The bbq

chapter 10

John and Jen shuffled around to their sides of the bed, having finally made it into their room. They began to undress, John’s t-shirt popping a few more seams as he released his massive man boobs letting them splay out to the sides oh his titanic belly. Jen was busy working her fingers into the lip of her leggings hoping to inch them down over the shelf of her butt. Finally getting a hold under the rolls of her belly, her hips and butt oozed out over the top as she worked them down her thick legs inch by inch. With the button having given up earlier, John simply shuffled his shorts off by lifting his belly overhang releasing them from the grip its grip. His briefs were pulled taught over his expanded butt though they stretched to stay in place having not had to deal with the expansion some of the others in the group had experienced.

Looking across the bed at each other another appetite was simulated. John drank in every flabby inch of his naked and fattened wife, her exaggerated hourglass form stirring something beneath his belly. Jen too, looked on with a hunger to press her face into the hairy breasts her husband now supported. She wanted to straddle his massive belly with her thick thighs and give him a proper thank you for all the hard work he’d done slaving over the grill this evening.

Suddenly, a loud thud came from the hallway. Their looks of lust turned to looks of curiosity.

“Everything all right out there?” Jen asked, hoping the response was yes.

“Yeah, we got it. Just little hiccup is all.” Mike responded.

John let out a relieved sigh.

“Alright, night you guys.” Jen called back.

They threw back the covers and lowered themselves into their king size bed. They had both agreed it was excessive when they had bought it, but now they were grateful for the additional space it provided. It creaked under the new mass of their jiggling bodies.

Without a word they immediately started making out, feeling each other up and exploring the new expansive additions to each other’s bodies. Jen kneaded Johns pillow like chest as she bit his lip. She was almost jealous of his fattened tits, but she still had him beat with her own. She was growing wet at the sensation of her fat belly pressed tightly against her husband’s huge, soft middle.

John’s member pressed into his soft underbelly as he squeezed his wife’s fat ass. His pudgy fingers sunk into her soft flesh. Her large tits spilled out onto his own as she shifted him on to his back. Straddling his mass with her thickened thighs, she dug her fingers into his folds in search of his briefs. Finding the elastic band she pulled hard until they finally ripped and slid out from his rolls. His dick, now free, pressed even harder into the bottom of his gut.

He was extremely turned on by the command his wife was taking of the situation. She then pushed his colossal belly up searching for the prize hidden beneath. It took some doing, but she eventually wrapped her chubby hand around his member and began to stoke exciting him further. John took her left breast into his moth and swirled his tongue around her enlarged nipple as she worked his shaft.

She moaned with pleasure realizing that she was more than ready to mount him. Grabbing a hold of her soaked panties she pulled until they too popped off her fattened hips. Now, both completely naked, she pushed his huge belly up and shimmied her waiting pussy towards his erection. Lowering herself onto her husband she began to ride him, her hands planted and sinking into her husbands massive stomach. Their bellies squished together in a mass of jiggling flesh as they fucked. John continued to squeeze and prod every inch of his wife’s body as her fattened pussy worked his dick. The bed frame creaked loudly with their rhythm of their shifting weight.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Bcain 2 years
Its shelved for now, though I have picked stories back up if I find an angle or get inspired. I just wasn't sure where to go next besides them filling the entire house lol. Glad you enjoyed it tho.
Theswordsman 3 years
If thats after one meal i wonder how big they'll be after the next meal
ThiccamonToa... 3 years
Keep going, such a good read!