Headspace cruises

chapter 2- part 2

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Resting her cheek on a gently clasped fist, Sam watched bite after bite, after bite go down. Sam encouragingly grabbed more plates as the cart went by again. Keeping one for herself she began eating too. Looking up she notice a spot of whipped cream on Evelyn’s cheek. The sweet fluffy cream contrasted the salty, gritty sausage patty in Sam’s mouth. The contrast made the cream even more mesmerizing. Miserably she longed to taste the soft rich sweetness of the cream, and to feel the soft cheek underneath her lips again.

“Is she doing this on purpose?” Sam thought to herself and she contemplated for a minute. Not realizing Evelyn had noticed her drawn out stare.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” The heavier girl snapped in an irritated tone. She subconsciously followed Sam’s vacant gaze to her cheek and her finger dabbed the offending whipped cream away.
“Oh.” Evelyn said as she wiped her cheek clean.
Sam watched entranced as Evelyn’s syrup glazed lips went back to work. She felt an involuntary shudder of pleasure go down her spine as a thick bead of syrup dropped from the other girls lip down on to the plate below.
When another plate was finished Evelyn noticed the absence of Sam’s noisy eating. She looked up to the other side of the table. Sam was just staring, cheeks warm and mouth slack jawed. Evelyn suddenly felt her face warming up.
“Would you quit looking at me like that?”

Sam’s dazed look vanished and her face twisted into a malicious grin, “Maybe if you weren’t making such a pig out of yourself ..” she sneered but stopped midway. She could tell by Evelyn’s expression she had pushed the teasing to it’s limit, and anything further would result in some kind of consequence. Without missing a beat Sam dug back into her food.

Most of the guests had left by the time Evelyn and Sam’s pace had slowed down. Sam put her fork on an empty plate and stood up. Arching her back and stretching her arms up caused her belly to bulge out from under her ever tightening shirt. The ump of the stretch forced Sam let out an involuntary belch. Covering her face immediately she muttered “Excuse me, I really packed it in.” Her hands settled on the back belt loops of her denim shorts giving them a little tug. The waist band visibly straining around her figure and had no give. All the tug did was cause her full stomach to wobble a little. She looked down at the still sitting Evelyn, who’s face had turned crimson. Her lips were pursed in a pathetic pouty way, and her brows had arched with desperate wanting. Sam recognized the face, although it had been a while since she’d seen it. A sadistic smile appeared,
and she licked her lips in anticipation. She grabbed Evelyn’s short chubby hand and lead her away from the table.

Bursting through the swinging kitchen doors Sam tilted her head around the room. Deserted, and desserted she thought to her self. Shimming her fuller figure on to a kitchen counter was not as easy as she’d anticipated. Once firmly planted she yanked Evelyn closer, spreading her knees to accommodate the other girls wide figure. Subconsciously she felt herself wrapping her legs around Evelyn who stood next to the counter. Both her legs dropped when she realized what she was doing. Perched on the counter she and Evelyn were both at face level to the other.
One hand blindly felt around the counter next to her. She kept her face locked on her victim. Evelyn looked a little horrified but didn’t try to get away. Finally her hand found a breakfast pastry. She shoved it forcefully into Evelyn’s mouth. A bit of pastry cream oozed out the back from being squished. Using her index finger Sam caught the glob before if fell on the floor. She smirked as she licked her finger clean.

“You know, I was really worried when I saw you had come back. I don’t know what I was so worried about.” Sam hissed while Evelyn chewed. Letting her finish eating Sam continued.
“I don’t think I’ve had this much fun in a long time,” She teased.

Evelyn swallowed with a loud gulp. “I’m not having fun.” Her words waded through remaining pastry cream. Sam’s eyes flashed angrily in a split second.
“I’m sorry, what did you say,” Sam’s tone completely changed to anger. Each word hitting the air with a loud venomous bite.
Evelyn didn’t back down despite the dangerous look on Sam’s face. Evelyn knocked her head down abruptly so it was closer to Sam, her eyes narrowing angrily.
“I’m not having fun.” Evelyn almost spit each word with emphasis.

Lighting fast Sam’s free hand was gripped around her face. Sam bared down as she squeezed. This caused Evelyn’s chubby cheeks to squish over top and underneath of her grip. Evelyn’s lips puckered like a fish from the force.
“No. You’re enjoying this.” She paused squeezing harder. “Just like you enjoyed going in that VR room with that creep. You like being tortured,” Sam’s tone became rougher.
“Were you jealous watching Penny get all knocked around in there? You wanted someone to hurt you so you could be the victim, too?” Sam pulled her face closer in, causing Evelyn’s neck to strain uncomfortably. Three fat tears plummeted. She whimpered but didn’t try to speak.
“You think I feel guilty for what I’ve done? I don’t feel any remorse every time I see you sat all alone. You like being pathetic.” Sam spoke through gritted teeth. More chubby tears sprung and fell from Evelyn’s face. It was enough that separate tear streaks had become connected and indiscernible.
“Cry all you want. I don’t feel sorry for you.” Sam squeezed Evelyn’s face as hard as she could before letting go. Evelyn immediately pulled away stumbling back into pots and pans. The clang made both jump. Evelyn’s chubby fingers raised from her sides and touched the red marks on her cheeks. She choked on a sob.
“How can you say that to me?” Evelyn coughed each word through a frenzy of gasps and sobs.

“How could you go in there with that freak? I told you not to!” Sam was monotone, she paused. “Plus I can tell part of you is enjoying this.”

“Do I look like I’m enjoying this?” Evelyn demanded through sputters.

“I didn’t mean this like right now.” Sam suddenly looked down at the floor guiltily.

Evelyn muttered something but the talking made her cough harder.
“What!” Sam demanded.
“If it seems like I was enjoying it, it’s only because, it’s you. I didn’t enjoy going in the VR room with that psychopath.” Her pitch began to get shrill.
Then she coughed and sobbed some more and quieted down.
“It’s just because it’s you.” She repeated again in a soft defeated tone.

Sam looked at her with hurt eyes. Her mouth began to move as if she was going to speak. Then the kitchen doors swung open. Mathew briskly walked in, his head turned to Rory.
“So I know you’ve already been in the kitchens but I thought I could give you some tips for the next dinner show...” Mathew stopped talking although he hadn’t turned around, he didn’t have to. He could guess what the issues was based on Rory’s horrified face. He turned around anyway.

“God. Not this shit again.” He muttered when he saw Evelyn and Sam, then he walked out. Rory just stood there like a deer in the headlights, eyes wide. Then grasping the courage to move he dashed out of the kitchen leaving the two doors swinging with impact.

Evelyn scrunched her face in irritation, and then covered it with her hands in humiliation. She let out another whimper and half a sob.
“Uh Evelyn,” Sam mustered.
“What!” She said in a shrill voice muffled through her palms.
“It’s 10:45, the excursion boat leaves for the island in 15 minutes. We need to go,” Sam stated in a flat tone.
“Okay,” Evelyn’s voice quivered.
Mathew led Rory up to the deck where the three teams for the island were boarding the excursion boats.
“The bumper cars have a retro Americana feel. It’s a roller skate diner.” Mathew said turning to Rory. “Use the skin I designed you with the uniform and skates, and activate it like I showed you earlier.”
Rory nodded still feeling overwhelmed by the newness of it all.
“ Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of time to practice. Since we have such a small group of guests there is plenty of down time.” Mathew smiled and gave Rory a small wave.

Rory watched as Mathew joined the largest staff group. The largest group was headed to the quest arena and the cast was playing roles from Jason and the argonauts. Many of the guests began flooding the main deck from another entrance. The guests boarded the ship with the Jason and the Argonauts cast. The boat was about as large as a ferry with much nicer accommodations. Rory boarded the excursion boat for team 3 assigned to the bumpers cars. The boat seemed smaller like a boat for personal use. Luckily, the entire cast could stand comfortably on the deck.
Andy was sat on cushioned seating backed by a railing where the edge of the ship met water. Rory positioned himself at the front of the crowd near where Andy was. The ferry with the guests started it’s journey to the island The other boat disembarked next. Rory’s boat was preparing to leave and start the journey to the island. That’s when Evelyn and Sam slinked onboard. There was a small enclave near the entrance. Rory presumed it lead to a below deck area. Evelyn ducked into the enclave and Sam grabbed her arm to redirect elsewhere but Evelyn forcefully peeled Sam’s fingers off and disappeared below.
With a disgruntled look Sam made her way to where Andy sat.

“I thought you’d be running the quest for the Golden Fleece,” Andy whispered to Sam.
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I love the relationship dynamics. Nicely done.