A big wish

Chapter 3 - day 1

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Kath pulled into a space, checked her makeup one more time, and they both left the car. Chloe started waddling her way to the High School entrance and she finally got a good look at the Kath of her new reality.

She looked taller, almost as tall as she was at 5’6. As she looked down, she saw she was wearing high heels. Kath had a definite sway when she walked now, thanks to her wider hips and fat ass, squeezed into a pair of skinny jeans. Her plump pink navel was on show as her tight black V-neck t-shirt kept riding up her gut closer to her boobs. The shy, meek and mild Kath she knew yesterday did not exist here. Instead, she was a confident, sexy, curvy woman right now.

“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but…how much do you weigh Kath?”

“Oh you noticed I put on a few huh?” Kath replied with a smile, “I weigh around 330 pounds now, finally getting closer to 350, which at my height will make me look like I’m 400 pounds. You’ve got some catching up to do skinny!”

As Chloe got inside and headed to her locker with Kath, she couldn’t help but look around and notice her fellow Seniors. All the female classmen were obese and wearing tops that rode up their bellies, waddling around the halls, sharing food and talking with their mouths full.

She noticed a handsome athletic guy with a crew cut, perfect jaw and eyes tha- “Watch where you’re going you skinny, malnourished anorexic!” Chloe got distracted and hadn’t watched where she was walking. She just knocked into the back of a huge girl who was talking and eating with her less obese group of pretty friends. As the girl turned around she was faced with a gargantuan stomach apron that hung down past the denim shorts she was wearing, clearly unbuttoned and unzipped. She wore a top that just covered her fat round HH cup breasts which could barely be made out to say ‘Feed me and call me Pretty’.
She saw her big fat arm flesh jiggle as she adjusted her short blonde bob of hair that framed her moon face and thick double chin that completely hid her neck, and wiped her plump lips with her pudgy fat fingers. Looking down, Chloe saw her thick bare legs with her denim shorts hoisted up her giant thighs, riddled with cellulite and varicose veins, and saw her cankles and swollen feet in a pair of flip flops.

“You got anything you want to say to me, skinny? You made me drop my burger on the floor!”

“Uhhh, I’m sorry for bumping into you and making you drop your burger…”

“You’re sorry to who? Say who you’re sorry to, you disgusting underweight twig of a human!”

Chloe looked clueless as she just kept slowly repeating the words “I’m sorry to…” Kath nudged her and whispered, “That’s Alyssa clueless! What’s wrong with you today?!”

“I’m sorry Alyssa!”

“Damn right you’re sorry. Stay out of my way until you reach a normal weight or something. God you’re so gross and morbidly thin. Isn’t that right girls?” Alyssa said as she and her group of girlfriends all giggled.

[So Alyssa is still a popular bitch as a super fat girl I guess] Chloe thought.

Alyssa then bent her flabby frame over to pick up the burger. Examining it she said, “Still good” and shoved it in her mouth getting grease and sauce all over her lips and thick neck as she waddled her perfectly proportioned massive body away with confidence.

“Jeez Alyssa is big. How much do you think she weighs Kath?”

“She’s the biggest and most popular girl in school. I think she weighs around 460 pounds or so now. She’s so hot. She has a big party every quarter at her place for those who weigh 400 pounds and over to gain more weight. I’d love to go to one, just 70 more pounds to go! But you’ve got to come too Chloe, just hurry up and eat. I have some appetite enhancers if you want to use them? They helped me gain quickly.”

Chloe thought about it and quickly realised that this was what she always wanted. A world where she could get fat and not be judged about it, to finally feel her best and her sexiest at whatever weight she wanted.

“Yes, please. I’ll take them!”

“Okay eager beaver, here’s a pack, just take one before every meal. Maybe then we’ll finally be allowed into one of Alyssa’s parties!” Kath squealed with excitement. Kath then took one of the tablets herself. “Well, let’s go eat.”

“What do you mean? Don’t we have to get to class?”

“What’s wrong with you Chlo? We don’t go to class. All of us women just go to the cafeteria to eat. Class is for the guys. Come on, let’s go. It’s already kicking in, I’m starving!”

Chloe watched her best friend strut down the hall in her heels with her thighs rubbing each other and ass crack on show as the guys whistled at her and begged for her number. [God she looks amazing…]
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Xombie05 3 years
God yes do the epilogue
91stol 3 years
this is a nice story i enyoyd it
Xombie05 3 years
God I love this please continue