The bbq

chapter 9

All inside safe and sound the group of half naked friends spilled out into the living room. The kitchen would’ve fit them all at the beginning of the night, though it would have been a squeeze. Now it was out of the question.

“Dibs on the first floor room!” Chris called out before Mike had even thought of the advantage.

“Damnit.” He mumbled to himself glancing sadly to the stairway. The stairs of the older house were narrow and his wide lower half would no doubt be tested again.

Veronica just rolled her eyes at Chris’ outburst from the couch where she had sat to allow her arms some rest. Her tits fell to her chubby thighs and spilled on to the cushions beneath her fat ass.

“Towels and such should be in the closets. Let us know if you guys need anything else.” Jen offered. “Night.”

John and Jen made their way to the staircase first. It was a slow process, all their movements now were. Jen had opted for Veronica's two arm method to support her breasts now that she no longer needed a free hand. John followed behind his wife, her jutting ass close to his face as they made their accent. He could see every little bulge or trace of cellulite clearly through her straining legging fabric and again got lost in his wife big beautiful behind. One missed step caused his huge gut to pull him down and almost sent him rolling down the stairs.

“Woah!” he yelped fearing the fall, but catching himself on the railing just in time. It ticked under the pressure as it helped support his weight. He wheezed as he regained his balance, careful not to look directly at his wife’s rear for the remaining steps.

Mike and Veronica watched Chris assisted his girlfriend through the bedroom door, which was even smaller than that of the door to the patio, while they waited for John and Jen to make it to the second floor. She shimmied sideways as he tried to press her butt and hip fat through the sides. It took some time, but eventually a high-pitched grunt came from her announcing they had finally forced her huge hips through. Chris followed carefully, shimmying his own keg of a belly into the room to follow.

Realizing they were up next for the stairs, Veronica gathered her chest up in her arms once more and made her way in that direction. She timidly reached out with her foot to find the first stair having no clue where it lay beyond her bountiful breasts. Once she found it she slowly shuffled upwards one stair at a time.

Mike was behind her and once again shifted sideways to allow his flaring hips a chance at making it through the tight corridor. His breath became heavy as he slowly moved up behind his girlfriend focusing on his chubby feet making each step rather than letting his attention drift to his girlfriend’s chunky behind since he had seen John make that mistake earlier.

Finally, with only a few steps remaining Mike relaxed seeing the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. He began to shift forwards when his bulging hip caught the side of the top banister.

“Oh?” he let out, confused at the sudden blockade. His hips were now firmly wedged between the wall and banister.

“Uh babe, I think I need some help again…sorry.” He called out dejectedly.

Veronica turned and slowly let her breast fall to spy her boyfriends wide form trapped at the top of the stairs over the long valley of her cleavage. The banister dug deep into his hip fat on the right side, while his left side was squished flat against the wall.

Thinking quickly she commanded, “Here, if you can hold my tits, I can grab your arms and try to pull you through.”

“Uh…Okay.” He said a little too excitedly. The thought of finally getting to fondle his girlfriends inflated breasts turning him on.

She then hefted her breast towards him and he happily accepted the jiggling masses as they pressed into his fattened cheeks and chins.

Veronica pulled with all her might and suddenly with an audible *swoop*; all of Mike’s bulk along with her breasts was coming towards her at an alarming speed. She tumbled backwards into the wall and Mike’s flabby body quickly followed, pinning her against it. She cooed in pleasure as their soft flabby bodies pressing together, but quickly realized she could no longer breath.

Mike pulled back his newly freed body to regain composure, but not without planting a big smooch one her massive breasts as he did so.

“Everything all right out there?” A concerned Jen called from the adjacent bedroom. Normally she would’ve poked her head out the door in response to the commotion, but calling over first seemed like the easier and less exertive option at this point.

“Yeah, we got it. Just little hiccup is all.” Mike called back embarrassed.

“Alright, night you guys.” She called back.

The final challenge lay ahead. Veronica did not have issue with squeezing her huge chest through the bedroom door, but knew it would be a challenge for Mike. Turning sideways once again he scooted his rotund hips up to the doorway. His ass and belly immediately made contact. He forced harder as he stuffed the pliable flesh pooling around the frame of the door into the room. His bare ass slowly slid across the opposite side of the door, his boxer briefs had been forced into more of a thong at this point leaving cheeks exposed to the surface. He huffed as he struggled to tame his chub.

Veronica had opted to watch from the bed, giving her back a rest and letting her massive breasts pool out beneath her. She hoped she wouldn’t have to rescue her chubby man a second time tonight and was quite enjoying the front row seat to his struggle. She stared lustfully at his bulges and dimples as he worked.

Mike’s diligence paid off as he finally squished his last obstructing roll through. Sweating and completely exhausted from the trip, he cursed himself again for not calling the first floor room.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Bcain 2 years
Its shelved for now, though I have picked stories back up if I find an angle or get inspired. I just wasn't sure where to go next besides them filling the entire house lol. Glad you enjoyed it tho.
Theswordsman 3 years
If thats after one meal i wonder how big they'll be after the next meal
ThiccamonToa... 3 years
Keep going, such a good read!