Headspace cruises

chapter 2- part 4

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He didn’t lift her over his head but he picked her up, and she bent her knees so both feet were in the air, and she cheered at his success. He spun with her in the air before putting her back down and twirling her.

They do make a good team, who would have thought? She was enjoying watching them practice their routine. As she finished off the corndog she heard her tightening stomach gurgle in protest. She brushed some crumbs that had been caught by the bulge of her stomach . Suddenly she felt a strange urge to look behind her and she indulged it.

Immediately she realized why. Evelyn was transfixed staring at her. The pudgier girl was so mesmerized she didn’t even notice she was caught. Finally something entertaining to do while waiting Sam thought to herself.

The shorter girl began gently rubbing the tight tender helm of her belly. Every so often making sure she still had Evelyn’s attention. She leaned deeper putting more weight on the post and heard it let out a creaky noise. Using her belly button she gave her whole belly a little shake, and let out an involuntary sigh. The movement released some of the tension from being stuffed. Becoming a little more conscious, Sam looked back over at the cast. Everyone on the rink was too busy to notice what she was doing. Then Sam noticed the table directly on the other side of the rink. Sitting at it she spotted Andy. He was looking right at her and Evelyn, and his facial expression seemed to be churning with ferocity. Sam looked at him and she was sure he was mouthing “Leave Evelyn alone.” However, something about his anger made it even more exciting.

Tossing the corn dog stick into a trash can Sam made her way back to the snack kiosk. With a towering ice cream cone in one hand, she reached with the other to pull the waist of her pants.
The shift in fabric distribution caused her stomach to drop and rise with each step she took. She looked at Evelyn who had definitely noticed. Evelyn was biting down hard on her bottom lip, and Sam was almost positive she heard her whine a little as she walked past. Amused Sam winked at her. She could tell by the other girl’s expression she was far too turned to stop gawking, despite being caught, and shamed with a wink.

As she leaned back up against the post, Sam paused for a second. She realized she’d never worn a pair of pants quite this tight before. Every couple of steps she could feel the waistband bearing into her. The movement of her body caused her sides to crease, and the tight fabric bore into those indents pinching her. Her mind was brought back to the ice cream as a drop melted and landed on her chest. Looking over at Evelyn began to lick the cone suggestively.

“Sam!” Evelyn cried out and Sam snickered.

“Like what you see?” Sam’s voice carried back to the little table where Evelyn was sitting.

“No, Sam your-,” but Evelyn’s words came too late.
With a loud snap the button flew off her shorts. The button ricocheted hitting a metal beam like the one she was leaning up against. The booming noise caused all the cast members to turn to face her. She tried pulling down her shrinking shirt to hide her gaping jeans but nothing was giving. Sam
quickly turned around so the wardrobe malfunctions was not visible to the crowd. Now facing Evelyn she could see her motioning her with her hand to follow her.

Evelyn unlocked the souvenir shop with a master key and Sam rushed inside.

“Everyone saw that,” Sam looked pitifully embarrassed. Evelyn’s face was deadpan, and she walked over to a wall of dolphin shorts with the cruise line’s logo.
“No one from corporate saw,” she replied as she grabbed Sam’s size.
“I have to work with the cast members everyday! Who cares about corporate?” Sam’s voice got shrill.

“Kind of sounds like something you did to me,” Evelyn muttered, but handed Sam the dolphin shorts.

“Then why are you helping me?”

Evelyn didn’t answer. Sam dropped her busted jean shorts so her legs were bare except her panties.
Evelyn quickly turned around, “I should probably go.”

“I don’t care. It’s not like it’s anything you haven’t seen before,” Sam muttered.

Sam shimmied on the dolphin shorts.
“They don’t fit.”
Both girls flushed a little in dark.
“The souvenir department skimps a little on fabric to save money,” Evelyn whispered in response.
“Yeah.” Sam responded but both girls knew it was a bold face lie.

Evelyn handed Sam a new pair of dolphin shorts to replace the ones that didn’t fit. As Sam took off the old pair of shorts, her taller partner bent down to her level. The motion caused all of Evelyn’s long straight hair to fall to the front creating a veil around both their faces. Evelyn brought her chubby lips to the other girl’s ear. Sam stopped as she was stepping out of the shorts. Her ridiculously bloated muffin top quivered from the sudden stop.

“ You really need to start cutting back,” Evelyn’s hands ghosted over the top of Sam’s budding love handles.
“You’re making it really obvious how fat you’re getting. Everyone is going to think we’re back together. With every busted seam, or shirt that clings too tight they’ll think: ‘Evelyn’s eating habits are really rubbing off on Sam.’ ‘The more time they spend together the more alike they start to look,“ Evelyn whispered in a breathy tone. After a long drawn out paused Evelyn started again, “I can’t help it, with every pound it feels more like you’re mine.”

Sam instinctively closed her eyes. Memories flashed in her head of Evelyn kissing every part of her. She froze, anticipating what had always come next. However, no lips touched down, and no fingers softly caressed. All Sam heard was the jingle of the shop door as Evelyn walked out.

“Wait, Evelyn!”
Sam frantically went to yank up the dolphin shorts so she could chase after her. However, the waist band barely made it past her knees.

“Shit! What the hell? These are too small?” Sam pulled them off in a tizzy , and immediately looked at the size. It quickly dawned on Sam that Evelyn had handed her an even smaller pair on purpose.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I love the relationship dynamics. Nicely done.