A change of weight

chapter 3

Things progressed as they do when two people fall for each other. It only took a couple more dates before he was invited up one weekend evening after a night out. They started making out passionately at the door as Maria fumbled with the key. The door swung wide as they stumbled into the dark apartment and continued to kiss. Robs hands explored Marias body from her back to her love handles to her huge ass that seemed to go on forever. Eventually they made it to the bed and began to strip. He was quick to sling his shirt over his head and shimmy his jeans to the ground. He motioned to help her slid the tight dress she wore off her chubby hips. It took some maneuvering, but the finally managed to free her. Laying there in front of Rob in a matching black lace bra whos cups spilled over and panties that were almost hidden between her belly and thighs he almost lost it right then and there. They continued to play, kiss, and bite as Rob went down on her. He dove between her chubby thighs and began to play with her clit as she moaned in ecstasy. Once she was ready and could not wait any longer she signaled for him enter, with protection of course. Being on top Rob sent wave after wave through her chubby body as they fucked, marveling at the motions until it was too much for him and he finished. That first night was not one they would forget, but similar nights would follow.
At first everything was great. They would study and help each other with schoolwork, they would go out together on the weekends and stay the night at each other’s places. Each was falling for one another, but Rob noticed that in the bedroom Maria started to be more and more closed off from him. He loved cuddling her big soft belly and would knead and grab everything he could during sex, but she seemed to be more and more turned off by this. Eventually this came to a head one night when she pushed his hands away from her chubby belly as they started making out. “Please stop touching me there” she said sternly. The mood was instantly killed and Rob looked confused at her. “Listen I really like you and we’ve been having so much fun, but I’ve put on about 10 lbs since we started dating and its really making me even more self conscious about my body, especially now that I have you here.” It was true, Maria had gotten even chubbier from the day they had first met. Dates out to dinner or making food together at home, Maria knew how to eat. Rob was impressed, but could see how having him around was having an added effect to her weight. Of course he didn’t mind this at all, but he could tell she was upset. Rob consoled her “Maria, you have nothing to worry about I’ve always been attracted to you since the first day we met and 10 lbs or 20 lbs or 50 lbs is not going to change that, I mean it. I think you’re as sexy as ever.” He smiled at her hope she would understand. “I know, I know I wasn’t exactly skinny when we started dating anyways, but over the last few years of college I gained a lot of weight and I kind of wish I could have more old body back. Rob had seen the pictures on her facebook from before. A 125 lb Maria had existed at one point, bearing her midriff to the world and donning skimpy bikinis, but 3 years of college had quickly added around an extra 100 lbs. “I want to lose some weight, will you be there for me and help?” Rob was a little disappointed, but he loved this girl and if this is what she wanted then of course he would support her. “Any way I can help, you let me know and I’m there for you.” He kissed her passionately.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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MrSlob1919 1 year
Quite the underrated story
Bbman30 3 years
I wish there was more of this story, it’s so good!