A big wish

Chapter 2 - day 1

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“Honey! Time to get up or you’ll be late for school!”

Chloe’s eyes opened wide, and after hearing what her mom just said, she panicked. How could she be late for school? How long had she slept?

Chloe grabbed her bag and bounded downstairs, but the kitchen she entered was not her family’s kitchen, or at least it didn’t look that way.

Standing at the sink she saw an incredibly wide woman with two plush looking, almost beach ball sized ass cheeks stuffed into a pair of clearly one size too small yoga pants with the top of her ass crack peeking out and a tyre of flesh rolling over them. As the woman turned to face her, she could see she was wearing a tight white crop top that covered none of her flabby protruding belly which she saw move from where it was resting on the kitchen counter to drop heavily to the top of her thighs and hang down towards the floor.

“So, are you going to join us for breakfast?” the wide woman said with a smile, showing her round face and exaggerating her thick double chin off. Chloe could recognise this woman’s eyes…she looked like…her mom!

“Ha! She’s so skinny and frail she won’t eat, and if she does, it’ll just be a healthy banana or something gross knowing her!” Chloe then looked at the fat, fleshy mass of a woman who said that. She recognised that voice…it sounded like her sister. Sat at one end of the breakfast bar with a fat ass and huge thunder thighs oozing over the seat, she saw her once lean model quality sister shovelling pastries and fried breakfast foods into her mouth with her big, heavy, fatty arms. Her sister’s breasts looked like they were going to pop out of her tight t-shirt at any moment.

“What the hell is happening? Am I dreaming?”

“No honey, you’re wide awake and running late for school. Now be like your sister and mother and eat! You’re very underweight for your age. We don’t want to have to call the doctor and get appetite enhancers prescribed for you.” Chloe’s dad said as he got up from the breakfast bar to leave for work after kissing his wife on the lips with passion, something Chloe had never actually seen before. Her dad looked lean and strong, almost buff in comparison to the slimmer runner of a father she was more familiar with.

Chloe slowly took a seat opposite her sister who gave her a wink whilst chewing some hash browns.

“Go on then, fill yourself up skinny.”

Chloe looked down at the platter of breakfast foods on the table and then looked at her mom who was leaning against the kitchen counter wheezing slightly. She gave her a nod to go right ahead, and with that, Chloe grabbed a doughnut and shoved it in her mouth. Chewing furiously, she was overcome with pleasure from the taste of this fatty, junky breakfast food that she was actually allowed to eat at home. Then she grabbed a cinnamon roll. Then a bacon waffle. Then 4 pancakes covered in syrup in one mouthful, followed by chocolate ice cream. [Oh my god this is amazing!] she thought.

“Oh there we go! There’s the Chloe we’ve been waiting for. Maybe you’ve finally hit your growth spurt now!” Carol said with her mouth open, spitting flakes of food out onto the table with no shame. Chloe smiled at her sister whilst shovelling food into her hungry mouth like an animal.


“That’s Katherine for you honey, here’s your snacks and lunch, and have a good day at school. Remember to keep yourself stuffed!” her mom said as she waddled over to give her a large bag of food and a kiss. “These pants are done, I’ve definitely outgrown them!” she said as she untucked her fat bloated belly with a husky giggle.

“See ya skinny!”

As Chloe waddled out the house wiping cream and grease from her mouth, she still couldn’t believe what she had just seen. Her once fashionable, militantly healthy mom, looking like she weighed close to 600 pounds and struggling to keep herself standing on her two swollen feet wearing flip flops of all things, and her once model quality fit sister, now around 450lbs with a dump truck ass with a shelf and round jowly face with a puffy double chin. She stopped on the side of the road and looked for Kath’s Prius. The only car she could see was a white Range Rover. She approached it cautiously and saw a fat woman on the driver’s side, a woman who looked like a very overweight Kath.


“Get in slow poke or we’ll be late!”

When Chloe was all buckled in she looked at her best friend. It looked like it wasn’t just her family that had changed. She saw Kath’s belly pushing against the steering wheel of her car but even bigger was her chest. She was wearing a low cut top and her cleavage looked like it ran for miles. She must have been a KK cup now.

“We’re dropping by McDonald’s for breakfast two as per usual. Let’s roll!”


“Yeah silly. We always go in the morning before school to get our McMuffins, remember? You must be hungry if your memory’s going!”

As they pulled up to the drive-thru Kath started putting on cherry coloured lipstick and ran her stubby fingers through her short blonde perfectly curled hair.

“Could I get eight bacon and egg McMuffins please, no wait…just give me one of each item from the whole breakfast menu. What are you having Chloe?”

“Uhhh could I have three bacon and egg McMuffins I guess?”

“Three?!? No wonder you’re so thin. And another order of the whole breakfast menu please. Thanks!” Kath confidently said into the machine.

As they pulled up to pay and then collect the order, Kath looked at herself in the rear-view mirror and said, “God I make fat look good.” They parked in the restaurant’s car park and Chloe looked at the other cars nearby. The car park was busy for this time of day in their little town. Other cars with women of differing ages in them were parked, all stuffing themselves with McDonald’s food. Kath handed Chloe her full paper bag of food.

“Dig in, we haven’t got all day.”

And with that Kath began stuffing herself and chewing and swallowing like Chloe had never seen before. Her cheeks were bulging, and little double chin jiggling with each bite. Chloe had to eat, even though she felt stuffed from the food she had at home. The food did smell amazing though, better than she could remember. She opened the bag and grabbed a breakfast burger. She chewed slowly at first, but then it tasted so good she couldn’t eat it fast enough. After 15 minutes, Chloe had finished eating, followed by a satisfyingly disgusting belch.

“That’s it girlfriend! There’s a first time for everything huh, being able to keep up with little old me. Let’s get out of here.” Kath proudly said followed with a nudge to her best friend as she drove them to school.

As Chloe looked at the streets as they drove, she could see people going about their daily business as per usual. Except they all looked different. Men looked leaner and fitter. She couldn’t see a single out of shape man. All the women were fat, obese, or even super obese. Some had their bellies tucked into their comfortable stretchy pants, and others let it all hang out with no shame. How could this be happening she thought…
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Xombie05 3 years
God yes do the epilogue
91stol 3 years
this is a nice story i enyoyd it
Xombie05 3 years
God I love this please continue