Unexpected gains

chapter 2

Rob met Carly at her apartment at 7, she was wearing at tight red dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. Rob couldn’t keep his eyes off her as they made their way to the restaurant a few blocks away. It was this quaint, little Itallian place where everything was homemade and had very large portions. They got to know each other more as they ordered drinks and decided what to order for dinner. Rob got the raviolis and Carly got the veal parmesan. They were both huge dishes, Rob had a mountain of raviolis to tackle in front of him, he had never been self-conscious about eating and it all looked so good he couldn’t help, but dig in. He also noticed that Carly wasn’t a shy eater either as she began to work her way through the massive veal cutlet. They were really hitting it off as they finished their meals. Carly was an open and laid back girl. She spoke her mind and didn’t let the little things get to her and Rob found her candor endearing. Rob had been so caught up in the conversation he hadn’t noticed he had finished his entire plate. Carly too had almost finished all of hers, but there was still a decent portion left. “ Can you help me with this?” she asked looking at what was left of her meal. “It’s really not enough to box up and take home, but it was soo good I don’t want to waste it.” “Sure it looks great”, he said handing her his plate. He was so distracted by her looks and personality he did not notice the sensation of his pants digging into his now full belly. He helped her finish her plate and of course Carly ordered desert, which they split, though any onlooker would’ve noticed Robs slice of the cheese cake seemed a lot larger than Carly’s. They had really hit it off and were both falling for one another. Rob also noticed on their way back home that Carly’s normal pot belly was now exaggerated and clinging tightly to the dress, which he did not mind at all. He was so busy noticing her stuffed belly, he failed to notice his own.
They parted ways that night, but set up for another dinner date for next weekend. Carly once again had a spot in mind and Rob happily agreed. They went on several more dates together, all of them food related and soon became a couple. Rob had noticed that Carly was somewhat of a foodie knowing all the best spots with great rich food and the most bang for your buck. He also began to notice that she always insisted that he help her finish everything. While he had noticed all these little things, he somehow had failed to notice the effect it was having on his body. His once average 175 lb frame had put on a small layer of fat, which had made all of his clothes slightly more clingy than they had once been. Carly’s body had also changed slightly with the increased frequency of eating out, but this was less pronounced on her already fuller figure. Rob loved it of course and was enjoying all the fun they were having in the bedroom exploring her slightly expanded curves.
It was two months into their relationship that Rob finally noticed his weight gain. He had nearly grown out of all his pants and his shirts now hugged his expanding belly tightly. He had put on 20 lbs since they had started dating, but was so caught up in the fun they were having together he had failed to notice or care until now. Getting ready for work one morning he realized that none of his button downs fit properly. All had gaps between the buttons and pulled on his belly and chubby arms. His collars were also slowly tightening around his thickened neck. His slacks were another story, having a large amount of his weight go to his butt, it now bubbled out in his dress pants and squeezed his thickening thighs. “What happened?” he questioned to himself as he struggled to get ready. Though he loved all the effects eating out was having on Carly, her small gain was nothing compared to his and he had to make a change if he wanted to fit in his clothes again.
That night at Carly’s place, while they were having a movie night, Rob brought up his weight gain. “Carly, I think we need to slow down on the dinner dates and eating out, have you noticed what its doing to me?” he grabbed onto the small roll that had formed on his belly. She looked down at it longingly before replying “That’s nothing, I think you still look great, besides I’ve been having a great time trying all the best spots in the city with you”. He could not deny they had been having a lot of fun the last few months. “ You’re right it has been fun, but if we keep this up I’m not going to be able to fit into any of my work clothes anymore.” She squirmed slightly at the thought. “We can always go shopping this weekend if you need new clothes, plus I think its cute and you look better than ever” she said leaning in and giving his small belly a rub with her hand and kissing him. Rob didn’t know why, but he liked the feeling and he felt his worries about his gain fade with her words. She always seemed to take charge of the situation and make him feel at ease. He was with a great girl and she loved the way he looked, why should anything else bother him especially if she liked him as is. Besides he wasn’t the only one who had put on weight and he loved the few additional pounds she had put on. Little did he know she didn’t just like him as is, but had plans to make more. They went shopping the next day and restocked his wardrobe with proper fitting clothes, but not before Carly made him try on his dress shirts and pants to see exactly what he was talking about.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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