Gaining a fortune

Chapter 12 - the penthouse

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One successful shares sale followed another, as the time ticked by. The markets were playing out just as they had before. In fact, nothing seemed to change in this new timeline. Michael’s friends were still meeting their respective partners; still getting married and achieving the same jobs as they had done last time. But, with this time, Michael also wanted to do other good things as well; phoning in anonymously with warnings for shoot-outs he had remembered the dates for, and actually saving lives! He started a savings account for Heather’s money, which he knew would need collecting in less than four years’ time, but the figure no longer daunted him. He really was earning more money than he knew what to do with!

“Your new place is amazing,” Lori marvelled, finally relaxed after a rampant sex session. It was a world away from the gross little downstairs apartment he’d rented before. Now he could take Lori out onto his private balcony, overlooking the ocean; order in champagne without even thinking twice. He wanted to give it all to her; spoil her and pamper her until she never wanted to go home again. “I bet you’ve got every single girl desperate to date you, now you’re doing so well for yourself.”

Michael considered Lori’s comments. She was right, he certainly had become a very desirable bachelor now that he had the confidence to spend a little of his acquired wealth. He thought back to the conventionally stunning girl he had had staying here last weekend. But experiences like that didn’t make him content. He rolled over and dropped his arm out so that Lori could snuggle up to him. He loved it when she came over! But the truth was that it was times like these, and only times like these, that he actually appreciated this opportunity to live out his twenties again.

Lori had been fattening up deliciously over the last few occasions she had stayed with him. Her stomach seemed to swell each and every time; hips widening and her overfed butt getting more and more extreme with each month or year that passed. However, Lori had clearly been dieting over her last period of absence. At a glance, Michael considered that the girl must have dropped at least fifty pounds; taking her down to a still cute, two hundred and fifty pounds or so. Another crash diet, Michael shrugged. She'd have that weight back on, as well as much more, in no time at all. “I’ll admit, this apartment has scored me a few dates,” Michael laughed, feeling like a king with Lori’s beautiful face resting on his chest. “But no one quite knows how to satisfy me the way you do. You’re the best sex I’ve ever had!”

Lori seemed to take in the complement with pride. “Seriously?” she asked, delighted. “My husband tells me I still need to lose a lot more weight if I ever want to be any good in the bedroom.”

“Are you kidding me?” Michael asked, pretending to be more surprised than he actually was. “We both know that’s not true!” he chuckled. “That jerk clearly has no taste!" He grabbed one of her huge breasts and rocked it appreciatively.

“What?” Lori asked. “You mean, you think my weight is a good thing for you?”

“Of course it is!” Michael exclaimed. “Who wouldn’t want a big, curvy girl giving him all the attention that you give me? In my whole life, no woman - and I really mean this… no woman has ever made me as excited as you have. You could offer me any girl in the world and I would still pick you. You are the pinnacle of sex-appeal, for me!”

Michael kissed her lovingly on the forehead. Lori liked to be talked up. She wanted to feel sexy and desired; it was what she craved most from him. Her husband made her feel fat and ugly; whereas Michael was determined to make her feel like nothing less than a godess.

“Do you remember the last time you came to see me, in November? You were so damn hot and sexy! I hardly knew what was happening when you turned up in that tight-fitting red dress and started doing that thing with your tongue…” he chuckled, thinking back to the horny night.

“Seriously?” Lori asked sceptically, but no less aroused. “I was a lot bigger back then.”

Michael held back a smirk. This girl still had a long way to go before she got as heavy and round as she had been at the reunion. "Absolutely! You’re sexy no matter what. But I’ll admit to getting a bit of a thrill when you have a bit more junk in the trunk!” he laughed cheekily. “Sex with you… it’s just the best feeling in the world!”

Suddenly energised, Lori’s arousal resurrected itself entirely. “I love being with you as well!” she grinned excitedly; sitting up, ready for another round of their passionate encounters.

Thinking he was about to have the big girl try and get on top of him, Michael braced himself for her weight. However, he was surprised when Lori simply sat up and looked at him instead; her eyes soft and loving; a look he had never received from her before.

“Maybe someday soon, you and I could… be official?” she mumbled shyly. "No more sneaking around.

Michael smiled in delight. Even in that crumbling, rat-infested hell-hole he'd been living in, he'd sensed that Lori was falling in love with him. Now, at long last, she was accepting that her marriage was over. He slid his hand across to her ample hip and couldn’t resist giving it a playful tap. “I’d like that,” he grinned. "I mean, I'd REALLY like that!"

"Good!" Lori grinned, bending down awkwardly with her giant breasts and stomach in the way; kissing Michael sweetly.

“How about we order in some pizzas and talk about it a little more?” Michael suggested, knowing that Lori's diet was now well and truly over.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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SuperPieGuy 3 years
Good story! It’s simple and I like that little touch of time travel fantasy. Thank you!
Feeder862 3 years
This story will have fifteen chapters.
Metalman 3 years
You have a great skill in writing
Doggodadog 3 years
i neeed moree
Tungstenbeast 3 years
Love this cant wait to read more smiley
Fatchance 3 years
VERY well written with nicely developing characters!
Fatchance 3 years
This is well written and thought out.
Karenjenk 3 years
This is the perfect set up.
i am excited for whats to come
Xandercroft 3 years
This might be a good one. Give me an alternate 2020. Please!