The bbq

chapter 14

Mike awoke to the sizzle of bacon and the clang of silverware. He had had a deep and restful sleep after last night’s activities. Veronica still lay on top of him, her head nuzzled against his boobs for support as makeshift pillows. He was content to lay there with is lover awhile longer until the smell of the bacon triggered a long low growl from his fat middle. Veronica stirred awake from the noise.

“Huh…what’d you say?” She asked sleepily, her eyes still half shut.

“Um, ‘I’ didn’t say anything, but I think ‘this’ is saying its hungry.” He pushed his hands into the sides of his belly, which sent Veronica bobbing up and down on its mass.

“Okay, okay, I’m hungry too big boy. Be careful or you’ll make me sea sick.” She said in jest to the waterbed like movements of his body below her.

Veronica, now more awake, hefted herself off her huge boyfriend. She found her underwear and slid them up over her fat thighs and butt, using the bed as a shelf for her chest. Any opportunities to relieve her arms and back from the huge weight of her breasts had to be taken advantage of. A shirt was out of the question for her, but at least she could still squeeze into her panties for some cover.

Mike struggled to sit up as his girlfriend tossed his shirt in his direction, landing on the slope of his lower belly roll. It would not cover that which it had landed on, but maybe it would offer some support to his well-padded chest. He slowly slipped the head hole passed his chubby cheeks and then proceeded to stuff each moob into the lower portion of the shirt. It wasn’t much, but it did prohibit his flabby chest from sliding to the sides of his belly and into his armpits.

Now came the tough part, removing Mike’s massive butt from the bed. Again, Veronica had to come to the rescue. Mike shimmied this way and that until he’d manage to hang his trunk like legs over the side of the bed. He gathered up Veronica’s chest once more so that her hands would be free to assist him. She grabbed on to his chubby wrist and on the count of three they both pushed/pulled with all their might. With audible grunts coming from both of them, Mike’s massive ass began to lift from the bed. Veronica’s right hand suddenly slipped of his somehow already sweaty wrist. The sudden loss of support sent each other’s rolls jiggling, but Mike managed to adjust quickly, sliding his foot back an inch to correct. He was able to continue his assent to standing position and probably saved John and Jen a bed frame in the process.

Now, both exhausted, they still had to make the journey downstairs. Veronica gathered up her large breasts from her boyfriend and squeezed them through the bedroom door. She waited on the other side while Mike performed his Houdini act of fitting his 4 ft wide hips through a 3 ft wide door. The process of stuffing his rolls through the frame was arduous, but eventually led to him popping through to the other side.

Veronica led, as they made there way to the stairs. She was growing impatient with Mike’s slow waddle as she was much more mobile than he and her arms were tired from holding her tits. She bounced down the staircase quickly once she found the edge of the first step with her foot. While lots of fun to play with, her breasts were a real hindrance to getting around, blocking her vision to most things in front of or below her.

Mike made sure to remain sideways the entire length of the stairs as he plodded down step by step, avoiding a repeat of last nights fiasco. They were slowly becoming more accustomed to their fattened bodies as they learned the ins and outs of their new limitations.

The couple was greeted by the sight their huge hosts working away in the kitchen. John stood shirtless and sideways against the stove as he worked pans with scrambled eggs, bacon, and pancakes. His sideways stance allowed him more access to the stove without having to reach over his massive belly. It was a rather precarious job given the random pops of bacon grease that could scald his exposed skin, but the need for a massive breakfast was too important. Luckily his gym shorts elastic could still span the width of his waist when tucked below the overhang of his gut. While tight, they at least offered protection from the hot grease below the belt line.

Jen jiggled this way and that around her husband’s bulky body laying out donuts and fruit and casseroles from the oven. She had found an old large t-shirt that she used to sleep in to wear. It was handed out at a 5k she had run for charity a few years back, but that seemed much further away now given her current physical fitness. It had used to fit more like a dress than a shirt, but now it pulled taught across her bloated upper half and left the bottom half of her belly out in the open to jiggle free as she moved. On her lower half she had managed to pull her largest pair of underwear over he huge butt. The sides cut into her fat hips and they rolled over to conceal the fabric while her large stomach covered the front from view.

“Morning you guys!” Liz spoke up from the couch.

They looked over to the other side of the open floor plan to see Chris’ chunky butt, clad only in his tight boxer briefs, walking a heaping plate to Liz who was planted on the large sectional couch. Her massive hips and thighs spread out on either side of her to take up a large portion of the cushions. She had managed to fit her shirt on from the night before, though she had left the bra on the bedroom floor. Her belly spilled out the bottom of her shirt and rested slightly on her thighs. Chris sandwiched himself between the armrest and his girlfriends fat thigh as he picked up his own heaping plate that was waiting on the coffee table.

Realizing that seating choices were limited for a guy his width, Mike quickly waddled to the remaining space of the couch of the other side of Liz. The deep sectional had seemed so large before, easily fitting them all if need be and now it barely contained enough room for Mike and Liz’s fat asses. He tried to ease his bulk down as slowly as possible, thinking of the chair he had crushed last night. The furniture groaned as it accepted the weight of the three friends combined. Mike’s thigh rolls spilled into Liz’s creating a tight crease of fatty flesh between them. He looked over to make sure Liz was okay with it, having invaded her seat, but she was already lost in her plate of breakfast food.

Veronica, seeing her boyfriend snag the remaining couch space with his huge butt, chose to sit in the open recliner besides him. As she settled in, her breasts spilling onto her thighs and filling her lap, a large plate was thrust into her view to her from Jen’s chubby hand.

“I don’t know about you guys, but we woke up starving after last night. Hope this is enough.” She said to the group as she devoured a chocolate doughnut.

Enough was an understatement with the counters covered with various food dishes. Jen brought Mike a large plate as well allowing him to finally ease the gnawing hunger that had awoken him. Conversation ceased, all having already started digging into the massive plates of food. Jen balanced herself on two bar stools at the island in order to provide enough support for her large rear. She was taking forkfuls directly from one of the breakfast casserole dishes only stopping to fit in a doughnut here and there. John remained standing across from his lover at the counter, using it to help support his large gut as he grabbed sausage links and bacon strips from two nearby trays.

Jen continued to serve her fattened guests plates as they ran out of food between her own mouthfuls. The group was overcome with gluttony, feeling a need to fill their hugely fattened forms. Muffled moans and burps escaped here and there, as they gorged themselves once more.

There was a large cast iron skillet that contained the breakfast potatoes, each had taken a large portion on their plates and with limited space in the oven from the casseroles, John had decided to use the grill instead…
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Bcain 2 years
Its shelved for now, though I have picked stories back up if I find an angle or get inspired. I just wasn't sure where to go next besides them filling the entire house lol. Glad you enjoyed it tho.
Theswordsman 3 years
If thats after one meal i wonder how big they'll be after the next meal
ThiccamonToa... 3 years
Keep going, such a good read!