To study a feedee


chapter 9 - try out

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Stef stepped out her bathroom and strutted her mostly naked body towards Daniel, spinning herself around to show off the new bright pink underwear she had recently purchased with her fan’s donations.

“So, what do you think? I bought these a few days ago. I’ve been buying so much damn clothing lately that I just went ahead and got a few pairs in a slightly bigger size, so these might be a little loose.”

Daniel sat on his girlfriend’s bed and stared at her wondrous body in awe, feeling himself stir down below as he struggled to pull his eyes away from her enormous ass. The 5’5” blonde’s body had continued to develop into the perfect plus-size hourglass. Equipped with the most perfectly rounded ass cheeks he had ever seen, Stef’s half-a-million Instagram followers had dubbed her the “blonde bomber” because her ass always made a mess of their rooms. While he learned quickly that she did not appreciate the title, neither of them could argue with the money coming in from her content.

Finally pulling his attention to the thin string of fabric clinging to her waist, Daniel couldn’t help but notice that the underwear didn’t look loose at all. In fact, if he had to wager, he’d say it was a little snug if anything. “It’s sexy as fuck babe. I can’t wait for your growing ass to completely consume that string,” he said as he tried to poke the fabric and push it between her soft mounds.

Smacking his hand away, Stef scolded him as she made her way back into the bathroom. “I swear you men are all the same! Always thinking about how much I’m going to weigh in the future when you’ve got a gorgeous bombshell standing before you. Well you can keep dreaming like the rest of my followers.”

Daniel stood from the bed and followed her into the bathroom, coming up from behind and wrapping his arms around her as the two stared at each other in the mirror.

“If they’re anything like me, they’d love to see this beautiful body of yours devour those panties whole. It would be so sexy for that string to get wedged deep between those wonderful, jiggling orbs,” he said almost seductively as he kissed her neck. “Oh, and when your belly droops so low that it covers the front of your underwear – when people can’t tell if you’re even wearing underwear because it’s hidden by your fat – that’s when you know you’re officially obese.”

Stef closed her eyes and whimpered slightly as her skin become overly sensitive. She was still very hesitant to indulge in the weight gain culture she had been pushed into, but Daniel’s constant teasing had made it even harder to keep control. She had been trying her best to only gain the minimum amount of weight each month just to pass the class, but between her fan base and her boyfriend’s constant pressuring, her will to one day regain her skinny figure was beginning to break down.

“Aaahhhhhh… babe you know I want to keep this weight under control… and maybe even lose some pounds when this class is over.”

Daniel’s hands moved up her body, removing her bra and releasing her growing DD breasts as he massaged them in his hands. “Oh? Is it already just ‘some pounds?’ Whatever happened to getting back to your old weight?”

Stef winced as Daniel flicked her enlarged nipples, the heat of desire beginning to grow within. “Yeah well, this girl is getting used to the money and attention. My followers wouldn’t love it if I were to becoming skinny again. If I’m going to protect my brand, then this booty is my number one asset.”

Daniel felt his girlfriend press her rear into him, his stiff member slightly wedging itself between her soft cheeks. He had been working her mind for weeks, doing his best to convince her to choose and accept obesity. “Well… we wouldn’t want you to lose that, now would we? Just be ready though, your figure might be holding back that belly of yours for now, but it’s going to catch up sooner or later. Then your followers will truly worship you.”

Stef’s natural shape had prevented much of her weight gain from flowing to her stomach and she didn’t love the idea of her belly “catching up” with the rest of her. She had seen the growing paunches on her two best friends and knew it would soon be her turn, she just wasn’t ready to admit it.

Daniel’s left hand continued to flick her sensitive nipple as his right began to softly skim the surface of her skin as it traveled south, digging underneath the light fabric of her soaked underwear as his fingers found their target. Stef bucked as her boyfriend made contact, gasping as she found herself leaning further into him.

“Mmmm I’d say you’ve got about 30 pounds of runway left, then that gut of yours is going to come in real fast.”

Stef’s eyes remained closed as she whimpered, her head weakly shaking “no” as she softly groaned in his arms. Daniel’s fingers began to play her body like an instrument, hitting all the right notes to make her play his favorite song.

“Oh yes… You’re destined to be a big, beautiful, fat woman. You know what every BBWs calling card is? A massive, flabby, protruding belly.”

As Stef’s body reached its climax, her body went limp as Daniel used his strength to catch her. Pulling her up and hugging her intimately, Daniel’s overweight girlfriend spasmed in his arms as he kissed her forehead.

He had her wrapped around his finger.
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Ardentsnowman 1 month
Love the story, so glad I found it!

I see you closed you DeviantArt account... Is there a way to get a long form version of this story, since it is completed?

Busy reading through your other works!
Crudeatoms 3 years
I'm so humbled and excited that one of my stories inspired such an enchanting masterpiece. Keep up the amazing work, my friend smiley
SLDB 3 years
Thank you to everyone for making this my most liked and most viewed story to date! The final chapter will be coming out later today so be on the lookout!
SLDB 3 years
Two chapters remain! Hoping to have them out in the next couple of days.
SLDB 3 years
@big easy

Oh don't you worry, there's a big reveal coming up with her!
Big Easy 3 years
What an amazing story! I hope you continue! I'd love to see how big Professor Cadbury has gotten smiley
Karenjenk 3 years
That's totally ok for the slow down....
take your time
keep this going
I love your story and I bet eveyrone who reads it does too.

I love the hint of mental changes too and
SLDB 3 years
Sorry for the slowdown in development, work has been demanding this week. Hoping to get back into the daily rhythm shortly.
SLDB 3 years
A lot of changes happening both physically and mentally... I have a feeling the spring semester is going to be quite interesting!
Xandercroft 3 years
Spiritual sequel to broadening your perspective. Excellent so far and exciting. Not so much for the preg stuff but it’s good
SLDB 3 years
This next chapter... oh my 🔥
Girlcrisis 3 years
Looks like another great story in the making from you. Can’t wait to see how it all unfolds!
Karenjenk 3 years
This is worth waiting a day or two between chapters.
I have an idea though but not about your story and its for all the authors out there.
Ok, so, i forget where the story left off while waiting for a new chapter.
so. would it be possible to put a d
Karenjenk 3 years
I love the start and set up to this. It's going ot get better and better
Sj_kettelkamp 3 years
This is a really fun premise. I'm excited to see more!
FatBellyLover69 3 years
Really good story so far. I can’t wait to read more!
SLDB 3 years
I'm really excited about this one. We will follow the girls throughout the year as both their bodies and mentalities change over time!

Inspired by "Broadening Your Perspective - Gluttony" by crudeatoms on Deviantart.