A change of weight

chapter 4

The next day Maria put an exercise plan together. It was going into the holidays soon so this would be tough, but with Rob there to support her she hoped she could do it and get back somewhere close to her former weight. She started slowly, working out 5 days a week for 20 minutes. Rob on the other hand had been going to the gym less as he had a major project hitting full swing in one of his classes, but he made sure to remind and motivate her to still go without him. He would also help her with her potions. Her 218 lb frame was still used to large platefuls so whenever this happened Rob would offer his assistance in finishing the plate. This became the normal routine for them and as Maria started to lose weight, Rob could see she was happier and proud of her accomplishment.
One day Maria received cookies from her mother in a care package. Maria was Italian and her mother was always sending some sort of food her way. This was the last thing she needed sitting around her apartment and she was finally in the full swing of working out and restraining her appetite. She was working out for a hour or so 6 days a week and now she was really starting to see the results from her hard work. Rob came over that night and after they had dinner (Rob ended up with almost two full plates of fettuccini as Maria still made such large plates out of habit) she showed him the cookies. “I can’t have these at my place, my mom makes amazing cookies and I will eat them all if they stay here, can you take them for me?” she asked pouting. “Cookies?! I’m on it, your diet is the best thing that ever happened.” Rob said placing a hand on his distended middle. Neither of them had said anything about it, but after weeks of Marias lifestyle change the effects seemed to be piling up on Rob. While Maria was down 25 lbs Rob was up 15. His workload had him in the library all the time instead of the gym and though he still had some semblance of a metabolism it wouldn’t hold out much longer. His clothes were tighter and he found that Marias large plates didn’t seem as large as they used to. He now expected seconds every meal. Marias clothes were getting looser and looser and though she wouldn’t be considered skinny at this point she certainly looked more in shape. Her legs and stomach had gained some definition that had not been present before.
Thanksgiving came and they each went home to their families for the holiday. Rob was eating more than ever and of course with it being thanksgiving there was food everywhere. None of Rob’s family made any comments about his weight gain, but the change was certainly apparent. Maria on the other hand managed to dodge her mothers assault on her waistline. She kept up with her workouts over the holiday and even though her mother questioned her daughters weight loss she could see she was happy and as confident as ever. Maria was down to 160 lbs when she went back to school. A whole new wardrobe was necessary and she took some early Christmas money from her mother to purchase it. Her curves stayed in tact as she shrunk, but it was a more compact, fit, and curvy look than the jiggling chubby rolls she had sported months ago. Coincidentally Rob too needed some new clothes, but for the opposite reasons. He had spent the holiday constantly stuffed and none of his clothes fit right, by the end of his stay. He upgraded his sizes for his new upgraded girth of 220 lbs.
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MrSlob1919 1 year
Quite the underrated story
Azismiss 3 years
More chapters please! I love this story
Bbman30 3 years
I wish there was more of this story, it’s so good!