The bbq

chapter 5

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“Alright the chicken is finished, are we about ready to start dinner?” John announced to the party. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up hoping the answer would be yes, a hungry glaze over their eyes.

“I’m ready when you are.” Mike spoke up finally breaking the trance. The others nodded and murmured excitedly in agreement.

John and Jen filled the table with the delicious looking sides and the chicken hot off the grill, replacing the now empty snack bowls and trays from the demolished appetizers. Both tugged and pulled at their tighter clothes as they made trips to the kitchen and back serving the food. They noticed the discomfort, but failed to realize why.

They passed the food around the table each taking generous helpings for their newly stimulated appetites. Even Chris was beginning to succumb, scooping healthy portions onto his plate.

With food served they all cheersed to their friendship and the new home and then quickly dug in. A silence descended on the table as hunger took hold. The only sounds coming from the music playing in the background and the forks and knives as the cut, scooped, or stuck the food on their plates.

With the increased portions of the main course each of the friends were quickly filling out now. Liz’s wide hips were approaching the armrests of the patio chair she sat in as she shoveled mash potatoes into her mouth. Normally a very polite and quiet girl, the rate at which she stuffed herself was very unlike her. She was also starting to soften up all over losing her angular jaw line and causing her collarbones to sink into her plusher form. Her shorts were on the verge of splitting as he lower half continued to take on the brunt of her gain. Her thick thighs squeezed together, the space between them being filled and her hips and butt began to spill over the top of her maxed out shorts in a handful of rolls.

Chris was all in now and was surpassing his former college weight. His polo that had been tight to begin with, initially hugging his muscular arms, now clung to his pudgy limbs and soft rolls that were forming along his sides. His barrel of a chest and belly expanded outwards still retaining a strong core, but now covered in a nice thick layer of flab. He had the look of a lineman, but several years into retirement.

Veronica’s impressive chest now weighed her down in front. She had gone up several cup sizes as she continued to eat. Her olive tinted cleavage pushed up out of her v neck t-shirt and the tightening cups of her ill-fitting bra. It threatened her field of view as she looked to her plate for her next morsel. Her already cherubic face also had softened, as had the rest of her body. Hey belly now hung over her shorts and her butt had bubbled out behind her though her chest continued to steal the show.

Mike had noticed his girlfriends increasing cleavage as he ate and was extremely turned on, but the food still overcame this distraction and he continued to eat more. He smiled to himself a slight double chin now forming. His belly now spilled out of his t-shirt in a thick lower roll with no hope of covering it. His shorts were painted on and his thick thighs and butt took up the whole of his seat. It was a race to see if his thighs would split the shorts leg holes before his belly roll could overcome the button.

Jen had thickened all over, giving her a more exaggerated hourglass shape. Her height had helped distribute the added weight a little more than the other girls, but she was moving for seconds and her height could only do so much as her clothes continued to tighten around her expanding body. Her now fully formed belly resisted and bunched against her expanding tits and lap as she leaned in for her next helping.

John now had a large beer belly to match the bottle he gulped from. It rested in front of him and was complimented by a pair of newly formed man boobs that had already surpassed Liz’s modest cup size. His shirt, like everyone else’s, clung to his large belly and failed to contain all of its growth.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Bcain 2 years
Its shelved for now, though I have picked stories back up if I find an angle or get inspired. I just wasn't sure where to go next besides them filling the entire house lol. Glad you enjoyed it tho.
Theswordsman 3 years
If thats after one meal i wonder how big they'll be after the next meal
ThiccamonToa... 3 years
Keep going, such a good read!