To study a feedee


chapter 5 - gaining happiness

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As the leaves across campus began to change color, the chilly winds sweeping across campus heralded the season of Fall as many of the students donned their warmer weather clothing for the first time in months. Halloween was fast approaching for the three growing psychology students and as they prepared for their next weigh-in, Julie found herself spending more time with her assigned partner Stephen. After weeks of complaints from her roommates about the noises coming from her bedroom, the two had decided to shift their activities over to his place, where she now found herself spending the majority of her time.

“Stephen get in here I’m about to weigh myself!” Julie shouted throughout the one-bedroom apartment. Pulling out the scale, the newly thickened 5’2” Asian girl laid the equipment on the ground before slowing easing her clothing off. Two warm hands gently brushed her love handles from behind before moving forward, cupping her belly as she felt her now boyfriend Stephen pressing himself against her rear. “How does my plump piggy feel about the weigh-in? Think you’re still on track to pass the class?” he said with a teasing shake of her belly fat.

Julie giggled as she pulled his arms from her midsection, stepping on the scale as the numbers lit up. “Guess we’ll see!”




The number quickly soared past her starting weight of 123 pounds and when the screen began to blink, the number “187” flashed before her eyes. “Holy shit, I now weigh 187 pounds. Fuck Stephen… I’ve gained 64 pounds in only two months. How is that even possible? I only need to weigh 173 at the next weigh-in to be on track!”

As Stephen eyed his girlfriend up and down, he had to admit that she looked like an entirely different person from the thin girl he had met in early September. Starting from the floor, Julie’s ankles had begun to swell from the additional weight she was now carrying around campus each day. Her once lean and athletic thighs had become thick slabs of meat, devouring her thigh gap and giving her natural walking motion a subtle hint of a developing waddle. Further above, Julie had never had an ass to write home about, but the additional weight had molded her unimpressive behind into quite the thick booty, featuring two basketball-sized cheeks with increasing amounts of cellulite that jiggled and swayed with each step.

Much like Julie’s lower half, her top half belonged to a girl crossing the threshold between very chubby and downright fat. Her thin fingers had plumped up alongside her hands while a thick layer of adipose now coated each arm, robbing her appendages of any definition. Her plump arms transitioned into rounded shoulders which melded perfectly with her growing back fat. In front, her modest B cup breasts had grown into bountiful Ds, her areola doubling in size to match her now fleshy breasts as they drooped further towards the ground, their youthful shape slowly disappearing with each passing day.

Then there was the sack of body fat that Stephen was most excited about. Julie’s slim stomach had ballooned forth from months of overeating, forming a thick layer of wobbling fat that now stuck out past her breasts. Somewhere between a large potbelly and a starter paunch, Julie’s gut had become the defining characteristic of her body, and he couldn’t wait to see just how big he could make it.

Stephen was brought back to reality after an awkward moment of gawking at his girlfriend’s body when he found Julie’s chubby face right in front of his.

“Hey buddy, did you hear any of that? Or were you too busy staring at my fat body?”

Stephen blinked incredulously as if he was waking from a trance. “Uhh yeah… sorry, you’re just… really fucking hot. Guess I got lost in your body.”

“Well that’s cute and all but don’t you think we should slow down? At this rate I’m going to be a 350-pounder by the end of the year!” she said as she put the scale back into storage.

As the two walked back into the living room, Julie opened her laptop while Stephen looked around at the mess of candy wrappers his girlfriend had left from her breakfast. “I mean, I’m not complaining. Maybe I want a morbidly obese girlfriend? Ever think of that?”

Julie shrugged off the comment as she opened her profile on the gaining website their class had been using. “Well I guess you’re lucky this class is forcing me to gain weight. I would never intentionally gain weight like this if I had no choice. I’m becoming such a wale.”

Stephen sat beside his girlfriend as he watched her scroll through the pictures and videos they had posted online for the class. “I don’t know, you seem to be really enjoying it. I mean look at your smile in these pictures, you look so happy.”

“Yeah whatever” Julie said dismissively. “I have to admit, it has been nice just getting to eat whatever I like. Plus, this class did connect us together.” A smile crossed her plump face as the two kissed. “But I’m not sure if I want to be a fatty forever.”

“Well… look, you’re crazy hot already and only becoming more beautiful with each additional pound. I think you’d make a beautiful fat girl, so don’t go making any plans to lose the weight once the class is over!” Stephen hopped off his chair and gave his girlfriend’s exposed rear-end a stinging slap as he walked into the other room.

The words echoed in Julie’s mind as she looked at her fattened self on the computer. She had never considered keeping the weight once the class was over, but staring at her fattened form on the screen, she had to admit that the girl before her looked as happy as could be.

“Hey babe, do you want to go get some ice cream with me?”
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Ardentsnowman 1 month
Love the story, so glad I found it!

I see you closed you DeviantArt account... Is there a way to get a long form version of this story, since it is completed?

Busy reading through your other works!
Crudeatoms 3 years
I'm so humbled and excited that one of my stories inspired such an enchanting masterpiece. Keep up the amazing work, my friend smiley
SLDB 3 years
Thank you to everyone for making this my most liked and most viewed story to date! The final chapter will be coming out later today so be on the lookout!
SLDB 3 years
Two chapters remain! Hoping to have them out in the next couple of days.
SLDB 3 years
@big easy

Oh don't you worry, there's a big reveal coming up with her!
Big Easy 3 years
What an amazing story! I hope you continue! I'd love to see how big Professor Cadbury has gotten smiley
Karenjenk 3 years
That's totally ok for the slow down....
take your time
keep this going
I love your story and I bet eveyrone who reads it does too.

I love the hint of mental changes too and
SLDB 3 years
Sorry for the slowdown in development, work has been demanding this week. Hoping to get back into the daily rhythm shortly.
SLDB 3 years
A lot of changes happening both physically and mentally... I have a feeling the spring semester is going to be quite interesting!
Xandercroft 3 years
Spiritual sequel to broadening your perspective. Excellent so far and exciting. Not so much for the preg stuff but it’s good
SLDB 3 years
This next chapter... oh my 🔥
Girlcrisis 3 years
Looks like another great story in the making from you. Can’t wait to see how it all unfolds!
Karenjenk 3 years
This is worth waiting a day or two between chapters.
I have an idea though but not about your story and its for all the authors out there.
Ok, so, i forget where the story left off while waiting for a new chapter.
so. would it be possible to put a d
Karenjenk 3 years
I love the start and set up to this. It's going ot get better and better
Sj_kettelkamp 3 years
This is a really fun premise. I'm excited to see more!
FatBellyLover69 3 years
Really good story so far. I can’t wait to read more!
SLDB 3 years
I'm really excited about this one. We will follow the girls throughout the year as both their bodies and mentalities change over time!

Inspired by "Broadening Your Perspective - Gluttony" by crudeatoms on Deviantart.