The bbq

chapter 2

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Facebook marketplace was a lot more organized than John had first thought it would be and he eventually found an entire section of grilling related items that were up for sale in his area. Scrolling though the various offerings he eventually found what appeared to be a close to brand new grill that was only a ten-minute drive away and within his price range. He had planned to find a placeholder grill for now until he could save up for what he really wanted, but this one looked like it was as nice as some of the new ones he had been looking at for long term. He quickly contacted the seller and arranged to meet on Friday after work hoping to snag this gem he had found before anyone else realized it was there.

Friday came and he left work a little early to meet the seller, Frank, hoping to be on his way home with a new grill. He walked up to the door, knocked, and waited.

“Frank, I think that’s the guy at the door for the grill, can you get it? Lord knows I can’t!” John heard a female voice yell from inside the house. “Wonder what she means by that?” John thought to himself before he was pulled back to reality with the opening of the door.

The door opened and Frank greeted John. Frank was a big man both in height and width and seemed very imposing taking up all of the door frame of his home.

“Around back.” he said as he lumbered out and guided John around the side of the house. John considered the huge man as he followed. He must’ve been over 350 lbs and while tall he still supported a huge paunch that push out in front of him. He had broad shoulders that filled his field of view and led down to thick sides and meaty legs.

“Voila!” Frank said showcasing with his arm towards the grill and there the grill sat, in pristine condition, at the rear of the house. Apparently the pictures weren’t too good to be true and it was all his for only $100.

“We’re moving and don’t have room at our new location so we appreciate you coming to pick it up.” Frank emphasized as he let John inspect it.

“Just moved myself.” Said John. “ We’ll give it a good home I promise.”

“Just be careful, I’ve been accused of spending too much time grilling on this guy and it can be a little more grill than some men are used to.” He said with an odd glint in his eye and a hand resting on his paunch.

John, ever the aspiring chef, assured him he could handle the new equipment with ease. Rob and John hefted the grill into John’s pick up and off he went to surprise Jen with his new purchase.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Bcain 2 years
Its shelved for now, though I have picked stories back up if I find an angle or get inspired. I just wasn't sure where to go next besides them filling the entire house lol. Glad you enjoyed it tho.
Theswordsman 3 years
If thats after one meal i wonder how big they'll be after the next meal
ThiccamonToa... 3 years
Keep going, such a good read!