A change of weight

chapter 6

The contrast between the two was impossible to ignore and continued to grow. Maria continued to lose weight while they packed the pounds onto Rob. The decided to make up a rule, for every pound she lost he would gain at least 2. They couldn’t believe they hadn’t started this sooner, but they were going to try their best to make up for lost time.
A few months had past now and they had gotten into a regular routine. Maria came over with handcuffs and a sexy teddy to begin the festivities. She brought some deserts and cooked him a huge Italian meal. Rob stripped down and Maria cuffed him to the chair in nothing, but his boxers. His chubby belly sat in his lap with his moobs resting above it. Though Maria had gone down a few cups, her full Cs still had him beat. His thighs and butt spread across and over the edges of the chair. Ever since they had discovered this newfound infatuation Rob had been an eating machine and his weight had skyrocketed up to 310 lbs with Marias help. Maria was now down to 130, she had reached her goal weight and was so happy, plus she loved how small she felt next to him when she used to feel so big. She now had a trim waist and flat stomach while retaining her curvy hourglass figure. Her wider hips flared and she had a round butt, but her thighs and calves were strong and defined. In nothing but heals and the teddy she straddled her man and began feeding him. He ate hungrily, as if he hadn’t eaten in days. “Somebody is hungry.” She teased him as she fed him. He nodded between bites in reply. Rob followed her curvy rear each time she got up to grab another plat or box for him. Her heels clicked against the tile as she walked back and forth her toned legs leading up to her now more sculpted bubble butt. He loved her toned form pressed against his soft one. As she was making one of these trips, he thought back to where they had started out. Rob had been the skinny one, lanky with clothes that practically hung on his frame. Maria had been a cute ball of chub that was near bursting out of her clothes. In a years time they had completely switched places and now Rob looked down to the expanse of his belly that covered his lap in front of him. He remembered how he used to cuddle up to her belly from behind, but now she was the one that sunk into his belly when they lay together, struggling to get her arms around his mass. She returned with a few donuts for his final treat. Maria looked pleased as he ate every last one, knowing that tonight’s work would only make him expand even more. “Good job piggy.” She smiled and kissed him. As he finished the last one she continued to kiss him, kneading his love handles. He sat there helpless, still cuffed to the back of the chair as she continued to turn him on playing with his belly, moobs, and thighs. His erection pressed against the underside of his massive paunch, hidden between his chubby thighs and belly. He could feel her growing wet against the front of his belly as she played. Eventually she had enough foreplay and finally freed him. She helped Rob stand, as it was a chore even without the stuffing that had just taken place. She led him to the bed as he waddled behind her partly because of the stuffing and partly because his thighs were so big that he was forced to. The bed creaked as he lowered his bulk down onto it. Maria excitedly jumped on top and slid down his boxers. They were practically lost between his folds, but she managed. Pushing back his belly she found how excited he truly was. “Whoa, apparently my big boy is having a good time.” All he could do was grunt in reply as she stroked his dick and then climbed on top of it. She sunk into his belly as she leaned into him and rocked back and forth on his hard dick. She leaned back grabbing his thigh fat that spread to the sides of the bed underneath her. “You’ve been such a good piggy baby.” she said in lust “Getting so big for me. I’ve never been more turned on by my tight body pressed hard against your huge soft expanding gut. I love straddling your fat thighs and butt. Your hips are now bigger than mine ever were!” All Rob could do was moan and grunt in approval, lost in the lust and food he had consumed. It all sounded so good and eventually he finished as she did while jiggling his belly up and down. They both sighed in approval as she lay into his soft sweaty belly in exhaustion. This was the workout she looked forward to the most. She rolled to one side of her big man and stroked his belly lovingly. “So now you’re more than double my weight and I really love it, but what do you think about shooting for 400?” she asked “I think It’d be really fun” she pleaded, puppy dog eyes in full effect. It didn’t matter what she was asking, she usually got it with those eyes. Rob looked down at her, double chin bunching beneath his face as he did so. “Oh course babe, I’m practically wasting away over here.” He smiled at her. “Well in that case, my mom sent me some cookies the other day, I’ll be right back.” With that she popped out of the bed and glided out the door.
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MrSlob1919 1 year
Quite the underrated story
Bbman30 3 years
I wish there was more of this story, it’s so good!