The bakery

chapter 2

After that incident, she finally got a new wardrobe, but it wouldn't last long either - especially since a dozen pastries was quickly becoming her usual. Every day her confident, feminine strut was getting more and more jiggle with it, as well as slowing down in speed. Wade would give anything to know the numbers on her scale, but luckily Kiki dressed scantily enough for him to not have too much difficulty imagining that she must be at least 250 pounds now.

Just a year into her daily visits to the bakery, Kiki's greedy stomach was beginning to just barely stick out further than her ample breasts, which was saying something cause she was definitely proud of her size. So much so that Wade actually knew her cup size - she posted it on her Instagram while boasting about a plus-size lingerie company that sponsored her! In her caption, she had talked about how difficult it was to find cute underwear that fit her 42G breasts and size 18 butt.

Wade wasn't proud to admit that he became a more... regular visitor to her Instagram page after she got that lingerie sponsor. She didn't wear much clothes to begin with, but there was something about getting a much more direct look at what his baking was doing to her body that made it almost as satisfying as when she walked in every morning, ordering more pastries than the previous day.

Wade was starting to not just put weight gain powders and appetite enhancers in the food he served, but increased the serving sizes as well. He bought a whole new muffin and cake pans specifically so he could shove as much calories as he could into every customer, but especially for Kiki. His regulars were growing - in both size and numbers. Kiki’s fanbase had been evolving into the body-positive community, which meant more and more of her fans were coming to get addicted to his calorie-packed pastries with less care about their figures. He suspected a few of them had similar interests as him, but obviously Wade couldn’t exactly figure out for certain.

What launched him to go into crazy serving sizes was when there was this screenshot going around about a guy who thought how much he spent on a date with a lady was $200 minus her weight. She responded with a tantalizing photo of herself wearing nothing but a sexy set of red, lace lingerie - her chubby belly with a split down the middle on full display, as well as her jiggling thighs that were twice the size as they were when she first entered his bakery. Her bombshell breasts were clearly on the verge of bursting out of the struggling bralette, proving that she needed to once again upgrade the sizing she provided to her sponsors. She wore a confident smirk that clearly didn’t mind one bit that her thick double chin and stretch marks were on full display. She simply captioned it “If you think I owe you $56, then you don’t deserve a single second of my time.”

This was all the confirmation Wade needed to know Kiki had gained at least 100 pounds thanks to his pastries. And all Wade needed to launch himself into researching a trend that had been popping up all over instagram - giant food. And he knew just the guinea pig to be his taste tester.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Theswordsman 3 years
Im surprised wade hasn't tried dating kiki yet