The bakery

chapter 5

The new normal quickly became Kiki sitting on her "chair" in the back of the bakery from open to close unless she had an event she had to attend that day. Even when she finished her "breakfast", she would then hand Wade her card and ask him to bring her dozens of pastries that she listed off by memory.

Wade was only happy to oblige, especially as she continued to push the limits of the rapidly shrinking loveseat. As the months passed and her appetite increased, she officially made it to 450 pounds while she was scarfing down 20 eclairs after eating a 15 pound blueberry donut.

No longer having to worry about wandering eyes, Kiki also rarely bothered to dress up when she came here anymore, nor did she stop herself from slobbing out. Wade was at first disappointed that she started to show up in yoga pants and tank tops instead of booty shorts and crop tops, but he soon enjoyed this get up as well when he realized that with how infrequently she updated her wardrobe, he frequently got to see essentially everything as her yoga pants were stretched into transparency. Sometimes they would even have small tears in the back seams that she probably had difficulty seeing when she put them on in the morning, but she certainly did by the time she took them off again cause those small tears never stayed small after her visits to the bakery.

As for her Instagram, it was pretty obvious that it was almost completely abandoned by her old fan base and she was almost exclusively a sex symbol for those who loved their women super-sized. She still got sponsors and model jobs, as her popularity was only continuing to rise.

Though beyond her rapidly expanding body, beyond constantly seeing her stuff her face with literal pounds of sugar every day, beyond even seeing her clothes ripping off her endless rolls of fat - Wade's favorite sight was at the end of the night, when she would attempt to stand for the first time after stuffing herself non-stop for over 8 hours.

She would grip both of her hands tightly on the edges of the table before her, taking a few deep breaths. She began a pathetic attempt to rock back and forth, but the movement was barely noticeable as her thighs that could probably both fill a large dress on their own pressed against her enormous belly that was only a few inches away from her knees as she sat. Then came the grunting and panting as her wings of fat trembled at even beginning to support any of her massive weight to help her stand up properly. Her breath quickened as she slowly rose higher and higher until she was finally standing, though leaning heavily against the table as she struggled to catch her breath.

'It took her 20 seconds this time,' Wade had noted to himself with a smile as he went back to cleaning, pretending he didn't see anything. Though, of course, he made sure to look up again when she panted out her thanks for the food and turned around to waddle out the back door, her entire body jiggling heavily from the simple movement. As was typical for her these days, Kiki turned her body to the side and squeezed her way through the door with her belly dragging against the doorframe.

Kiki was far from the only customer to experience this problem. Many of his regulars - both new and old - were blowing up in size thanks to all the weight gain powder and appetite enhancers he put in all his pastries, with lots of extra appetite enhancers in his giant sweets. It was normal for bakery regulars to be a bit on the bigger side, but it was getting to the point where it seemed not a single one of his regulars was under 250 pounds anymore, and a select few would have possibly been competition for Kiki if it weren't for the deal he made with her. Wade decided that it would be a good investment for him to expand both the entrance and the exit with double doors.

When he told Kiki about his plans and how he would be closed for a few days due to the construction, he was shocked when the first words out of her mouth were "Then for those days that you're closed, could you come over to my house and bake for me there? I'll pay you for it, of course."

He quickly agreed, and when the day came he drove up to the gated neighborhood and found himself for the first time ever not just entering a code into a keypad, but actually having to talk with a guard at the gate to get inside. As he got past the gate and followed the GPS up the hill, he was shocked at how lavish all of the houses here were. Were they mansions at this point? Probably.

When he finally pulled up the driveway that looked like the entrance to a hotel, there was a thin woman waiting for him by the front door.

"Wade, correct?" she asked as he walked up to her. He nodded his head, too surprised really to find his woes yet. "I'm Kiki's assistant, Natalie. I was told to show you to the kitchen and help make sure you have anything you need."

Wade followed behind her, rolling behind him a suitcase he filled with various materials he would need that he unlikely would find in the average kitchen - including, of course, the weight gain powders and appetite enhancers, which were both in unmarked containers as usual.

The baker was surprised to find that the kitchen was even bigger than the backroom of his bakery, but he tried to brush it off and focus instead on getting right to all the prep work for the massive feast of pastries he planned to make for his most dedicated regular.

About an hour later, it was easy for Wade to hear that Kiki was on her way before he saw her, as the large, open floorplan of the two-story house echoed out her slow, heavy footsteps and uneven breathing. When she finally was within sight, he saw that the Instagram star was leaning heavily on her struggling assistant.

Rather than trying to sit at one of the many wooden chairs on the dining room attached to the kitchen or one of the several barstools next to the kitchen island, Kiki instead opted to heavily plop down on a three person couch that she mostly consumed on her own, much further away from all the treats Wade had set out for her while he waited on finishing up the 10 layer cake he was making her.

As soon as Kiki was sitting down, Natalie didn't miss a beat to pick up a tray of strawberry cream kolache and bring it over to her employer who was already eagerly reaching out with her sausage fingers, jiggling wings of fat dripping down almost a full foot. The thin woman simply held the tray in front of Kiki as she hungrily shoved one after another into her greedy mouth, her double chin wobbling wildly.

Without missing a beat, the moment the last pastry was grabbed, Natalie put the tray in the dishwasher and grabbed a large cup of chocolate milk before bringing it over to Kiki, who was now leaning back and rubbing her hands across her massive belly.

“Oh yes, before I forget,” Natalie begins as she made her way back into the kitchen. “Kiki was wondering if you would like to stay and watch?”

Wade looked up from his mixing bowl, but didn’t slow his movement. “Excuse me?”

“She was wanting to use the cake for one of her live streams,” the thin woman explained. “You can stay and watch as long as you promise to not interrupt.”

“Oh, sure?” Wade responded with a shrug, trying his best to seem disinterested. “I didn’t even know Instagram had live streaming.”

“Oh it does, but she’s not streaming on her instagram, but her OnlyFans.”

Wade paused. He feels like he’s heard of that before, but his social media expertise starts and ends with looking at Kiki’s instagram page.

Natalie seems to notice his confusion. “OnlyFans is a social media platform where fans can pay a monthly fee to see special exclusive content from various creators.” She cleared her throat. “It’s, um, usually used for the distribution of pornographic material.”

Wade’s eyes went wide. Maybe he needed to figure out this OnlyFans thing as well.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Theswordsman 3 years
Im surprised wade hasn't tried dating kiki yet