Gaining a fortune

Chapter 10 - the bold and the beautiful

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Lori continued to pop back into town every now and then; always being sure to stop by and order some fast food.

So far, despite their endless flirtations, the ever inflating woman had resisted her clear urge for another round with Michael; who no longer cared that Lori was married. Even if he was out of the picture, Michael knew from future events that the pair ended up divorcing. In fact, as awful as it was to admit to himself, if anything, he enjoyed the thrill of chasing a married woman. Lori enjoyed it too; Michael could see it in her eyes, which sparkled in delight at the attention she clearly wasn’t receiving at home; then over-compensating by endlessly talking about her husband each time they met; as if that somehow made her a better wife.

Michael loved seeing her. The woman really did eat like a big girl. Standing at the till, he simply watched the glutton from afar. The way she licked her lips, and the fast movements of her round, piggish eyes, greedily taking all of the food in; her large bites and the swift swallowing; it really was obvious to Michael that this was a woman who was slowly succumbing to her great love of food.

It wasn’t as if Michael had gone without female company whilst he lusted after Lori. He had certainly made better use of his early twenties good-looks, than he had last time. But, deep down, he knew, always, that this slowly fattening Lori, camped out here in the shrinking booth, was the girl he was waiting for.

“Free milkshake for you…” Michael smiled, sitting himself down at Lori’s table, unconcerned that someone would notice him slacking off, now that he had now worked his way up to assistant manager.

“Thanks,” Lori grinned, taking the milkshake and sucking on it almost straight away. “I do love coming in here!”

“Is that because of the free food? Or, some… other reason?” Michael asked, suggestively. He smiled confidently, leaving Lori in no doubt about his interest in her. This time round, he had made more of an effort to look after himself; exercising when he could and not pumping the gallons and gallons of beer that he’d consumed when he’d previously been to college. Whereas Lori was sat here, slowly destroying her metabolism, Michael had never been in better shape. “How’s that fine husband of yours?” he asked, mischievously; his tone deliberately teasing.

“Oh, you know…” Lori mumbled awkwardly. “He’d have a fit if he knew I was here,” she sighed, glancing quickly down at her large breasts and stomach. Two years into a boring marriage had given her a very obvious pot belly. It pushed out from under her giant breasts and sat there now, in her lap, growing by the day; just like those wide butt cheeks that were stretching further and further out into the seat every time she came here. “I don’t seem to burn off these calories like I used to.”

“I think it suits you!” Michael stated, determined to look sincere. “If you need someone to show you that sometime…” he whispered, deciding that today was the day to be bold; taking out a card with his address on from his back pocket and sliding it across the table, “just come by my place one evening.”

Lori took the card, but looked around, uneasy; as if she had just bought drugs from a dealer.

“Now, can I get you some ice cream to finish all that?” Michael asked seductively. “What am I saying? A beautiful girl like you… of course I’m going to get you some ice cream!" he winked, standing up and heading off to get her some.

He could see it now, that ‘fat’ shape starting to take over this girl’s body. It was exciting and thrilling; watching it happen and even, he thought, pressing down to fill up an enormous container with ice cream, speeding that weight gain along.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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SuperPieGuy 3 years
Good story! It’s simple and I like that little touch of time travel fantasy. Thank you!
Feeder862 3 years
This story will have fifteen chapters.
Metalman 3 years
You have a great skill in writing
Doggodadog 3 years
i neeed moree
Tungstenbeast 3 years
Love this cant wait to read more smiley
Fatchance 3 years
VERY well written with nicely developing characters!
Fatchance 3 years
This is well written and thought out.
Karenjenk 3 years
This is the perfect set up.
i am excited for whats to come
Xandercroft 3 years
This might be a good one. Give me an alternate 2020. Please!