Unexpected gains

chapter 4

Rob had now completely lost control, what started as a cute and unintentional gain had now turned into a constant desire to eat and grow fatter for Carly. While Carly kept her pleasantly plump curves she was piling the pounds onto Robs fat growing body. He was now eating more and more even on his own, his meal proportions had exploded with his increasing appetite. Rob loved every second of it. The eating, the gaining, out growing clothes, getting too fat to do certain activities, and even the teasing he got from those around him. Though he would never let it show in person, he loved when his friends made comments about how fat he was getting or poked his expanding waistline. He now always parked as close as he could to the building and stairs were out of the question for his now pronounced waddle. His gain was certainly accelerated in his lower half with big trunk thighs and a wide fat ass. His belly drooped out in front over his waistband and of course he had a nice set of mood that rested atop his large gut. He too now had a cute dimpled smile with a permanent double chin, much like the one that caught his attention when he first met Carly. At 290 pounds he was fat and he was the happiest he had ever been.
Thant night as Rob and Carly began another session of feeding and sex, Carly began to tease him. “You know, when we first met I weighed more than you. You were this handsome slim guy and I was a chubby little cutie that you couldn’t keep your eyes off, but now look at you. I know you weighed yourself this morning, how much are you these days?” he looked sheepishly as he finished the pizza she had just stuffed in his mouth. “292?” he said questioningly, cheeks like a chipmunks, full of pizza. “Oh wow!” she exclaimed “ you realize I have put over 100 pounds on you since we started dating!? And boy does it look good on you.” she said picking up another slice and rubbing his belly. “I can’t believe I was 20 pounds heavier than you at one time. I was always a little bothered by our size difference, but after our first date I knew I could change that quickly.” she grinned. “ And that you did.” He replied hands on his huge belly. It was now so big that she had to straddle it completely and lean in on it to feed him. “ I know I gained a little weight too, but I’m only up 15 pounds. You make me look tiny in comparison. I could be mistaken for skinny next to your fat ass.” She teased more as she finished feeding him the large pizza. She then shimmied onto him and began to reward her big man for his accomplishment of a finished pizza. Their bellies squished together, her slight belly perched on top of his massive one. They undulated back and forth sending waves through his massively fat body. “So we are going to get you past 300, really soon right baby?” she teased as she rode. “Yes I can’t wait, lets feed me nonstop like this so I can reach it as fast as possible!” he blurted out. They once again finished together and she fell onto the pile of fat that was his belly as they both lay there in exhaustion and lust.
Rob was not just saying that in the moment of sex. The rest of that week after their regular huge meals that Rob usually had, they would feed him another full meal accompanied with sex. It only took a week and a half for him to gain the 8 pounds plus that he needed to tip the scales over 300. Of course Carly was ecstatic and to celebrate that weekend they had a day long feeding session where Rob stayed in nothing, but his too tight boxers while Carly waited on and fed him in a cute matching lingerie set. He sat his fat ass on the couch all Saturday, his belly covering his lap and hiding the fact that he was wearing boxers at all, while she kept him full and pleasured throughout the day. He quickly blew past 300 after these events. Food and sex were now completely connected and there was a constant and strong desire to get even fatter, not only for Carly, but for himself as well.
Another new wardrobe later and Rob was now up to 350 lbs. He had to get a specially ordered chair for his desk at work as his massive thighs and ass no longer fit the standard desk chairs. As usual he was as happy as ever with Carly at his side. People always question his huge weight gain, but he always replied with a smile that he was happy. It made it hard to for anyone who would make malicious comments to him when he exuded such an air of confidence at his new weight. He even got promoted at work and though he still had to come in a few days a week, he could now work from home more often. Carly and Rob would try to plan their work schedules so that he could work from home the days she had off. Working from home with Carly there to feed him through the day only helped him put on even more weight. He was less active than ever before and it drove both him and Carly wild.
One night while feeding him pastries from the bakery, Carly broached the subject of 400. “So now that you’re up to 370, we should probably shoot for 400 right?” she dangled a danish in front of his face waiting for a response. “Absolutely!” he said leaning in to grab the Danish with his mouth. His belly and moobs had become so big that they prevented him from reaching it. “Ah my fat boy can’t reach his treat” she teased him. “Please, babe, I’m hungry” he pleaded with her. “ Aww you’re too cute, of course you can have it, and how about 5 more.” She said placing it into his mouth and grabbing another. Carly found she could get Rob to do just about anything when he was hungry and he relied on her more and more as getting up and out of bed or off the couch was becoming more and more difficult for Rob at his huge size. Another box of pastries down and Carly was rewarding her man for all he had accomplished. They now had to maneuver his huge belly up out of the way for sex. She would let it rest over her thighs as she shimmied onto him. Sinking her fingers into his soft belly and moobs, “If we keep this up your tits will be bigger than mine soon” she teased. He groaned back with approval. “You’re going to look so great at 400 pounds baby, I can’t fucking wait! The scrawny 175 pounds you used to be is long gone. I’ve put 200 pounds on you and there’s only more to come!” He would never be considered skinny or even chubby ever again. Always fat, at the very least and most likely only getting fatter. He was long past the point of no return, he was fat as fuck and he loved it, he thought to himself as his sexy chubby girlfriend gyrated on top of him.
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