To study a feedee


chapter 3 - desperate times

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It was only a month into the semester and every single girl in the Deep Dives in Online Personalities course had made it a ritual to march straight to the nearby cafeteria for their post-lecture binge eating session. Julie, Stef, and Sarah all sat together in a corner table, a mountain of food stacked before them as they shoved their faces full of the greasiest food they could find on the menu. The girls figured that quantity simply wasn’t enough and took notes on the types of foods their research subjects were ingesting. Salads, greens, and fruit were quickly eliminated from their diets, making way for ice cream, burgers, and any kind of delicious, sugary, processed junk food.

Today had been their first weigh in since they had begun gaining and after a full month of non stop eating, the physical changes to their bodies was already apparent for the onlookers that passed by.

“You know… I really tried to avoid checking my weight during the first month and I think I already regret that decision. I didn’t want to gain THAT much weight” Julie said as she shoved a fried chicken sandwich into her mouth. Based on her starting weight, Julie only needed to reach 148 pounds to make her first month goal, but was shocked to find out that her actual weight had soared up to 158 pounds, a whopping 35-pound gain in only four weeks. No longer the skinny girl she had always been, a soft layer of flesh had settled across her body as her belly and ass ballooned forward, giving her overall appearance the classic chubby look. “I 100% blame Stephen, he is completely into this experience and insists on feeding me constantly, I think he might actually want me to become obese.”

“Yeah girl we know, we live with you. He's over at our place so often he might as well start paying rent” Stef said unenthusiastically as she dipped her mozzarella stick into her favorite sauce. “Are you two a couple yet? I was watching the video you posted last night where he fed you half a chocolate cake while rubbing your belly and based on the look you gave him… well let’s just say I thought you were going to jump his bones right there.”

“Who’s to say I didn’t?” Julie said with a cute smirk.

Stef cracked a smile as she scanned her friends face. “Wait, are you guys actually hooking up? You’ve been spending a lot of time together, but I figured you were doing school work.”

“I’m not saying we’re together or anything, but him feeding me has been strangely sexual… He kissed my chocolate-covered lips the other night and one thing led to another…”

As the two girls laughed, Sarah ate quietly beside them, her eyes in dismay as she nibbled on her fried fish. Noticing her friend’s demeanor, Julie scooted closer and placed a chubby arm around her. “It'll be ok Sarah, we're going to help you. We’re not going to let our friend fail.”

Sarah managed to crack a faint smile and nodded affirmatively, but the reality was that she had already fallen the rest of the class. After only gaining 15 of the 25 pounds she needed to reach her monthly quota, the now 133-pound beauty looked only slightly chubby despite her much smaller stature.

“I don’t know guys, I just haven’t had the same appetite as you. I keep eating but I get full so quickly… I’m afraid of failing this class but so far all of the appetite stimulants I’ve been taking just haven’t worked. It’s like my body has a built-in defense that refuses to let me gain weight.”

The group sat in silence for a moment as the girls exchanged glances before Sarah’s assigned teammate Adam walked by and gave the group a nervous yet friendly wave. As Stef watched her friend smile and wave back, an idea came to her.

“So Sarah, how are things between you and Adam? It sounds like Julie and Stephen are already very familiar with each other. Has Adam tried to make any moves on you?”

“Not really… to be honest he’s still very shy. You can tell under the surface that he’s really into our feeding sessions and he’s made a few comments like ‘you look so much better with the extra weight’ but he’s still hesitant to make a move. I’ve caught him looking at me funny a few times though. Why do you ask?”

“Welllll, I know this is a crazy idea, but if your body is actively fighting your attempts to gain weight then maybe it’s time you throw a wrench into your system.”

Sarah looked at her blonde friend nervously. “What are you thinking?”

“What if, and hear me out, you let Adam get you pregnant? I have known girls who were tiny twigs just like you, but a single pregnancy completely rewrote their appetites and turned them into massive cows. I bet with a baby growing inside, you could turn into an eating machine. Plus, you’ll get so fat I don’t think the professor will even notice you’re pregnant. The baby will just be buried under your massive gut by the end of the semester.”

Sarah’s face flushed with embarrassment as eyes flew wide open. “Stef, that plan is insane. Getting pregnant would change my life forever.”

Stef stood from her seat and grabbed her backpack as she prepared to leave. “Well look, you’ve got a really hot guy who is clearly into you, seems nice, AND he wants you to become a huge fatty; those are hard to come by babe. Failing this class will also change your life forever, so I guess the question you need to ask yourself is, do you think you’ll pass this class if you don’t get pregnant?”

Sarah fidgeting in her seat as she watched her friend walk away. Despite ordering the exact same meal her friends had already devoured, her body was already refusing to eat despite her plate sitting half-full. Sighing, she put down her fork and looked to Julie.

“Guess it’s time to put a baby in me.”
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Ardentsnowman 1 month
Love the story, so glad I found it!

I see you closed you DeviantArt account... Is there a way to get a long form version of this story, since it is completed?

Busy reading through your other works!
Crudeatoms 3 years
I'm so humbled and excited that one of my stories inspired such an enchanting masterpiece. Keep up the amazing work, my friend smiley
SLDB 3 years
Thank you to everyone for making this my most liked and most viewed story to date! The final chapter will be coming out later today so be on the lookout!
SLDB 3 years
Two chapters remain! Hoping to have them out in the next couple of days.
SLDB 3 years
@big easy

Oh don't you worry, there's a big reveal coming up with her!
Big Easy 3 years
What an amazing story! I hope you continue! I'd love to see how big Professor Cadbury has gotten smiley
Karenjenk 3 years
That's totally ok for the slow down....
take your time
keep this going
I love your story and I bet eveyrone who reads it does too.

I love the hint of mental changes too and
SLDB 3 years
Sorry for the slowdown in development, work has been demanding this week. Hoping to get back into the daily rhythm shortly.
SLDB 3 years
A lot of changes happening both physically and mentally... I have a feeling the spring semester is going to be quite interesting!
Xandercroft 3 years
Spiritual sequel to broadening your perspective. Excellent so far and exciting. Not so much for the preg stuff but it’s good
SLDB 3 years
This next chapter... oh my 🔥
Girlcrisis 3 years
Looks like another great story in the making from you. Can’t wait to see how it all unfolds!
Karenjenk 3 years
This is worth waiting a day or two between chapters.
I have an idea though but not about your story and its for all the authors out there.
Ok, so, i forget where the story left off while waiting for a new chapter.
so. would it be possible to put a d
Karenjenk 3 years
I love the start and set up to this. It's going ot get better and better
Sj_kettelkamp 3 years
This is a really fun premise. I'm excited to see more!
FatBellyLover69 3 years
Really good story so far. I can’t wait to read more!
SLDB 3 years
I'm really excited about this one. We will follow the girls throughout the year as both their bodies and mentalities change over time!

Inspired by "Broadening Your Perspective - Gluttony" by crudeatoms on Deviantart.