To study a feedee


chapter 8 - vacation plans

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Julie’s breathing had become loud and animalistic as she gasped for air, a layer of cool sweat coating her body as she struggled to catch her breath. Her eyes were open, yet the thick layer of cloth circling her head prevented her from seeing anything other than a wall of darkness. She was sitting upright in a sturdy wooden chair, the only cushion being her inflated ass cheeks that had been less than half their current size only a few months prior. She struggled against the bindings that held her two arms behind her back, but her captor’s knot had proven to be more than formidable.

“That’s a good fatty” the man said as he patted her belly, the force causing her abdominal fat to ripple and shake. “Two down. One to go.”

Julie feebly groaned in protest but could hardly manage to articulate her discomfort. Her captor had already shoved two pints of ice cream down her throat and judging by the sound of the freezer door closing, the third serving was now en route.

“Uggghh pleaseeee… No more…”

Her words were feint, hardly louder than a whisper. The man simply smirked as he popped open the top of the container and took a seat down next to her. “I said you were eating three, and you’re going to eat three.” Julie whined as she wiggled in her seat. Her stomach felt as though it were on the verge of popping, another container would surely do the trick.

“Open up pig, here comes the slop.”

Julie’s mouth hesitantly cracked open before a large spoonful of minty chocolate was forced into her mouth, her tongue lapping up the wondrous flavor before a large gulp sent the calorie bomb tumbling down her throat. “BBRRR-UUURRPPP!”

The man gave her belly another rub as he teased his pet. “That’s such a good girl. Do you like being my big fat slut?”

As Julie opened her mouth to answer, another large scoop was inserted into her mouth. She knew he didn’t want her to speak. That would prevent her from eating, and eating was priority number one. Chewing and swallowing another scoop, she simply nodded affirmatively.

“Do you like it when I call you fat? I mean, you certainly can’t deny it anymore. You’re getting fucking huge. Frankly I’m amazed that chair can even handle your fat ass.”

Julie nodded before whimpering once again, only this time it was due to the heat building down below. Grinding her thick legs together, the man could tell that his fatty was getting turned on. “Oh piggy really likes it, doesn’t she?” Before she could respond, another spoonful of delicious ice cream was shoved down her throat. Soon the ice cream feeding intensified. Spoonful after spoonful was shoved into her mouth as the taunts continued. Finally after what felt like an eternity, the container was empty and her stomach was on the verge of exploding.


Julie was delirious. The full stomach. The uncontrollable heat below. It was too much. Staring into the darkness, she heard the ice cream container rest on the floor before another chair dragged close by. Soon her captor’s hands were upon her. With one rubbing her belly and another working her clit, Julie gasped loudly as she began to shake in her chair.

“You’ve been such an amazing fatty for me, I think you deserve a treat.”

Julie’s moans filled her boyfriend’s apartment as her body caught fire. Her subtle layer of sweat quickly multiplying as a puddle began to form around her thick ass cheeks.

“You’re already almost 230 pounds and it’s not even December,” Stephen’s words whispered into her ear. “All your friends are going to be fat, but you’re going to be huge.”

Her moans turned to gasps as her climax drew near.

“I’m going to make you into a big, fat, pregnant pig. You’re going to be all mine. You won’t need to worry about anything but eating and breeding. Is that what you want?”

“Yrreessssssssss aaaahhhhh... yssssssaaaAAAHHHHHH YYYEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!”

Julie screamed as her body convulsed in her chair, her fat form jiggling wildly as she lost control of her muscles. Moans alternated with belches as her body was overwhelmed. When she had finally calmed down, she was drenched in sweat, helplessly slumped in her chair. Breathing loudly, she felt a kiss on her cheek before she heard Stephen stand from his chair.

“Good. Because I think you could use another pint.”
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Ardentsnowman 1 month
Love the story, so glad I found it!

I see you closed you DeviantArt account... Is there a way to get a long form version of this story, since it is completed?

Busy reading through your other works!
Crudeatoms 3 years
I'm so humbled and excited that one of my stories inspired such an enchanting masterpiece. Keep up the amazing work, my friend smiley
SLDB 3 years
Thank you to everyone for making this my most liked and most viewed story to date! The final chapter will be coming out later today so be on the lookout!
SLDB 3 years
Two chapters remain! Hoping to have them out in the next couple of days.
SLDB 3 years
@big easy

Oh don't you worry, there's a big reveal coming up with her!
Big Easy 3 years
What an amazing story! I hope you continue! I'd love to see how big Professor Cadbury has gotten smiley
Karenjenk 3 years
That's totally ok for the slow down....
take your time
keep this going
I love your story and I bet eveyrone who reads it does too.

I love the hint of mental changes too and
SLDB 3 years
Sorry for the slowdown in development, work has been demanding this week. Hoping to get back into the daily rhythm shortly.
SLDB 3 years
A lot of changes happening both physically and mentally... I have a feeling the spring semester is going to be quite interesting!
Xandercroft 3 years
Spiritual sequel to broadening your perspective. Excellent so far and exciting. Not so much for the preg stuff but it’s good
SLDB 3 years
This next chapter... oh my 🔥
Girlcrisis 3 years
Looks like another great story in the making from you. Can’t wait to see how it all unfolds!
Karenjenk 3 years
This is worth waiting a day or two between chapters.
I have an idea though but not about your story and its for all the authors out there.
Ok, so, i forget where the story left off while waiting for a new chapter.
so. would it be possible to put a d
Karenjenk 3 years
I love the start and set up to this. It's going ot get better and better
Sj_kettelkamp 3 years
This is a really fun premise. I'm excited to see more!
FatBellyLover69 3 years
Really good story so far. I can’t wait to read more!
SLDB 3 years
I'm really excited about this one. We will follow the girls throughout the year as both their bodies and mentalities change over time!

Inspired by "Broadening Your Perspective - Gluttony" by crudeatoms on Deviantart.