Headspace cruises

chapter 1- part 4

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“When it all gets to be too much, leave the Virtual Reality rooms, go back to your cabin, and take off the chip. Then you’ll be yourself again.”
Rory nodded dejectedly. The tech patted him on the shoulder and then looked down at her screen.
“And presto, Goodbye big pink guy.”
Rory went to move his arms but now nothing happened. Disappointed he swam back out into the grotto. To his elation Casey was still on stage. After a couple moments he realized the prop seahorses that looked exactly like him were roaming the entire room randomly. He swam up to the front of the tables and watched Casey from the best vantage point possible.
When the show ended and the lights came up, it became abundantly clear that he could go anywhere he wanted without anyone noticing. The other waiters rushed around bringing out dessert. To his relief Evelyn’s new waiter did not seem to be trying to befriend her for career advancement purposes. The mermaid put down her food and never even looked at her, and Evelyn didn’t look up until they left.

After a while most of the guests cleared out. Rory had tried a couple times swimming up to people and he was confident he was undistinguishable from a prop seahorse. He saw Andy sit down next to a guest who was looking pretty close to drunk. His interest suddenly piqued Rory swam in closer.

The guest barked loudly at Andy “Okay, what was the deal with that big pink shark thing? It looked totally out of place” the drunk guy asked. Andy made a flinching face.
“No really, what’s the story behind that thing.” The guy insisted.
Andy still looked like he was mulling over what he had to say.
“You’re from corporate. Don’t be mad but I can’t remember what the handbook says about employee relationships.” Andy muttered.

The corporate guy laughed, “ We’ve got employees changing their appearance daily, to the most sexy humans possible. You think we can stop them from fraternizing?”

Andy looked relieved, but still didn’t speak.
“On most of our other cruise ships the entire cast has all slept with each other. It’s usually not an issue. If someone is a problem we can relocate them to a new ship.”

Andy finally opened his mouth, “The pink shark is part of a much bigger drama, caused by a failed relationship between Evelyn and Sam...” Andy looked uncomfortable. However, the corporate employees eyes sparkled, “go on.”

“As the cast manager, and character design they work a lot together, I’m pretty sure the pink shark mascot thing was the first character they created as a team. The team work on that project might have been the spark that got them together.” Andy tried to stop talking there, but the corporate employees eyebrows raised expectantly.

“They broke up because of the incident with Penny,” Andy’s voice cracked on her name. The other man’s face turned white. In a loud whisper he said “I do not want to talk about the Penny incident! You know that’s why the government officials are here..” Andy immediately interjected “Don’t worry, the crew is aware of who is part of the company and who isn’t. All of the government officials have left the virtual reality deck.” The corporate employee relaxed his shoulders.
“What do you mean that incident broke them up?” His voice becoming more demanding.

Andy took a second to look around at the mostly empty tables.
“Have you seen the tapes? All of the private virtual reality rooms on the island have security cameras.” Andy’s voice dropped again.
Rory’s little seahorse ears were burning but he didn’t dare move now.
“No, I haven’t seen them.” The man replied.
“Evelyn and Sam saw what happened to Penny in the private room, live. Evelyn wants to develop programs so that when certain people with certain interests” Andy was interrupted.

“Guys with weird or dangerous proclivities .” The corporate employee replied. Andy nodded but then stopped mid way. “The guy in the simulation mentally tortured Penny, attempted to strangle but the simulation wouldn’t let him, and set the body on fire. He paid for full VR control. Obviously, it was a simulation so there was no physical injury but that’s why she quit.” The corporate employee looked unsettled “When I was told they didn’t go into that much detail...”

Andy then continued “Evelyn wanted to develop a program so no cast member has to go in a one on one room. We could still generate the money from people who pay to be in a private virtual rooms but cast members wouldn’t be traumatized. As of right now, customer desires are too unpredictable the computer doesn’t always respond to how the person manipulates the room or instructs them correctly. After Evelyn saw what happened to Penny, when the guy requested a new playmate she went in with a device to collect data on his desires and actions in the room. Sam tried to stop her, she wasn’t comfortable with her going in..” Andy’s voice began getting quieter. Rory had to strain to hear him.
“Evelyn went in anyway, when it was done Sam deleted the original tape off the server, but sent a copy she made to all of the employees on this ship.”
The guy from corporate looked uncomfortable but didn’t speak.

Rory suddenly didn’t want to hear anymore of the story. He darted from behind their table back into the cast room. He reached toward his forehead and went to pull off the virtual chip but he heard voices and he froze before making the change.

“I didn’t program you to look thinner , it was Mathew.” Sam’s said. Rory backed up into a corner. Sure enough when he looked down the cast hall Sam was standing nose to nose with Evelyn.
Sam briskly grasped at Evelyn’s forehead, instinctively removing the chip even though it wasn’t visible. Once plucked away the veil of fantasy was destroyed and a much fatter Evelyn revealed.
“Much better.” Sam’s tone was breathy. “Was it comforting to stuff yourself silly? Did it make you feel better about seeing me again?”

Evelyn tried to scoot back away from Sam but bumped into a wall behind her. Sam’s lips curled into a snide smile. She rubbed the widest part of Evelyn’s tummy. “I bet you don’t feel comforted now. Now you’re trapped and so full you might pop.” Sam craned her neck so she could move in closer.
“It’s okay Evelyn, things can’t be the way they were before, be we can still have this.”

It was clear to Rory from Sam’s body language she was reaching in for a kiss. Rory’s stomach twisted nauseously. This was not the job he signed up for. Trying to move away from the scene not realizing it, his real body knocked into a real wall with a loud thud. He hit at an angle where his chip was knocked straight from his forehead, with a clink it loudly hit the linoleum floor.
The noise was loud enough both girl’s attention was refocused on the hall. Sam lost her balance and face planted into Evelyn’s chest.
“Get off me, someone’s in here.” Evelyn shoved Sam. Angrily Evelyn grabbed at Sam’s forehead until she found the chip and plucked it away.
“You’re drunk and you’ve eaten your way to needing a bigger shirt.” Evelyn grabbed the bottom of the pollo and tried to yank it down so it covered all of Sam’s belly but the fabric had no give.
“Go back to your cabin.” The chubbier girl whispered forcefully.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I love the relationship dynamics. Nicely done.