Gaining a fortune

Chapter 6 - jackpot!

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“Hey, Michael, I think you called me by accident earlier,” Lori smiled, holding up her cell phone a couple of hours later.

“Did I?” Michael asked, pretending to check. “I’m so sorry!” he lied, making to study the call log. “It must have gone off in my pocket without me realising.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Lori smiled smugly, as if she had one over on him.

“What’s that look for?” Michael asked, pretending to be caught off guard by her.

“Oh, nothing, nothing…” she smiled, clearly pleased with herself. She swept her hair back from her porcelain face. “I’ve had so much wine tonight,” she sighed, already making excuses for what she was about to say. “And your cute little lips have been staring at me all night.”

With that, Lori pulled Michael’s arm and expertly slipped them both into the empty bathroom, locking the door shut.

“I know you want me,” she whispered, slipping down her bikini bottoms and leaning in for a passionate kiss.

Michael was stunned. He stood there, with his hands by his sides, unsure where to put them. All he had wanted to do was to let Lori know that he was attracted to her. Now he was here, being kissed by this beautiful girl, in a tiny downstairs bathroom.

“I heard you speaking to your friend,” she smiled, enjoying how much control she had in this situation, and thoroughly believing that she had heard something she wasn’t supposed to. She unhooked her bikini top, releasing her large breasts, which had been squished into the small material all evening. Now the chubbier girl stood entirely naked in front of Michael; wanting him to see her whole body and lose himself to it.

"You did…?” Michael asked, pretending to be embarrassed. He tried to look her in the face, he really did. But those breasts had stolen every other thought process in his mind. They were so large and round, freshly swollen from a good amount of weight gain in the last few months.

“I did!” Lori nodded delightedly; starting to handle and play with her giant breasts; teasing Michael to come and play with her.

“Is this the wine talking?” Michael asked, still not daring to make a move.

“No. This is a woman, who’s been ignored by her fiancé all evening,” Lori explained, shaking her head. She gently took Michael’s hands and brought them up to her chest, perfectly placing them both where Michael had been unable to stop looking. “Why don’t you come and show your appreciation for the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen in your life. The one who looks even sexier with a bit more shape to her,” she suggested, quoting Michael’s words exactly.

“You’re serious?” Michael asked, unable to stop his lips moving towards her once more, whilst his hands began to massage her chest. He felt his shirt being lifted and he unbuckled his pants, returning again and again to kiss the stunning Lori. However, when he leaned in the next time, he felt the girl’s hands pushing down on his head. He allowed himself to fall down, his lips passing by her neck, between her breasts and then her chubbier stomach. Then his head had been stopped, with his mouth now perfectly positioned between Lori’s legs, before a gentle push from behind, guided him to his final destination. He cupped his hands around Lori’s surprisingly soft buttocks and worked his tongue with more effort that he had ever made in his entire life. He wasn’t just pleasing the Lori that stood before him now; he was imagining the woman she would become. As his hands kneaded her already blubbery butt cheeks, he imagined how large they would grow; remembering how humungous they had been at the reunion. He thought about those monstrous, wide thighs and the tummy of pure lard, that wold one day have to rest on a guy's head, if a man was to please her like this again.

“Oh, fuck!” Lori moaned, obviously surprised by how intense the immediate pleasure was. She placed her hands on the back of Michael’s head and pulled him in even closer, daring him to get his tongue as deep as possible.

By the time Michael inserted himself inside her, the chubby girl was more than ready for him.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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SuperPieGuy 3 years
Good story! It’s simple and I like that little touch of time travel fantasy. Thank you!
Feeder862 3 years
This story will have fifteen chapters.
Metalman 3 years
You have a great skill in writing
Doggodadog 3 years
i neeed moree
Tungstenbeast 3 years
Love this cant wait to read more smiley
Fatchance 3 years
VERY well written with nicely developing characters!
Fatchance 3 years
This is well written and thought out.
Karenjenk 3 years
This is the perfect set up.
i am excited for whats to come
Xandercroft 3 years
This might be a good one. Give me an alternate 2020. Please!