The bbq

chapter 7

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The food was now all, but gone. Only scraps here and there remained. One by one they leaned back from their finished plates, hands drifting to their fattened bellies (at least those that could reach them from under their giant breasts) to rub and prod the meal that was now stuffed inside of them. They were all firmly weighed down in their chairs.

Chris had refilled everyone’s drinks at one point, though no one could recall when. It must’ve been a while ago because they would have noticed his hulking flab moving about the table at this point. They sipped their beverages and were enjoying the cool summer night breeze in their tipsy and satiated states when Jen spoke up.

“Oh I almost forgot you guys! We have vanilla ice cream and grilled peaches for dessert.”

Everyone seemed to perk up at the mention of dessert, though how they could still be hungry after the massive meal was beyond them. They were relieved when John and Jen once again waved off their offers of help. While they wanted to contribute, no one actually wanted to get up and move around.

It took a little longer for John and Jen to lift their own fattened bodies from their chairs. John managed to push his large gut towards the edge of the chair to use as a counter weight to remove his butt from the seat, but he had to assist Jen, as she could not manage to force her bulk forward. Pulling his wife from her chair they walked/waddled back inside to the kitchen.

Once inside they continually kept bumping into each other causing waves in their jiggly pudge as they grabbed what they needed for dessert. They were not used to all the weight they were now maneuvering around and their new perfect kitchen suddenly seemed a lot smaller. Bowls and tubs and peaches in hand John followed his wife’s wide and swaying hips back out to the patio, slightly mesmerized by their motion. He was so lost that he accidentally ran into her as she stopped at the patio door to open it.

“Hey, watch it!” Jen yelped as Johns huge belly smushed into her fluffy behind and back rolls.

John was shaken from his trance and manage to keep hold of the bowls in his hand.

“Sorry hun, got distracted for a second.” He said bashfully.

“I’m sure you did” Jen replied with a smirk, giving her hips a slight wiggle.

Passing out the desserts, everyone dug in once again. Mumbles of ecstasy echoed around the table as the flavors exploded into their mouths.

These were not the only sounds though. A ripping noise came from Chris’ direction announcing that his sleeves had finally given up and his pillowy arms flowed out. It was probably for the best as they began to regain some color with the increase in blood flow. He acknowledged it with a grunt and continued eating.

His polo now resembled a cut off crop top. His barrel belly sagged out in front of him exposed to all at the table. The sheer weight of it had overcome his once strong core, falling victim to gravity. He too now had a prominent pair of moobs that fit tightly in his crop top polo, a sliver of cleavage forming at the now unbuttoned collar. His thick neck filled the rest of the collar. Chris had started the evening the heaviest and he was still in first place because of his muscle mass, but now at 390 lbs nobody would mistake him for the gym rat he used to be.

Mike on the other hand was close behind him at 380 lbs, though he had not had the muscular base to start, which meant his weight could only be attributed to the soft pliable fat that surrounded his waist. He wasn’t sure, but they may have to cut him from the chair at this point as his saddlebags now sagged out the sides beneath the armrests. His shorts were fortunately somewhat elastic and so they continued to cling and expand to impossible limits with his fattening butt and legs. Seams continued to sound off here and there marking their end to come.

A high pitched “Oh” came from next to Chris as his girlfriends thighs released from the remaining seams of her shorts. A pudgy hand shot up to her mouth with surprise, but then a scoopful of ice cream made its way past. Her thick jiggly trunks ate the shorts and all that could be seen from under the table was a small sliver of her panties below her relatively small, but budding belly. The tatters lay on the ground and her fatty rolls covered the rest. She was looking absolutely chubby in her now form fitting top above the table and absolutely massive below. She too most likely would not be able to release her 330 lb body from the confines of her creaking chair without assistance.

John’s shirt now only contained his sizable breasts firmly packed into the top. He was on the verge of rivaling Veronica’s original assets when she had arrived that evening. His bare belly covered his lap and was cut in half by the table’s edge. It continued to inch further out, both below and above the table as he ate his dessert. He had opted to place his bowl on top of his expansive belly rather than use the table at this point. It was just too far away to reach at 350 lbs.

Similarly, Veronica had chosen to wedge her bowl between the undulating mass of her cleavage for accessibility while she ate. The cotton v-neck was practically see-through at this point as her breast continued to expand out on the table in front of her. Her nipples were clearly visible through the sheer fabric as she reveled in the tasty dessert. She had opted to use the table to reduce the strain her massive tits were causing on her back. The rest of her chubby 290 lb form had taken up the entirety of her seat, but was not yet testing its limits as her boyfriend’s was.

A ping sounded as the button on Veronica’s shorts dismissed itself allowing her stomach to surge forward beneath the table and attempt to catch up to her breast. It competed for space with her chunky thighs. A second ping followed from across the table and John raised his glass to Veronica to celebrate the shared moment.

Jen lifted her second bowl of ice cream to her plump lips letting the melted remains slide down her throat. Drips of ice cream fell from the sides and ran down her chubby cheeks towards her constrained top. Her bra had given way at the start of dessert, but because of her tops modest neckline and sturdy material her breasts could only pack themselves tighter as they expanded rather than freely spill out and over the top as Veronica’s had managed. The unforgiving top also managed to squeeze her belly out the bottom forming a thick muffin top above her leggings. Her bulging thighs now touched the sides of her chair and squeezed together down to her knees as her 355 lb body just surpassing her husband’s weight.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Bcain 2 years
Its shelved for now, though I have picked stories back up if I find an angle or get inspired. I just wasn't sure where to go next besides them filling the entire house lol. Glad you enjoyed it tho.
Theswordsman 3 years
If thats after one meal i wonder how big they'll be after the next meal
ThiccamonToa... 3 years
Keep going, such a good read!