The bakery

chapter 7

The next morning, Wade was greeted by Natalie and Kiki along with two movers and a couch they brought to replace the shattered love seat. Wade found himself a bit amused when the movers and the couch managed to make their way through the door faster than Kiki, even as she was receiving support from Natalie.

Which was another new regular sight - Natalie coming by to help Kiki enter and leave the bakery every day, as walking and standing up was becoming more and more difficult for the influencer who was addicted to his sweets.

In the beginning, Natalie would just help her to the couch, leave, and come back when she needed to stand up again. One day Wade offered her a "free sample" (if that's what one would call an entire donut) and she accepted out of politeness, but that was enough.

First, it was just one treat every morning. Then one in the morning and one before they left. Occasionally, she would come back in the middle of the day "just to check on Kiki" and quickly shift into "while I'm here..."

Slowly but surely, Natalie was beginning to swell as well - though, unlike Kiki, she wasn't an hourglass, but rather a definite pear shape. As her hips flared out further, it was becoming increasingly obvious that she was wearing skirts far more frequently than before, as putting on pants became more difficult.

The first time she ordered half a dozen pastries for her breakfast only to come back for a few more in an hour, Wade knew for certain that Kiki might have to start looking for a couple of new assistants. Who knows how much longer the morbidly obese influencer had before her assistant also needed help getting off the couch.

Though of course, Kiki seemed to be oblivious to her assistant's new appetite, her mind focused entirely on the absurdly large pastries she consumed every day. That or she was so obese at this point that she could barely tell the difference between a skinny person and a chubby person.

Wade couldn't help but be entertained when Natalie started to hang around his bakery for nearly as long as Kiki did. “Just keeping an eye on her,” she would say while halfway through her own personal tray of cookies, her skirts rising higher and higher each day as a little muffin top started to slowly pool over the waistband.

It almost seemed like she was in denial over the changes, as she always came up with some excuse to be there and would always claim the vastly increasing quantities of sweets she was ordering were only for Kiki and not for herself. Even if Wade walked in on her stuffing her face, Natalie would simply stop and say "Kiki doesn't mind if I have one or two" as her crumb-coated mouth mocked the numbers she gave.

One day, Wade had trouble focusing on his work, not just cause Kiki’s blubbery form had officially hit 550 pounds, but because Natalie’s skirt had become so ill-fitting that the bottom of her buttcheeks were completely visible, along with a small sliver of her struggling panties. She seemed oblivious to this fact, however, as she continued to stuff her face with donuts that were heavily coated in a chocolate glaze.

Her weight gain especially became evident when she was no longer able to help Kiki through the double-door exit as they were too big to walk through it together - but, with how much Kiki had been gaining, that might not have been too much of a thought that stuck in their minds for much longer without assuming it was entirely just the influencer.

When her clothes started to fit better, Wade first started to think perhaps she was finally starting to recognize her gain, until he realized that some of them looked familiar. And scrolling far, far back into Kiki’s Instagram found his suspicions correct - Natalie was wearing her old clothes. The baker waited for a moment where the assistant was gone to ask Kiki, and she simply stated she gave Natalie permission to use her old clothes forever ago. The influencer even giggled about the fact that she doubted she would ever fit in them again anyways before getting right back to burying her round face into the 20 pound eclair.

And so, armed with a nearly endless amount of clothes that would continue to expand with her, Natalie’s appetite continued to get more and more out of control as she acted as if nothing was amiss. Wade simply rolled his eyes and prepared her own chair in the back as she continued to pack away dozens of treats that she “bought for Kiki”. He would pretend to not notice the consistent sight of crumbs, cream, and chocolate surrounding her mouth when he walked in and tried to avoid staring too long at her expanding form, despite how much it excited him.

But her gain was getting more and more evident as all of her movement was restricted to a waddle, her hips expanding out so far that Wade had to update her chair (“because it’s a bit old” he assured her) to one that was much wider and didn’t have armrests. Her thighs touched all the way down to the knees and had a circumference bigger than her head, and her ass stuck out so far that every skirt she wore was noticeably shorter on the back. Her flabby belly was slowly making its presence known, though she did her best to tuck most of it away into her skirts to hide how much it was beginning to sink. Up top, most of her expansion went into her arms and face, which cause a good chunk of the tops she wore to be noticeably baggier in the chest area, as they were used to being stretched by Kiki’s very ample bosom.

And among her gain, Kiki was continuing to expand further and further, to the point where it was almost impossible for her to stand without the combined efforts of Natalie and Wade. And even with their help, it rarely took less than half a minute for her to fully stand. It was becoming such an exhausting effort to get her to stand that Wade started to prepare a tray of treats to eat once she found herself pressing her weight against the table in order to stay balanced. And with their continual mutual gain, he started to offer a tray of treats to Natalie too, who was also becoming exhausted by the effort of helping her stand. It was becoming evident to both of them that they were going to need to hire one or two more assistants if they were to continue coming to Wade’s bakery every day.

Or, Wade realized one day, he could finally hire another hand. He had been so busy that he completely forgot that, almost single-handedly thanks to Kiki, he had more than enough funds to spare on training someone new.

And so, a slightly chubby girl named Sarah was brought on to help out at the store. Sarah was a cheerful girl that was very supportive of the gluttony of both their main customers and was quite the glutton for sweets herself. Wade was actually able to find her through Kiki, as she was a person with a semi-decent following on Instagram for her homemade goodies, but she didn't have enough money to get into culinary school. Sarah was a great baker and a quick learner, so Wade was happy to look the other way when she sneakily snacked on a pastry or ten. Unlike Kiki's (former) hourglass figure and Natalie’s bottom-heavy figure, her body seemed to constantly be in a debate over whether her stomach or her breasts should be bigger.

Meanwhile, the expanding assistant did her best to care for her near-immobile boss, who had just recently reached 600 pounds and had a stomach that would brush the floor as she sat if she leaned forward too far. The higher their weight climbed, the more difficult it became for them to come into the bakery every day. Still, they persisted, the two women panting and grunting as they waddled in before plopping down into their seats and plowing through an insane amount of sweets together.

Natalie’s width had expanded to the point where she almost undoubtedly was starting to have troubles with single doorways, as her meaty hips were a few sizes away from competing with Kiki. Her thighs were hardly ever not jiggling and had gained such a large mass that her knees were starting to become hidden, restricting her movement even more. Her belly was sagging to the point that if she wore a skirt that was short enough, you could occasionally catch a glimpse of the bottom of it if you were lucky enough.

Sarah was rising up quickly, thanks in part to her already having a large appetite before getting the job. While her arms and legs had definitely gotten thicker, there was so much focused towards her stomach and breasts that they almost looked like twigs in comparison. Most people that saw her probably assumed that she was pregnant with twins rather than just fat.

Things almost started to feel a bit ridiculous when they had to essentially have a battle plan every time the bakery closed for the night. First Wade and Sarah helped Natalie up, and then the three of them struggled to get Kiki up and moving.

But as time passed and Wade's trust in Sarah increased with her waistline, he slowly started to spend certain days away from the bakery to spend his morning at Kiki's house instead. Eventually, the day would come where Wade would leave the bakery almost entirely to her care, but he didn't mind. There were two immobile fatties that he needed to cater to their every desire - and, perhaps, those assistants they just hired would like some treats as well...
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Theswordsman 3 years
Im surprised wade hasn't tried dating kiki yet