Our life together (free preview)

Chapter 2 - our life together - part 2

“Mornin’” you say, turning your head some, a forkful of pancake with peanut butter already in your mouth.

I come into view with a smile on my face, setting a large glass of chocolate milk that looks more chocolate than milk next to your plate and giving you a peck on the forehead before walking over to set a modest, egg-white omelette before my own chair.

You smile, loving the fact that you get to wake up to me every day. I’m beautiful in all the conventional ways; a lean, toned body with a tight waist and curvy hips. A tight round ass that tells anyone looking I work out. A heart-shaped face with big blue eyes and naturally red lips, which sits under long brown hair that cascades onto my back.

Most would find it odd that such a trim person like me would be with a wideload like you.

Most would find it horrific that I was the one that made you that way.

But you don’t think about that at the moment. You just smile and grab my hand, giving it a squeeze.

“Love you. Thanks for breakfast.”

“Of course,” I say, my fingers rubbing at yours. “I love making you happy.

“You’re so good at it,” you wink, then take your hand away to pick up your knife to cut off more pancake.

I chatter on about my plans for the day taking modest cuts of my eggs as you wolf down your food. You guzzle everything down with surprising speed, barely tasting the rich and delicious food as you shove it into you, washing it all down with the milk. It’s all tasty, of course, but you’ve just become such an eager eater these days that you can’t help but let it all slip down your throat as fast as you can.

You get to eat as much as you want, might as well fully indulge.

Soon, your belly is pushing out even more than it was before, the crop top arching around it to allow for your fullness to have space. But you just lean back and grab the final piece of bacon, munching on it quickly, then putting both your hands on your belly to give it a small rub.

Once you’re done, you let out a puff of air, looking over your plate to see only crumbs.

You’re tired.

You just woke up, and yet you feel exhausted.

So you move to stand.

But you fall right back into your chair.

You try again to no success.

“Need a hand?” I ask lightly, standing easily and grabbing my plate to start cleaning up.

“No... I’ve... got it,” you respond in short breaths, setting your hands on the table and repositioning your legs. You give one last push and, with a grunt, you’re at your feet. You teeter a moment before finding your balance and beginning your waddle back to the living room.

You huff as you sit on the couch, then gingerly lay down, moving your legs onto the cushions and turning to be on your back.

You try to relax, rubbing your swollen belly slowly as you close your eyes.

You wake up an unclear amount of time later to the sound of something frying.

You take a deep breath, just enjoying the indulgent smell that wafs through the room, curious as to what it might be.

Then you check your watch and realize it’s time for work.

You smile, once gain so grateful you work from home.

You hoist yourself off the couch, still rather full from the morning but at least it only took one attempt to stand, and waddle into our home office where you plop heavily into your chair at your computer and boot it up.

You clock in and the work begins.

You begin moving through what you have on the schedule.

Yet, shortly after you begin, you hear the door to the office creak and my light footsteps.

“Hey,” you say, not turning from the computer.

“Just thought you’d like a snack,” I say, setting a plate of half a dozen homemade donuts next to you, each one drizzled with a glaze.


Thanks for reading!

The rest of this story will be posted in premium content, with a new chapter dropping... as soon as the mods approve the story for premium!

Hope you enjoyed and would love to bring you along for more fun.

2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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