The Therapist's Office

Chapter 1

I placed my hand on the door, and pushed it open. Entering the reception room, I walked up to the front desk, taking a glance around me. It was a typical reception area, of the kind that exists at every doctors office in the country. Some chairs lined up on either side, a coffee table with a range of well-thumbed magazines, and a front desk staffed by a woman typing at her computer.

Hmmm…those chairs might pose a bit of a problem, I thought to myself.

The receptionist hadn’t heard me come in, so I gently coughed as I approached the desk. She looked up at me, then her mouth dropped a little.

Everyone has the same reaction when they first saw me. The town in which I live has one of the highest obesity rates, proportionally speaking, in the country, so seeing people of size isn’t really a big (pardon the pun) deal. But I guess I’m a little different! I passed the 500 lbs threshold a month or two ago. I haven’t weighed myself since then, but with my diet - fatty food, and lots of it! - I must have put on at least another fifteen lbs or so.

In the second before she regained her professional composure, I could see her eyes look me up and down. I could see her start with my vast belly, staring at the huge overhang of fat over my belt. I could see her surprise at how my white polo shirt stretched around my midsection, the material as taught as it could be, showing off a deep impression of my belly button. I could see her eyes travel upwards, viewing my enormous man breasts, far bigger than her own ample cleavage.

Her eyes continued upwards, taking in my two - well, three, chins - before she locked eyesight with me. Emotionally, I felt that familiar mix of slight shame, greater pride, and even greater arousal. Physically, I felt an, er…stirring down below. I always got flushed when people looked at me like this, half-astounded and half-disgusted by my sheer bulk.

She closed her mouth and gave me a professional smile - the kind I imagine front desk staff are taught on their first day. She was young, I would guess around 23 or 24, and very pretty. Her dirty blonde hair was made up in a neat pony tail, and the practice’s uniform hug her slender but curvaceous body. In addition to being - I would estimate - around 15 years older then her, she couldn’t be more than 120 lbs. I always get a thrill out of guessing other people’s weights - mainly because they’re always so much less than mine!

“Hi there”, she smiled, “welcome to the Therapy Farm. Do you have an appointment?”

“I do, yeah”, I smiled back. “I’m Joe Reynolds, here with my wife Clara, to see Dr. Schumann.”

“Okaaaaay”, she said, checking her computer…”yeah, I’ve got you. Take a seat, and Dr. Schumann will be right with you.

I thanked her and walked over to my wife. Clara was sitting down on one of the chairs. Well, I say one of the chairs…at a little over 350 lbs, and a petite 5 foot two inches, she definitely took up more than one. I gingerly eased myself into a couple of the seats next to her. There was some ominous initial creaking, and a definite sag in the plastic of the seat, but I managed to settle my bulk down next to her.

The short walk from out car to the therapists had made me sweat. My wife took a tissue out of her handbag and mopped by brow.

“Let’s wipe the sweat off, piggy”, she grinned. I grinned back.

Clara and I had met at college, but we didn’t really know one another well. We lost touch after graduating, but met by chance a few years later in a Starbucks. I was a big guy at college, and had put on another 40 lbs or so in the intervening years, so not too much. Clara, on the other hand…well, let’s just say her gain was definitely in the double digits. She was clearly self-conscious about it, but I was incredibly turned on not just by her now-voluptuous figure, but the thought of the huge amount of weight she had gained in a relatively short time.

As we started dating, I managed to convince her not just of her beauty, but of how much more sexy she was with all that extra weight. She was a butt-heavy girl, but the weight had gone all over - boobs, face, belly and thighs. The added flesh only accentuated her auburn hair and green eyes, turning a beautiful college student into a ravishing, sexy goddess.

When she accepted my proposal of marriage a few years ago, she cried at how meeting me had encouraged her to own her weight gain - to stop hiding behind her body, and to fully embrace her plus sized beauty. Even today, I’m proud of how I could help her achieve that.

Anyway, back to the present. You might wonder what kind of therapists we were in. Well, it was a marriage counsellor. That might lead you to think that there was some kind of emotional problem in our marriage…arguments, fights, on the brink of divorce, all that kind of stuff.

But the truth is, Clara and I have never been happier. We’ve spent the last few years growing fatter and fatter, feeding and being fed by one another. We’re both just as much in love as we’ve ever been.

So why, you might ask, were we seeing a marriage therapist? Well, to tell the truth…out problem is a little more physical than emotional.

A door in front of us opened, and a woman in a smart business suit came up.

“Mr and Mrs Reynolds”, she announced, then she looked up from her clipboard at the two of us.
2 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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InTheBlack 4 years
Great start! Can’t wait for the next part!