly the bench practically disintegrated underneath him. Secondly, his stomach launched into a violent fit. The noises it was making were more akin to a feral animal than an upset stomach. His entire body was shaking as that burger seemed to push everything over the edge. He felt his stomach get bigger, but not really fatter. Almost like something was pumping him up like a balloon.

"Oh! Ooooooooh! Uuuuuuuugh...!"

Devo shut his eyes. All he could think about was how he would do anything to avoid that long walk back.

Apparently, his stomach agreed.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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