The bbq

chapter 8

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The ice cream was finished. Mike leaned back holding one of the cartons to his face to slurp up the last remaining drops. A loud pop rang out from his chair as he did so. The sudden shift in his seat caused a domino effect that led to his shorts giving way, exposing his massive creamy thighs. His boxer briefs were lost in the rolls and folds that piled around his lower half. He failed to notice any of this as he dutifully licked the carton clean.

“Be happy there’s none left, I don’t think Mike’s chair could handle another bite.” Veronica teased as she looked over her undulating breasts to John and Jen. She grabbed a handful of her boyfriends thigh flesh and shook it for emphasis.

“You’re one to talk.” Mike shot back removing the carton from his face. “Luckily all the food is gone and the only thing the table has to hold is your huge tits.”

“Umm, I’m really sorry you guys, but I might need Chris to bend the arms of this one to get me out. “ Liz apologized as she ran her hands along the smooth fatty bulges of her hips and thighs.” “I promise I’ll pay for a new one!”

“Ah its no worries.” Said John. “I think we’ll need to replace them all with something heavier duty at this point anyways.” He rubbed the top of his colossal gut as he spoke. The bottom had sunk between his smaller legs and forced them to the sides. His t-shirt had upgraded from crop top to sports bra and was doing its best to contain his hefty moobs.

“We are just happy to share this wonderful meal with you guys.” Jen added. “A little collateral damage is expected.” She laughed, her chubby cheeks scrunching up around her eyes.

With each laugh a light tear could be heard as the side seams of her top slowly ripped upwards to her soft arms exposing more of her plush love handles and allowing her belly to push upwards releasing itself from the muffin top it had been forced into. Below, her leggings had become see-through as they stretched to cover her fattened legs.

“So I don’t mean to impose, but is there any chance we could grab a guest room tonight. I don’t think we’re in any shape to drive home at this point.” Chris asked, both referring to the alcohol they had consumed as well as the effects of their feast. His big pillowy arm contended for space against his full chest as he down the last of his drink.

Fortunately the new home happened to have two guest bedrooms. They had wanted to option to expand their family when the time came, but for now they could easily accommodate their friends.

“You beat me to it, I was just going to offer up the option to stay.” John replied, ever the gracious host. “The spare rooms are both have fresh sheets.”

“Thanks so much you guys, perfect way to end the night.” Veronica added.

Now popping sounds could be heard from all around the table as the friends attempted to get up and head inside for he night.

John was the first up, again using his massive gut to remove his huge body from the chair. Slight tears sounded off as his moobs squished against the mass of his belly. He hoped the shirt would last him until he made it to the bedroom.

Chris was up next, being the most suited for the additional weight, his hidden muscles worked to control his hulking movements. He quickly turned to his girlfriend who helplessly grunted and wiggled in her seat, sending waves flowing through her naked hips, thighs, and butt to no avail.

She planted her feet firmly as Chris grabbed her hands and pulled her towards him. She slowly shifted her weight forwards and eventually was standing, but the chair had refused to let go and remained stuck within the rolls of her hips. She then shook here massive rear up and down, the chair finally slipping off her flabby butt and hips and clattering to the ground. The wooden deck groaned along with her movements.

John was tending to his wife who again needed his help to get up. She was also wedged in her chair though not nearly as bad as Liz was. The torn remains of her shirt and bra fell away as John managed to pull her free. Jen quickly scooped up her heaving chest into her arm, attempting to regain some poise.

Veronica was doing her best to do the same with her much larger breasts since she had lost all support long ago. Using both her arms she gathered her fattened tits lifting them from the table. They bulged over each arm and pushed up into her face blocking her view. Her shirt was still intact, but the fabric only reached just below her nipples at this point. Underboob oozed out from beneath her arms and onto her bloated belly as she attempted to gain her balance. Luckily her fattened ass did help counter her massive chest somewhat. Her tiny body was simply overwhelmed by the huge increase in weight.

“Mike? I can’t really see, do you need any help?” Veronica called out from behind her bosom. She could hear more metallic pops coming from where she thought he had been seated.

Mike looked up from his struggle to see his girlfriends’ huge breast filling his view.

“No hun, not sure you could help much at this point anyways. I almost. Got. It….”


With a loud thud Mike hit the deck as his chair gave out. The chair was crushed beneath his massive butt freeing him from its clutches. His huge thighs and ass spread out over the broken chair and onto deck. Mike lay there, his moobs bunching up into his chins as his mass of exposed rolls gently swayed back and forth from the momentum of the fall.

“Uh, guess I might need a little help after all.” Mike called out from the ground.

Having finished helping their significant others, Chris and John lumbered over to Mike and helped pull him off the mangled remains of his chair. It took some creative maneuvering to work around each other’s fattened forms, but they managed.

Finally, all standing, they slowly plodded towards the door. All either shuffled or waddled as a normal stride was out of the question at this point with their newly inflated weights.

Jen led the way and Liz followed. She noted she could see the black triangle of Jen’s thong pulled taught across her expansive ass through her leggings. Liz assumed her panties were still attached to her gigantic ass though she had no way of telling as her newly prominent boobs blocked her view down and her chubby belly now sagged to completely cover any trace of them.

Veronica followed Liz, though she used the sound of her and Jen’s voice to guide her. Her arms were growing tired from containing her massive chest and she needed to get to the bed to lie down and release the weight of her girls.

The boys followed behind them, John and Chris slowly shuffled, while Mike brought up the rear both literally and figuratively with his waddling hips and butt.

Jen held open the door with her free hand and allowed the others to enter. Liz, not fully aware of her new width attempted to waddle straight in, but was quickly thwarted by her bugling hips smashing into the sides of the door frame.

“Oh” she squeaked, realizing she wouldn’t fit.

“Try sideways dear.” Jen suggested

Liz backed up slightly, her butt pressed into Veronica’s breasts as she did so and turned to shuffle in sideways. Her belly and rear still grazed the sides, but she made it through.

A shiver ran down Veronica’s spine at the stimulation of Liz’s ass on her nipples, but she needed to focus. Her arms were growing weaker by the minute. She hugged her breasts tightly as she passed threshold. Only feeling the frame brush against the right boob as she passed.

John made it through without issue, though his gut and large man tits made it through several moments before the rest of him did. They pushed out and sagged far beyond his torso.

Chris similarly had no issues getting in though he filled the door frame completely. John had a vision of Frank, the original grill owner, flash before his eyes as he watched his similarly large friend move into the kitchen.

Mike approached the door slowly eyeing it up and looking down to his wide flaring hips that sagged out on either side of him.

“Try sideways Mike, worked for me.” Liz called from inside recognizing the similarities in their fattened bodies.

Mike nodded and shuffled sideways before making his way inside. His ass and belly still smushed into the sides of the frame, but he managed to wriggle his jiggling mass through.

Jen followed last, locking up for the night. Though she could pass through normally it was still very tight. Her hips came dangerously close and it would only take a few more bites to push them beyond the limits of the doorway.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Bcain 2 years
Its shelved for now, though I have picked stories back up if I find an angle or get inspired. I just wasn't sure where to go next besides them filling the entire house lol. Glad you enjoyed it tho.
Theswordsman 3 years
If thats after one meal i wonder how big they'll be after the next meal
ThiccamonToa... 3 years
Keep going, such a good read!