The weasel of malgoren

chapter 19 : sweet consequence

Sarya glared at the enormous buffet sprawling over the tea table, barely registering Evelyn’s words and her perfectly faked empathy. The overfed ex-urchin was entranced by the literal pile of pastries placed right in arms reach, and she felt her plump midsection rumble at the sight. As soon as the tall seamstress turned heels to return to the archery contest, Sarya was reaching around her massive bosom and piling cookies, tea cakes, and pastries on a small porcelain plate, feeling almost frustrated by how small and inadequate it felt compared to all the goodies she had to taste. Watching the gorgeous damsel stuff her face, one may have thought that she had been starved for days, not that the decadent glutton had enjoyed a copious breakfast in bed a mere three hours ago. Sarya demolished a pyramid of puff pastries as if she had a personal vendetta against these cream filled delights, and she was leaving a trail of devastating on the buffet. She ate without interruption, only stopping when she accidentally dropped a cookie or a fired dough ball between her gigantic melons, her cleavage apparently competing with her belly. She forgot herself faced with such abundance, and her table manners, only recently acquired under Lucy’s care, were cracking slightly to expose more of her reckless gluttony.

The archery contest was moving along, but as the competitors got eliminated one by one, none joined Sarya. Instead, they simply stood at a distance, watching this obese young beauty ruin her body in stunned fascination. Evelyn had told them she had an appetite, but this was a freakish display of debauchery none of them was ready to face. With a mixture of awe and repulsion, they watched how Sarya’s massive backside swallowed the tiny seat provided by Evelyn, making it disappear almost entirely under the blubbery cushion of her bottom. They exchanged comments and snickered with superiority. One of them pointed at how the girl’s rolled gut was biting into the table slightly, and how Sarya’s humongous melons were resting heavily against the table each time she reached for more food, menacing to tip the table over under its weight. Another noticed how the messy glutton was getting her whole front dusted in powdered sugar in the process of devouring the buffet.

When Jasmine eventually joined them, walking slowly with her childbearing figure, she couldn’t help but feel pity for Sarya, who was getting mocked without even noticing the spectacle of her own decadence. Slowly, she went past the gawking group and got closer to the overfed beauty, noticing with horror that she had already eaten by herself more than half the food that had been placed for the whole group. Then, as she reached closer, about to place a hand on the brunette’s soft shoulder, Jasmine heard something odd, a strange metallic groaning. She stopped in her track, only to see the little pathetic seat that was supporting the whole of Sarya’s bulk give up under her enormous bum, the elegant metal chair pending out of shape as the obese girl crashed on the ground with a loud fleshy thud and a high pitched scream, kicking the tea table down in her fall. The fragile chair had finally lost its mighty figt against Malgoren’s fattest bottom, just like Evelyn had planned.

Even Jasmine couldn’t help but giggle at the pathetic spectacle provided by Sarya’s self-inflicted humiliation. The enormous young lady was laying in the grass flat on her back like a tipped turtle, her stuffed belly swaying ponderously on top of her. Her lower face was obscured by the bulging mass of her oversized breasts, which smashed against her chin in her fall, leaving the fattened fence stunned and with a face full of sugary powder and crumbs that surged from her cleavage’s chasm.

Sarya’s fatty legs were exposed, the pale blubbery pillars flailing helplessly in her fall, and then on the ground while she clumsily tried to sit up, then roll over when it proved impossible. Round and plump arms were struggling to reach around her bloated curves, and then to support her enormous bulk when she finally managed to turn on her side and move to hands and knees. Her fat stomach was brushing the grass under her, and her heavy hanging udders were dragging against the ground. Pictures of a prize winning cow grazing in a field were far too easy to conjure.

A concert of laughter and poorly hidden chuckles accompanied Sarya as she slowly got back on her feet, Evelyn quickly slipped out of the group to help her stand and nimbly dust her melons and barrel sized gut from dirt and crumbs. The tall athletic woman couldn’t help but let her fingers linger slightly on the enormously fattened little thief, feeling with disgust and sadistic joy how thick and heavy the fat layer was around the girl’s figure. She was ripe for harvest, her former self completely ruined by indulgence, gluttony, and a severe lack of self-control. Sayra didn’t noticed Evelyn’s creepy admiration of her own destructive work, maybe confusing her touch with Lucy’s genuine love, or too distracted by her obliterated ego and rising insecurities to notice. The following events went like a blur for the obese orphan. Never has she been so thoroughly humiliated, her self-worth so deeply injured, even when she was spat on and kicked while scavenging for scraps in the Shanty Towns as a child. This time, she felt she had only herself to blame.

Guided by Evelyn’s ‘caring’ presence, Sarya left the park on foot, taking the long walk ahead towards her friend’s boutique. She couldn’t help but notice countless little details, as if she had been blind until then. Since when could she feel her belly rest against her thighs when standing? When did her breasts grew so big she couldn’t quite hold them both in her arms? Were her thighs rubbing so much last time she went out for a walk? When was that by the way? She couldn’t stop focusing on her quivering mass of her swaying ass cheeks, or how her enormous tits were bouncing up and down at every step, sending small waves down her bloated gut. She felt like a massive pile of jelly; everything was moving, bouncing, rippling… while once her body was toned and hard as sinew. Did she really let herself go that far without noticing? Or maybe she didn’t want to notice, maybe she preferred to keep indulging and stuffing her face until she crushed a chair with her fat ass!

After what felt like an eternity, Sarya and Evelyn reached the shop, and the tall slender fencer opened the door for her chubby victim, letting her in with a barely hidden scoff of disgust as she noticed the overfed thief was wide enough around the hips to brush the edges of the entrance with her overflowing girth. Once Sarya got inside and out of the street, she immediately leaned against a counter, left exhausted after this long strenuous walk, her blouse hugging her enormous bosom like a second skin, glued to her skin by a thin sheet of sweat. Moving with a predator’s grace, Evelyn slowly locked the front door with her key, before slipping past Sarya’s ungainly figure and vanishing in the back store through its thin door.

‘’Wait here dear. You look like you need some rest. This morning certainly didn’t went well, did it? Who would have guessed something like that could happen. Such a bad luck! Anyhow, I am not going far. I actually got something to show you… let’s say it’s a surprise. Catch your breath, I will be back in a second.’’


Her massive breasts heaving, the young criminal took a minute to recover and gather her thoughts. She felt horrified by her own situation, how she let herself grow into something so inherently opposed to what she used to be, a nimble street urchin, a quick footed thief, someone in control, capable of seizing any opportunity. She felt weighted down by her own bulk, a clumsy and helpless shell of herself. Why didn’t Evelyn or Lucy warned her? She felt lied to, but maybe this came from a place of love, the ones closest to her no wanted to hurt her feelings. The worst was that she could still remember the taste of her decadent feasts on her tongue, and caught herself wanting more, the mere thought making her sick with self-loathing. Was she nothing more than a big gluttonous cow, a top heavy pile of lard? There wasn't much Weasel left in her.

Sarya was still frozen into this body dismorphic state of shock when Evelyn stepped back in the store, carrying a box in her long toned arms.
‘’I hope you are ready darling. I wanted to show you a dress I created for a costumer last year. She was a young heiress from the North countries, a foreign visitor. By a wild twist of fate, it returned to me... I was certain I would never see this dress again. Come see it, please. Brace yourself, I am certain it won’t leave you indifferent.’’

Evelyn gently placed the box on the counter by Sarya’s side, before stepping back with a raptorial grace. Behind her slender waist was hidden her dagger sheet, and her experienced fingers wrapped themselves around it’s hilt when she pulled her hands behind her back. The time of reckoning had come, at last.
23 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 1 year
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Letters And ... 1 year
Well this is great! Completely apart from the kinkiness (which is very nice) you’ve created an interesting fantasy city that really feels alive. Well done for sure. A happy ending, some day? Revenge?
SilverPathfi... 1 year
Thank you! I still have a few plot points planned, but this is a story that really grew out of its original intents. I don't have a clear ending in sight, but I am not always kind to my characters ^^'
Ripley84 1 year
oh god this story is amazing. the glorious details of her gain and the increasing burdens her weight causes. simply amazing! I hope she grows much much more!
SilverPathfi... 1 year
Thank you :3
Karenjenk 1 year
23-Ive missed this one a LOT
had to go back and read it fomr the beginning
Karenjenk 3 years
18- its been a month and thins one kind of slipped from my mind.
I love how you describe her changes with the archery conpetition
Danget 3 years
Is it weird that immediately hate Evelyn? I don't know if that is intentional or not, but I really don't like her attitude.

Great story btw.
Derhikingviking 3 years
Nice, really like the worldbuilding in this