Friends? or... more?

chapter 2 - pleasure

A few hours later, i awoke from my nap. I pulled myself up into a sitting position and i could feel my soft lower belly tipping over the waistband of my underwear, just touching my thighs. I automatically bring my hands to my belly and rub and squeeze it. I glide my hands over my front and find that my stomach is round and slightly hard to the touch but when i explore my sides, i find a small soft roll atop cushiony love handles.

I sat there for a while, feeling the softness of my fat. Until my stomach panged with hunger. With that urge, i got up and started walking to the kitchen but stopped when i caught my reflection in my bathroom mirror. I was suprised with how... thick i looked. My things and ass were getting shapeless as it was now covered with more fat. You could see the bulge of my love handles in the outline of my body. My face had become quite round. I felt that it was unfortunate that my jawline had disappeared and i was now sporting a small but noticable double chin. My arms also looked thicker and softer as they were now wrapped in a thick layer of fat. But most importantly, my belly was round and protruding.

Upon being aware of my belly, i reflexively sucked it in a little bit but then realised there was no point becuase i still looked kinda fat, but really, i was just chubby. So, i slowly released my belly and let it round out. I had now realised that my gut was actually pretty big, as i observed that it protruded past my boobs.

I also noticed my boobs were bigger, fuller, softer. They jiggled and bounced more easily nowadays.

I rubbed my belly, feeling its roundness, and kneaded the soft fat below my navel. It pushed out far past the waistband of my underwear and it jiggled at the slightest touch.

A small part of me was a little sad that i was drifting further and further away from society's beauty standards but the other part of me just did not care because i was so damn turned on.

My stomach rumbled, bringing my attention to the empty feeling in my stomach. It was just past midnight. Guess it was time for a late-night snack.

I found some left over pizza in the fridge from the other night when i couldn't finish my third pizza. I straight away gobbled it up cold. "Mmm", i moaned at the addictive taste.

I was still unsatisfied though. So, i made myself a PB&J sandwich with extra PB&J and quickly scoffed it down.

Still, i wanted something more just to make me feel a bit fuller. Before i knew it, i had eaten a two whole packet of oreos and a party-sized bag of chips. All of this was just mindless eating as i was watching netflix.

I definately felt fuller now. I felt quite stuffed actually so i didn't even bother getting up. I just turned the tv off and fell asleep right there on the couch, rubbing my round chubby belly.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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Theswordsman 3 years
Hopefully this fantasy becomes reality