Headspace cruises

chapter 1- part 2

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When Mathew said “Evelyn”, Rory could pick up on a distinct emphasis and something weird in his tone.

“She does not have a mermaid avatar. You set up Rory and I’ll create Evelyn’s.” Sam responded almost immediately. Rory watched as her face glinted in a suspicious way. He suddenly felt on edge.

“No, no, no no no.” Mathew suddenly became enthusiastic. “I will set both of them up.”

Sam lips curled into a devilish smile “There isn’t enough time. I’ll have to do Evelyn’s.”

Mathew shook his head bewildered. “Sam. You know you can’t do that.” His tone becoming serious.

She sighed in frustration and chewed on her cheek while thinking. Mathew gave Rory a look that filled him with dread.

“I’ve got it! Rory can use the pink shark skin and Mathew can create Evelyn’s mermaid skin.” Rory distinctly noticed the way Sam angrily punched on the words Mathew and Evelyn. Mathew shook his head but didn’t say anything. Andy spoke up this time, “The pink shark character skin was scrapped a while ago.”

Sam shook her head in the no direction. “Andy, you need to be getting ready, get chipped, and practice with your fins. Rory you’re with me, and Mathew please fix Evelyn’s avatar!” She gave each guy a piercing look to enforce her decision. She headed away from the group, Rory obediently following behind.


Rory found himself in a tech room sitting across from Sam. She made a determined face as she tapped away on a tech screen. He cleared his throat uncomfortably. He didn’t like the feeling that he got when Evelyn was mentioned. It was as if there was something he hadn’t uncovered yet. Jarring him from his thoughts Sam began speaking.
“Now Rory you said you were an actor right?”

“Yes M’am,” the response was instantaneous.

“So you’ll be wanting some big roles in our VR quests and shows that take place on the mainland, right?” Sam continued on.

“Oh absolutely!” Rory couldn’t hide the enthusiasm in his voice.

“Well I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Evelyn can pull those strings for you. She can write your character as the hero in the next virtual reality quest.” Sam paused for a minute.
“This pink shark character, well that’s always been one of her favorites. She designed this guy. Pay her lots of extra attention, hang around her table, and bring her lots of extra food. That will help you get your foot in the door.”

Rory felt a wave of shock. That sounded like the perfect plan.
“You know which one is Evelyn right?” Sam finished.
“Oh absolutely! Andy pointed her out to me this morning!”
Sam smiled satisfied with herself. “Good, now break a leg.”


“Alright . Get ready for the real thing. Guests are arriving now.” Sam nudged a cast member with long jet black hair.
She nodded at Sam, and over a little ear piece walkie talkie said “Guests are entering the volcano room and I will be guiding them into the grotto dining hall.”

Long strands of hair cascaded behind the woman as she walked. Her eyes were a unsettling reptilian purple. A string of pearls draped around her neck. She had large white seashells clasped to the back of her ears like fins. As each member stepped into the room their VR chips activated. Suddenly they were standing on the edge of a sand bank bordering crystal clear ocean water. Little fish in a bright rainbow of hues darted around the water near their toes. In the distance a tropical island was visible. The sea nymph like woman helped each audience member into a small wooden boat. The sun was setting over the water. Everything from sky to surf was glowing a peachy orange. The woman curled up at the back of the boat, tucking her legs underneath her. She reached over the wooden sides flexing her hands. In unison with her motions water gushed up. Pulling with her hands the bulges of water propelled the boat forward. The sudden burst of movement caused a murmur of surprise to erupt. She repeated the motion and the boat began plunging toward the island at a quicker speed. She began pulling the water further and holding longer. Tension in the water was building and it mounted until the little wooden boat was atop a giant wave. The wave was not tsunami sized but was about the height of a school bus. The crowd gasped as some individuals craned their bodies over the sides in shock. With a flick of the wrist the wave rolled back out flat, hurling the wooden boat towards the island at roller coaster speeds. All of the guests screamed. In a mere matter of moments the hurtling boat beached safely on the shore.

The beach was bordered with lush tropical plant life. One man clumsily exited the boat without looking down, and bumped a limp leg against a huge lizard. He groaned in surprise when he saw the creature underfoot. The dark haired guide scooped up the lizard, making its spiky back scales and long pink tongue visible to everyone. She held him up to her face giving him a disapproving look, before redirecting him back into the jungle. The woman led the group along the shore. They saw large comical looking crabs sidewinding across the sand. In the underbrush little spider monkeys could barely be seen but their little chirps and chatter were audible. One woman stopped to admire the bright magenta of an open bromeliad, until the guide motioned her to hurry up. Finally, the group arrived at an area where the ocean split the land in two. It created a channel flowing towards the center of the Island. The channel met up to what appeared a volcano with a cave opening at ground level. All of the guests followed their guide as she crawled into the mouth of the cave. In the center of the cave there was a pool of water. The guide looked down at it. She began spinning her finger until a raging whirlpool was swirling beneath them.
“Get in.” She commanded the first guest. He did as he was told and swam to the center. There was a gasp as the water sucked him down.
“Next!” The nymph ordered nonchalantly. One by one each somewhat hesitant guest was devoured by the swirling pool. Then slowly lowering herself into the water the guide followed.

The dive plunged her into the under the sea mermaid grotto room. Upon reaching her destination she had sprung a mermaid tail along with all of the other guests. The other newly finned mermaids swam towards their tables. The grotto had dim lighting. The walls were a sandy tan rock with unmistakable warm tones weaving throughout. Buried in the rock face behind glass was plumes of lava working as lights for the cave. Sprigs of underwater vegetation served as decor in some areas. Occasional schools of tropical fish weaved their way through the aisle of tables. A couple little fancy seahorses greeted some guests. The guide reconvened with Sam who had been waiting for her.

“Everyone seemed really impressed.” The guide muttered.
“Thanks Charlie.” Sam nodded “You always out do yourself with the mermaid conversion.”

Charlie laughed “I like drowning people I guess.” Then she stopped abruptly. She looked over Sam’s mermaid costume. Instead of a typical mermaid shell bra her chest down to her mid-drift was embellished with strings of dark jewels. Strings in varying lengths draped down to her belly button. Her breast were covered with a lace strip of fabric that was visible through the large gaps in lengths of gems.

“What happened to your other mermaid skin?” Charlie cocked her head to the side and tucked a dark strand of hair behind her ears.

“I wanted to try something different,” Sam’s tone was mock innocent. Charlie’s lips flattened in a disapproving line.
“Go escort the next group into the grotto.” Sam said ignoring the disapproving look.
“Casey!” Sam bellowed.
A younger woman adorned in a mermaid tail froze in place. She had been animatedly talking to another cast member. The group stood behind a large door and on the other side was the mermaid grotto room. Almost all the guests were seated, and the cast was impatient waiting for their cue. The movement in response to being called on caused Casey’s royal blue wavy hair to flounce dramatically around her shoulders. Rory couldn’t remember what her actual hair color was outside the simulation. Garnishing her head was a tricorn pirate hat. Twisted around the hat was firetruck red scarf, the bright red against the heavily pigmented blue hair enthralled the eye. Matched with the revealing outfit she was wearing as part of mermaid-pirate hybrid skin Rory found it hard not to stare.
“I’m right here!” Casey answered Sam.
Sam handed her a jewel embellished sword.
“You and Zach are on the sword fighting scene tonight.”
Sam paused and cleared her voice “Cast members, if you are a waiter head upstairs to the kitchen. Pirate cast please remain the the wings.”
Rory looked down at the pastel pink shark fins that replaced his hands. Was he even going to be able to carry food? He felt a twinge of jealousy pang in his chest as he followed the rest of the waiters up to the kitchen. He decided to redirect his focus on what Sam had told him.
“Extra food for Evelyn. Get your foot in the door,” he thought to himself.
He saw Andy again. It was easy to tell that Andy was toned with his shirt on but with the virtual reality skin he was ripped. His chest was completely bare. Mermaid tail scales shimmered light turquoise under the florescent lighting in the kitchen. From his pectoral muscles to his stomach his body tapered dramatically making a v-shape. He was definitely sporting a six pack. Rory watched him flash a smile at one of the kitchen workers as he was handed a plate.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I love the relationship dynamics. Nicely done.