To study a feedee


chapter 10 - finals week

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Textbooks and candy wrappers cluttered the landscape of Sarah’s bedroom desk as the college student worked tirelessly to cram both her body and mind with new material. Fall semester finals had finally descended upon campus and the short, dark-skinned beauty had been stress eating non-stop for more than a week; the weight of her classes being felt in more ways than one. If there was any consolation for Sarah, who’s rapidly expanding body no longer fit her t-shirt as it dug into her doughy arms, it was that she didn’t have to worry about studying for her gainer personality course.

The 5’0” girl had begun the semester at a mere 118 pounds; her body so thin and frail that it risked being carried away by a particularly forceful gust of wind. Despite Sarah’s initial struggles to meet the weight gain demands of her course, her pregnancy pact with Adam had remedied her appetite deficiency. Months of hormone-induced binge eating had completely transformed her tiny physique and as the scale registered her at 211 pounds during the November weigh-in, a full 18 pounds ahead of schedule, the class cheered in aww of her accomplishment. But that had been nearly three weeks ago and Sarah had no intention of slowing down her consumption, piling on another 24 pounds on her short little body, shaping her body so that it increasingly looked more like a short ball of fat than the svelte girl she had identified as throughout her entire life.

Flipping the pages of her notes with her right hand, her left hand absentmindedly caressed her belly, the soothing sensation a much-needed comfort during the most stressful week of the year. She had been studying her notes intensely for hours before a knock on the door pulled her face towards the noise, her boyfriend Adam appearing in front of her as the door swung open.

“Hey babe, I think I got everything you wanted based on your text: 20-piece bucket of fried chicken, two sides of mashed potatoes with gravy, two biscuits, a single mac and cheese, and a two liter of Cherry Coke I picked up from the store.”

Sarah closed her notes and giggled as Adam brushed her candy wrapped to the floor, placing his girlfriend’s dinner on the desk beside her. Before Adam could even come back with napkins, she had already torn through a drumstick and was now alternating between a thigh and a biscuit. Watching her plump lips tear into the breaded meat, her newly established second chin bunching up with each bite as crumbs cascaded onto her fleshy expanse, was the hottest thing he had ever seen. As if she had been possessed by a fattening ghost, he watched her devour piece after piece of fried chicken, the sounds of chewing, belching, and moaning filling the air.

“BBRRRR-UUUURRRRRRP… Hey babe, you gona join in or just watch me stuff my face?”

Adam tried to hide his erection as he grabbed a plate, but he never stopped watching her eat as the two finished off their dinner.

“Ohhhh man, what a meal!” she said while patting her belly. Half of her gut was now poking out of the bottom of her shirt, the integrity of her clothing under duress from her small feast. Stretching her arms out to the sides, the sound of fabric tearing caused her eyes to shoot wide open as she stood completely still. “What was that?” she asked hesitantly. Gradually moving her arms around as she tried to inspect her shirt, the tearing noise returned.

Adam’s hands reached out and grabbed her corpulent belly and rear end, holding her in place. “Babe lift up your arms but do it slowly.” Eying her shirt carefully, Sarah lifted her arms all the way up, revealing a tear in the stitching down the side of the shirt. Adam gave her shirt a slight tug downward, causing the entirely of the shirt split apart, her bulbous belly flopping down with a loud smack as it escaped its prison.

For a moment, all of space and time was frozen as the two sat in stunned silence, thoughts racing through their heads. Before Sarah had met Adam, she had seen herself as an immature girl just wandering through life without purpose, but he had changed that. She had been desperate, a tiny girl struggling to pass a very straight-forward college course. When she broke down before him and asked for help, he stepped up, no questions asked. With him in her life, she had a new direction, a new purpose. He had agreed to have a child with a woman destined to nearly triple her weight, a prospect that most men on the planet would have scoffed at. Yet he supported everything: the weight, the child, and her most of all.

Sarah’s eyes wandered down towards her torso, her new mound of chin fat pushing back as she pulled her hands close to her face. The thick and greasy sausages before her were so unlike the thin digits she had always known. Her eyes moved past as they settled on her chest, her chubby hands cupping her E cup breasts and fondling them tenderly, feeling their new heft as if for the first time. They had become so shapeless, so foreign. She felt Adam place a hand underneath her protruding belly before he lifted it up, his touch nearly tickling her as he kneaded the flesh in his hands. Letting go of her sack of flesh, her belly landed with a smack as it contacted her fupa.

“My god, I’m so fat now,” Sarah said without emotion. In the moment she felt neither fear nor excitement; she had simply stated a fact.

Adam’s hands moved to the side of her shorts and, in a single motion, pulled the rest of her clothes to the ground.

“Fat and beautiful,” Adam said before placing a kiss on her plump lips. He pulled Sarah over to the bed and guided her into an upright position on her pillows. “I’ll be right back,” he said as he left the room, returning a moment later with a box of cupcakes.

Adam handed the treats to his overweight girlfriend as he positioned himself between her legs. After five minutes of tongue work the box of cupcakes was nearly gone and by the time he entered her body, her face had already become a mess of chocolate icing. Pumping away into his growing lover, Adam watched intently as her new body shook and jiggled in ways that were unfathomable only a month ago. Sarah had become so sexy and was only becoming more beautiful by the day, and she was his, all his.

“Do you like being my fat baby momma?” he finally blurted out, his thrusts intensifying as Sarah’s breasts began to smack her chubby face with each pump.

Sarah closed her eyes and smiled. Her icing-coated hands began exploring her body, grabbing her gut as she fondled her expansive belly flesh.

He had made her into this, and she loved every second of it.
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Ardentsnowman 1 month
Love the story, so glad I found it!

I see you closed you DeviantArt account... Is there a way to get a long form version of this story, since it is completed?

Busy reading through your other works!
Crudeatoms 3 years
I'm so humbled and excited that one of my stories inspired such an enchanting masterpiece. Keep up the amazing work, my friend smiley
SLDB 3 years
Thank you to everyone for making this my most liked and most viewed story to date! The final chapter will be coming out later today so be on the lookout!
SLDB 3 years
Two chapters remain! Hoping to have them out in the next couple of days.
SLDB 3 years
@big easy

Oh don't you worry, there's a big reveal coming up with her!
Big Easy 3 years
What an amazing story! I hope you continue! I'd love to see how big Professor Cadbury has gotten smiley
Karenjenk 3 years
That's totally ok for the slow down....
take your time
keep this going
I love your story and I bet eveyrone who reads it does too.

I love the hint of mental changes too and
SLDB 3 years
Sorry for the slowdown in development, work has been demanding this week. Hoping to get back into the daily rhythm shortly.
SLDB 3 years
A lot of changes happening both physically and mentally... I have a feeling the spring semester is going to be quite interesting!
Xandercroft 3 years
Spiritual sequel to broadening your perspective. Excellent so far and exciting. Not so much for the preg stuff but it’s good
SLDB 3 years
This next chapter... oh my 🔥
Girlcrisis 3 years
Looks like another great story in the making from you. Can’t wait to see how it all unfolds!
Karenjenk 3 years
This is worth waiting a day or two between chapters.
I have an idea though but not about your story and its for all the authors out there.
Ok, so, i forget where the story left off while waiting for a new chapter.
so. would it be possible to put a d
Karenjenk 3 years
I love the start and set up to this. It's going ot get better and better
Sj_kettelkamp 3 years
This is a really fun premise. I'm excited to see more!
FatBellyLover69 3 years
Really good story so far. I can’t wait to read more!
SLDB 3 years
I'm really excited about this one. We will follow the girls throughout the year as both their bodies and mentalities change over time!

Inspired by "Broadening Your Perspective - Gluttony" by crudeatoms on Deviantart.