A big wish

Chapter 4 - day 1

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As Chloe waved goodbye to Kath after being dropped off home, she waddled to her home’s front door, cradling her belly. She had never felt so stuffed in all her life and she loved it.

She opened the front door and was faced with the smell of grease. She sniffed. KFC. It was KFC. She walked into their living room and saw her sister laying on the couch in just her underwear like a slob chewing on KFC with a family bucket resting on her gut and three empty buckets and burger boxes littered next to the couch.

“Hey Caroline. How’s your day been?” Chloe asked tentatively.

“Hey skinny. It’s been good thanks, just been stuffing myself all day, I’ve nearly made weight.”

“What do you mean ‘made weight’?”

“Armani wants me to be 500 pounds for the next shoot, and I’m so close at 490. Thing is, I want to be so obese for them, show them what I’m really made of if you know what I mean” explained Caroline with her mouth full of chicken.

“Wow, well keep on going and you’ll make it.” Chloe’s belly rumbled. “I don’t suppose I can have some chicken please, I’m starved.”

“Well well well. Looks like skinny’s found her appetite. Have the rest of this bucket, I gotta go take a shit anyway.” As Caroline struggled to get her huge body off the couch she pivoted her fat legs to the floor and pushed herself up using her hands. As she jiggled her obese body to the bathroom, Chloe watched her sister’s fat ass. Her panties were swallowed up by her ass crack and her butt wobbled with each step she took. Each dimple swayed on her ass cheek almost rhythmically.

Chloe picked up the bucket of chicken and ran up to her room as quickly as she could. She had some research to do about what the hell happened.

Chloe sat her ass down on her chair and fired up her computer whilst chewing on some chicken. She typed into Google, ‘Why are all women fat?’ Scanning the information displayed she learned that something changed during evolution and a woman’s body is now more likely to store calories from any macronutrient as fat and as a result females gain weight very quickly, whereas men have high levels of testosterone which helps them stay lean and muscular even into old age.

Because of this, being obese was the new normal weight for women. Why was everybody calling her skinny though, she was technically already obese back in the world she once knew. She typed in “normal weight for women” with her greasy fingers. 300 pounds was the new normal weight for adult women her age. Anything less than that was considered underweight and less than 250 pounds dangerously underweight for a woman. 350 pounds was now overweight, 400 pounds obese and 500 pounds super obese.

This was mind-blowing to Chloe. What else has changed? She went to her underwear drawer. She picked out one of her favourite thongs and checked the size.

“Extra small? My pants are all in XS?” she then picked up a bra. “A cup? I used to be a small C cup! I’ve got to eat, I can’t live like this!” she said with determination. She typed in ‘weight gain pills’. She was faced with a deluge of adverts for weight gain supplements. *Gain 50 pounds in ONE month!*. That looked legit. She ordered it for ASAP delivery and popped two appetite enhancers.

She thundered back down to the kitchen. “Mom! I’m starving! What’s for dinner?!”

“Well somebody’s found her appetite! I don’t know honey, how about we all have pizza? I’m feeling too lazy to make food right now.” Her mom was wearing a vest with her boob fat squeezing out of it whilst sat at the table spraying whipped cream into her mouth.

“Glad to see you’re feeling hungry baby, maybe you’ll start getting into the normal weight range now” her dad said cheerily.

“Yes, pizza sounds good. I’m famished, can I have 4 deep dish extra cheese meat lovers please?”

“Did someone say pizza?” her big sister lumbered into the kitchen, brushing the door frame with her thick wide hips, “I’ll have eight three cheese please, with extra cheese.”

“If she’s having eight, I want ten!”

“Now now girls, you’ll both have eight and your momma’s going to be the one having ten!” her mom said patting her flabby paunch hanging down between her knees.

Within twenty minutes, 27 extra-large deep dish pizzas arrived to their home and the family was sat in their living room. Her sister on a couch of her own, her mom on a couch, and Chloe and her dad each in an armchair. It was like a feeding frenzy between the women, as they each shoved slice after slice down their chunky necks like hungry animals competing with each other. As the girl’s father calmly sat and ate his one pizza slice by slice watching the carnage unfold, he mumbled “Finally, a good old fashioned eat-off between all my girls.”

Chloe’s mom threw in the towel first after her sixth pizza. Looks like I wasn’t as hungry as I thought I was, you girls can have the rest of my pizzas” she said as she laid her fleshy wobbly body down on the couch rubbing her now bloated drum of a belly.

Chloe and Caroline stared at each other whilst eating like competitors psyching each other out.
[Thank god Kath gave me those enhancers] thought Chloe.

As she looked at Caroline, she could see that even though she was on her tenth and final pizza, she was sweating and it looked like she was struggling to breathe. Chloe looked at her own bloated stomach. When did my jeans unbutton and unzip? Did I pop a button? Realising she had popped her pants button turned Chloe on and she starting to feel wet. This made her feel hungrier and really fired her up. She started folding her tenth pizza like a calzone and she took huge bite after huge bite. Unbelievably, she still felt hungry.

“Looks like we have a winner! Congratulations Chloe!” her father exclaimed.

As he held Chloe’s arm up in victory, she looked across to her sister who was still chewing a slice, with beads of sweat on her forehead and her full, red, puffy face. She was sat wide legged with her heavy gut hanging between her thick bare legs. After she finished chewing and took a couple of slow, laboured breaths in, she said, “Skinny’s finally…fed up of being…skinny. Get her some…ice…cream…” Chloe’s eyes lit up at the mention of ice cream and she looked at her father.

“Great idea. Two pints of ice cream coming up, for each of us!”
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Xombie05 3 years
God yes do the epilogue
91stol 3 years
this is a nice story i enyoyd it
Xombie05 3 years
God I love this please continue