Gaining a fortune

Chapter 5 - risk

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“So you’re still working every hour under the sun?” Jamie asked a few months later, as everyone got together for a summer pool party; just as they had last year.

“Pretty much!” Michael sighed, exhausted, but knowing that it would all be worth it one day. “Are you looking forward to going back for your second year in college?” he asked, genuinely a little interested. Back in his previous timeline, Michael had already given up coming back home, and whilst he knew the basics of Jamie’s life from this point onwards, he hadn’t really taken any interest. He certainly hadn’t realised how badly he had taken the break-up with his girlfriend last time. Now that he was less wrapped-up in his own teenage world, Michael realised that there really was something to be said for supporting and helping his friends through their tough times.

“Yeah, I am,” Jamie smiled. “A new semester and a fresh start, he grinned, raising his beer and toasting to the sentiment with Michael.

Also in attendance, Lori ran into the pool and dive-bombed; suddenly acting five years younger now that she was surrounded by her old cheerleader friends, back from college for the summer. But as she got out of the pool, Michael saw Jamie notice the changes to Lori’s body. Six months in sales had already taken its toll on the girl. Her bikini from last summer appeared considerably tighter, emphasising the unfortunate build-up of fat she was starting to collect on her thighs and stomach. Her arms too, had lost their athletic appearance, whilst her already stunning breasts now looked even larger; squished as they were into her old swimming attire. As she strutted around, the softer padding on her butt was clearly evident as well, and the girl’s face too, also seemed as if it had filled out a little.

“Geez, what happened to Lori?” Jamie asked, energising Michael’s crotch with his words of shock.

“Oh, yeah!” Michael agreed, turning around and pretending to notice for the first time. “She’s gained a few pounds; that’s for sure!” The beautiful Lori had been popping in to the fast food joint a lot more regularly since she’d been working in sales and, on the last occasion, Michael had even managed to get her number; under the guise of being interested in her products. Now, with Jamie here, he slipped his hand into his pocket and selected Lori’s number, dialling it and placing the cell phone back into his pocket. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as Lori saw her cell phone light up on the table beside her and she answered.

“She’s so cute though, don’t you think?” Michael asked Jamie, knowing that Lori was listening in to their conversation and thinking that Michael’s phone was calling her accidentally.

“Lori?” Jamie asked, clearly surprised. “You’ve got a crush on Lori?”

“Hell yes!” Michael laughed. “She’s gorgeous! Hands down the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life!” Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Lori still had her cell phone to her ear, taking an interest in what they were saying about her. “She comes in to the restaurant sometimes and I just turn to mush!”

“Really?” Jamie asked in disbelief. “She’s a bit… well, she’s filled out a bit now though, don’t you think?”

Michael winced slightly. He could have done without Jamie referencing her weight. “I think it suits her,” he countered immediately. “She looks even sexier with a bit more shape to her!” he chuckled at his own enthusiasm.

“Well, whatever gets you going!” Jamie laughed. “She's a beautiful girl. I don’t like your chances though,” he smiled, having heard a couple of months ago that Lori was now engaged to her boyfriend, Kieran.

“I know!” Michael sighed theatrically. “Kieran doesn’t even deserve her. If I was going out with a girl like that, I’d treat her so much better than he does. I mean, look at him! He’s just over there, chatting to his meat-heat friends. The jerk's not paid her any attention all evening!” he grumbled, still checking that Lori was listening in across the pool.

Even with Jamie's less flattering comments, Lori had a small, genuine smile plastered across her angelic face.

It was a risky strategy and yet, somehow, it had just played out beautifully.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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SuperPieGuy 3 years
Good story! It’s simple and I like that little touch of time travel fantasy. Thank you!
Feeder862 3 years
This story will have fifteen chapters.
Metalman 3 years
You have a great skill in writing
Doggodadog 3 years
i neeed moree
Tungstenbeast 3 years
Love this cant wait to read more smiley
Fatchance 3 years
VERY well written with nicely developing characters!
Fatchance 3 years
This is well written and thought out.
Karenjenk 3 years
This is the perfect set up.
i am excited for whats to come
Xandercroft 3 years
This might be a good one. Give me an alternate 2020. Please!