The bbq

chapter 4

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They spent Saturday morning tidying up and running errands to get the house ready for company. Jen noticed her shirt clinging a little more to her stomach as she got dressed for the day, but assumed it was the new washer and dryer messing with their clothes. She noticed her husband shirt also seemed smaller, hugging his slight belly as well. Oddly, they had already begun to dig into the various snacks they had bought for their party that evening. It wasn’t like them to absentmindedly snack, but here they were grabbing handfuls of chips as they did their chores.

Mike was the first to arrive with his girlfriend Veronica. Mike was of an average build, not in super great shape, but managed to get some rec sports in here and there. His 5’11” 190 lbs. frame was that on the verge of a “dad bod”. Veronica was a tiny little thing at 5’ 1” and barely 110 lbs. She had long black hair that cascaded over her unusually large C cup bosom for someone of her height. The couples greeted each other with hugs and John took them on the tour showing off all the nooks and crannies of his new home to his friends.

Chris showed up 20 minutes later with his girlfriend Liz and while the others hung on the patio John ran through the tour again. Chris was also 5’ 11”, but had a solid muscular build that put him around 210 lbs. He regularly hit the gym having worked off most of his freshman 30 that he’d put on in college. He may have had to shave his head to remove what was quickly thinning, but in his mind he had made up for it by getting back into shape. The bald look suited him well though when combined with his trimmed beard. Liz was fit and lean like Jen though she stood much shorter at 5” 5” and 120 lbs. Her long dirty blond hair fell on protruding collarbones. Her hips similarly protruded, as they were wider than one would expect on a slim frame such as hers.

Drinks made and the sun shining the six friends chatted while sitting around the patio table.

“ I can’t believe that deal you got for this grill.” Mike said “Told you there were some good finds on there.”

“Can’t believe it myself.” Said John “We really got lucky.”

John had a large bowl filled with chicken that was marinating for tonight’s meal in the fridge. He planned to pull out all the stops with this being their first party. There was plenty of drinks, chips and smokey queso as well as some meats and cheeses for appetizers. Garlic mashed potatoes, and roasted veggies for sides and the jerk marinated chicken to bring it all together. He even used the grill to melt down the queso and mixed in some spicy chorizo. The dip was a hit and everyone continued to reach for another chip between conversations.

John decided to throw on the chicken early as he noticed that the appetizers were going faster than expected. It seemed that with the conversation and alcohol flowing no one was being shy.

Same as the night before the changes were gradual. The group slowly succumbed to the influence of the grill. John and Jen had a head start from the previous night, but their guests were on their way to catching up. Jen lounged back in her patio chair, a slight roll forming over the lip of her tightening leggings and peeking out to the world as she pushed another cheesy chip between her softening cheeks. John failed to notice his slight belly and chest now hugging his once loose fitting t-shirt as he stood at the grill.

Mike seemed the least shy around the food and now had soft roll peaking out of his shirt similar to Jen, his shorts tightening around his thighs as well. Veronica was keeping pace with her man and her already large breasts were beginning to strain her bra and top. Her stomach also swelled, but continued to be dwarfed by her chest.

Chris was the more conservative around all the food. His past chubbiness had made him more conscious of what he ate, but he did nibble here and there and his muscular bulk began to soften all over. Liz, lost in conversation with Jen, failed to notice her shorts approaching their limit as her wide hips began to fill with fat. Above the table she appeared to be the same as when she had arrived, but below her hips, butt, and thighs had taken on considerable weight.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Bcain 2 years
Its shelved for now, though I have picked stories back up if I find an angle or get inspired. I just wasn't sure where to go next besides them filling the entire house lol. Glad you enjoyed it tho.
Theswordsman 3 years
If thats after one meal i wonder how big they'll be after the next meal
ThiccamonToa... 3 years
Keep going, such a good read!