The bakery

chapter 6

With the help of Natalie, Kiki got herself changed on the couch from the tight and heavily stained tank top and yoga pants combo she wore before to now a lacy black bra that looked like it was due for an upsize soon and nothing else. Pointless to put on fancy panties if no one can see it anyway, Wade figured, as he did his best not to react too visibly.

Natalie counted down from five and then Kiki greeted the camera with a smile and a cheerful hello. Wade was taken aback - he knew she did this for a living, but he was still surprised how easily she managed to capture the attention of the camera. She continued to talk with the camera a bit, pausing at times to read and respond to the various comments coming in on her laptop screen.

Then, it began. Natalie brought out the giant cake Wade had made and Kiki immediately tore into it - not with a fork like she usually did at his store, but with her bare hands. Wade did his best to stay silent as he watched the crumbs of his creation fly all over the room, though many of them found themselves burying deep within Kiki’s cleavage. Her entire body was rippling from her swift and vigorous motions, and her face and hands were quickly becoming absolutely covered in frosting. Anytime she needed to pause for a moment before taking another bite, she would spend it either licking her fingers or playing with her belly, clearly in an attempt to always keep the audience entertained.

Wade sat and watched from the dining room for over 2 hours, just enjoying her eat. This is what he always wanted to do in the mornings, but he was always too busy with customers. It was a struggle to keep himself under control, but since Natalie and Kiki could both see him, it’s not like he could do anything. He also didn’t want to miss a second of this, so excusing himself to the bathroom was also not happening until it was over.

The next couple of days were spent like this until finally, it was time to open up the bakery again with his brand new doors, and Wade guesses his regulars really missed him cause there was a line of obese customers that wrapped around the block before he even opened. He was so busy that day that he almost didn’t notice Kiki coming in. Though he mostly noticed it cause the application window for his scale jumped up with a notification letting him know that Kiki now weighed in at 477 pounds.

After figuring out how Only Fans worked, Wade wasn't really prepared for the content overload. He thought he was satisfied with just seeing her stuff her face every morning and seeing her post cute lingerie photos on her Instagram - he was quickly going to learn that every night, she streamed herself stuffing herself silly with nearly as much food as he fed her every day, and while wearing little to nothing at that.

Wade just knew he had to push things even further. He wanted her to eat more and expanding even further. He wanted her struggling with the double doors he got installed for her. He wanted her so big that the only exercise she would get was from shoving his pastries down her throat. The baker thought of that day with the wedding cake and decided it was time for an encore. This time, even bigger.

A few weeks later, after a lot of planning and preparations, Kiki found herself slowly waddling into the backroom of the bakery, and started to immediately drool at the sight before her. A large, 7-tier cake stood before her, covered in intricate the painting and sculpting of various edible sweets that made it look like an underwater paradise, each tier lined with a string of sugar pearls. Up on top, there was a sculpture of a mermaid sitting in a giant clam, with a large “5” posed right above the clam and shaped with what looked like bubbles of pulled sugar.

Wade stepped in with an empty display tray and greeted Kiki with a smile, before telling her the lie he had been practicing for why some rich parents canceled their child’s fifth birthday party cake. Really, he just wanted an excuse to put the number 5 on the cake, cause he hoped it was eating this that would finally help her hit the quarter-ton milestone. About 80 servings of cake plus various chocolate and candy sculptures ought to do the trick, right?

Kiki waddled as fast as she could, drool dripping from her mouth, and dropped herself into the love seat with a heavy thud that caused an ominous creak to fill the air. Though Kiki either didn’t hear it or didn’t care, cause, her hunger kicked in with all reason gone, the morbidly obese internet influencer immediately dove one chubby hand into the side of the bottom tier, pulled out a large chunk, and slammed it into her hungry maw. Moans escaped the hungry glutton as she dug into the cake again with her other hand and soon settled into the motion of stuffing herself by cycling between her two hands, completely ignoring the fork right next to her “breakfast”.

Wade was so memorized that he almost forgot he had a customer waiting upfront, so he reluctantly left the room to serve one of his many other obese regulars in tight clothing. As the day wore on, he would come back every now and again to at least glance at Kiki as she struggled to make her way through the massive cake. Her yoga pants had split across multiple seams and her tank top seemed completely unable to cover much as her stomach had swelled over the course of her “breastfast”, settling right below her watermelon-sized breasts and squeezing tightly against her upper back fat.

Her apron of fat drooped down the edge of the couch to only about half a foot from the ground and was smeared with frosting and chunks of cake, clearly from all the times Kiki would pause to catch her breath and rub her belly. Her eyes seemed hazy the entire time, as if her brain didn't bother to put any thought into anything other than "eat more". Thanks, at least in part, to Wade's pastries, Kiki had managed to become a mindless, morbidly obese slob whose entire life now seemed to center entirely around shoving food down her throat.

And it would be today, three years since that fateful day, as Wade counted the register for the night and Kiki struggled to finish the last few bites of cake, that the influencer would officially hit 500 pounds. And timed almost perfectly with the notification popping up on his monitor, Kiki found herself suddenly having to swallow the last handful of cake while on the floor.

Wade rushed in after hearing the loud crash and was met with the sight of Kiki's massive and overstuffed belly still violently wobbling along with the rest of her jiggling form as she laid flat on her back, broken pieces of the love seat scattered around her. Kiki was looking around with wide eyes while still licking the frosting off her fingers.

When Wade knelt down to her side, Kiki told him simply "Call Natalie. I don't think you can get me up by yourself." The baker started to stand up, when she stopped him to add "Oh, and since I might be down here for a while, do you mind bringing me a couple dozen éclairs to snack on?"

Wade was only happy to oblige his favorite customer.

By the time Natalie arrived, Kiki had already made her way through three trays of éclairs and was about to order a tray of glazed donuts too. She seemed completely unbothered by the fact that she had gotten so fat that she completely shattered a two-seater couch and was unable to get off the ground without the help of two people, and just continued to happily stuff her face from the comfort of the bakery floor.

The first step was to get Kiki sitting up, which proved to be more difficult than Wade expected. Apparently, this had become such a difficult task for her, that Kiki had to specifically buy one of those beds that could have the back raised up with the press of a button.

The baker and the assistant each grabbed one pudgy hand and began to pull with all their might, Kiki straining to use her long-forgotten core muscles to even slightly help in the process. After twenty seconds of struggling, all three of them found themselves panting and sweating from the effort of successfully getting Kiki to sit up. Doing so revealed how much of the couch was still under her, but luckily she didn't appear to have any injuries other than some bruising.

"Now for the real fun," Natalie said as she positioned herself under Kiki's right arm, with Wade quickly mimicking her position on the other side.

After nearly a minute of grunting and sweating, their combined efforts managed to get Kiki in a standing position, though she was leaning heavily against the table in front of her. But, despite her trembling limbs and uneven breathing, it didn't take long for the influencer to realize that this was the table Wade had set the donuts down on as she reached out a pudgy hand to pull the tray closer and immediately start digging in.

Wade and Natalie looked at each other and rolled their eyes. It was clear that nothing could slow down Kiki’s appetite.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Theswordsman 3 years
Im surprised wade hasn't tried dating kiki yet