Gaining a fortune

Chapter 4 - a new beginning

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It took many hours of work to earn the sort of cash Michael needed to invest in shares. With only a high school diploma now, job opportunities were fewer and the pay, considerably less. Still, month by month, he was ferreting away tidy amounts into the places they needed to be. Living at home was harder than he remembered though. He knew there was a reason why he’d left this town at eighteen and not returned. But rent-free living was a necessary evil at the moment, and his parents had developed something of a respect for him, with his new work ethic.

“How’s the salon work going?” Michael asked Lori, as she came in for a snack one lunchtime. This was one of Michael’s three jobs and the only one where he got to see the beautiful Lori from time to time.

“Ugh, you know,” she sighed, running her hand through her silky hair. “It’s hard, tiring work. I absolutely hate being up on my feet all day.”

“Yeah, I bet you do,” Michael chuckled, reaching behind him and grabbing the hamburger she had ordered from the girl on the counter. “I think you’d be good in sales,” he smiled, knowing that was where Lori would eventually end up. “You’re smart, good-looking, and sociable; all the qualities needed for that sort of work.”

Lori smiled; her beautiful face a picture of sheer joy, not even trying to hide her delight at Michael’s flattering comments. “Thanks!” she grinned. “That’s so sweet of you. And it's such a coincidence!” she marvelled. “My uncle actually offered me something in sales the other day. But I wasn’t really sure if I’d be any good at it. I was going to wait a few more months and think it over.”

Michael tried to look surprised. “Congratulations!” he offered, with a flirtatious smile. “Why wait? I’d take that jump into sales right now. Trust me,” he grinned, “you won’t regret it!”

He looked across at Lori’s perfect, model-like physique: her flat stomach, toned arms and slender legs; knowing that this was the slippery slope; the path that she was about to take that would soon put an end to all of her fine, athletic features. Michael couldn’t help feeling aroused at the thought. This was the point at which Lori would start fattening up into that sexy, monstrously-bellied, four hundred pound girl he had seen at the reunion!

“Here,” he smiled; turning and grabbing a spare cheese burger. “Have this, on me… to celebrate your new beginning!”

With that, Michael smiled kindly and watched the now nineteen year old beauty retreat to a table, admiring the girl’s tight butt as she went. If there was one thing he knew, it was that he could not wait to see Lori start transforming into the fat girl she was destined to become.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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SuperPieGuy 3 years
Good story! It’s simple and I like that little touch of time travel fantasy. Thank you!
Feeder862 3 years
This story will have fifteen chapters.
Metalman 3 years
You have a great skill in writing
Doggodadog 3 years
i neeed moree
Tungstenbeast 3 years
Love this cant wait to read more smiley
Fatchance 3 years
VERY well written with nicely developing characters!
Fatchance 3 years
This is well written and thought out.
Karenjenk 3 years
This is the perfect set up.
i am excited for whats to come
Biffwalen 3 years
Amazing so far I cannot wait to see where you go with it!
Xandercroft 3 years
This might be a good one. Give me an alternate 2020. Please!