A knightly feast

chapter 6, part 2

Greldedor appeared at the top of the stairs and exclaimed, “What have you done?” She gestured toward Maya but nothing happened. The power of the crystal had left her.

“We’re leaving now,” Maya said, standing up, the crystal still in her hands. She reached out a hand experimentally and with a magic more powerful than any she had previously known gently moved Greldedor to the side. The old witch gaped in astonishment as Maya quietly brushed past her.

Outside, the dragon bowed its head to her. “Beware the corruption that can come with power, Maya Alzeanath,” it rumbled, “but for now, you are worthy.”

“Thank you, Lath of the Bright Scale,” she said in a voice that she hardly recognized.

She turned and – there, standing in the door to the tower was Sylvia, her face bright with joy. “Maya,” she burst out, “you did it!”

Maya stood there a moment without reacting. Then, overcome, she ran to the knight and embraced her. Sylvia squeezed back tightly, enveloping Maya in a soft, warm hug. Maya withdrew slightly and without thinking kissed her on her lips. Sylvia, as if it was the most expected thing in the world, kissed back, her soft lips melding to Maya’s.

The two broke apart. Maya looked at the dragon.

“Do you want to come with us?”

The beast shook its head. “No,” it said. “I feel as though my old friend Greldedor will need company in the coming days.”

Maya nodded. “I think she’ll appreciate it.”

Sylvia finally looked down and saw the crystal clutched in Maya’s fist. “You got it,” she gasped. “We can go back to the queen now.”

Maya shook her head. “No,” she said. “This isn’t for the queen. We’ll forge our own path.”

Sylvia’s brow wrinkled in a question. “Then where will we go?”

Maya looked at the crystal and then back at Sylvia’s soft, beautiful body. She saw with new clarity how beautiful Sylvia was – how beautiful she’d always been. She understood now all the small kindnesses that the knight had done for her since their journey began, and she knew what she wanted to do with her new power.

“Sylvia, do you know the way to your village from here?”

Sylvia nodded. “Once we’re out of the forest, I’ll know my way back. I could find my way home from anywhere in the kingdom.”

Maya smiled. “Do you suppose that they’d take some magical assistance with their harvest?”

Sylvia snorted. “Of course. You don’t mean – do you?”

Maya nodded. She knew now exactly where their new journey should begin.



Thank you for reading! If you liked the story, please feel free to leave a comment or check out my other story on Fantasy Feeder, "Lady Penelope's Potion," for more medieval fantasy shenanigans.
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Dragorat 3 years
Very nicely done!
Akwolfgrl13 3 years
This was wonderful!!!!
Akwolfgrl13 3 years
Thire so cute!
Akwolfgrl13 3 years