A big wish

Chapter 5 - day 84

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After nearly 3 months, things had changed for Chloe. Every day was like the first, starting with a morning stuffing at home for breakfast with her family, followed by ever growing orders at a different fast food outlet with Kath for her second breakfast, followed by a whole day of eating in the school canteen, then a competition between her, her mom and her sister of who could stuff the most food into their mouth. She felt like an addict, routinely taking appetite enhancers and weight gain growth pills, and addicted to fatty junk food. Because of this, she regularly started waking up in the middle of the night craving food where she would binge on cakes her mom made, ice cream her dad had bought, or whole jars of maple syrup and cans of whipped cream.


Chloe groggily woke up and hit her alarm to turn it off. Slowly sitting up in bed, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and yawned. She felt her heavy body and reached her hand down to under her belly, feeling it rise and fall. She rubbed herself and felt a shiver. Whimpering in pleasure as she woke herself up by touching herself, she heard her belly rudely interrupt with a grumble.

“Don’t worry baby, breakfast is coming” she told her belly sweetly.

She moved her feet and calves onto the floor. They were so thick now, almost as big as her thighs were 3 months ago. Pushing herself off the bed with her hands and feeling the weight of her now double belly, she slowly plodded to the bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror, with her longer hair going in all directions, she said to herself, “I’m starting to look like a big, fat, hot mess”. She grinned, which only made her nose look more like a hog and her fat round face look wider and the thick double chin that hid her neck even more obvious.

Backing up, she saw her double belly, laden with stretch marks, covering her FUPA and reaching as far as halfway down to her super thick cellulite riddled fleshy wobbly thighs. She saw the scale and decided to see how much good she has done to her previously ‘skinny’ body. After the scale beeped, Chloe realised she couldn’t see past her double belly apron. Pushing her soft, yielding flesh in, she finally saw the reading.

4. 2. 3.

She smiled and yelped in celebration. She wanted to jump but couldn’t, so instead twirled her bigger body around. She’d almost gained 190 pounds in three months. She took her stretched tight pyjama shirt off and got in the shower, enjoying the feeling of her bigger self, exploring all her fat and rolls she had created. After she turned off the shower, she heard her sister yelling. “Get out the shower skinny! I need to get ready for a Versace shoot!”

“You can’t call me skinny anymore fat ass, I weigh 423 pounds now! I’m finally obese!”

“Well lah dee dah, you’re finally obese” her sister mocked with a slow clap. Her sister slowly moved her massive form towards the bathroom door, brushing the walls with her hips and love handles. “Call me when you get to super obesity at 534 pounds like me, skinny”.

Her sister looked bigger than ever. All those eating competitions they had helped her gain too it looked like. Her gargantuan belly was now almost as wide as her hips, and her thighs only allowed her to take short, controlled steps with her heavy feet.

“Get out fat ass! I need to take a shit!”

“At least I’ve got a fat ass, skinny.” As Carol turned around and showed off her big wide butt with a thong that looked like dental floss, Chloe thought to herself [God she’s so annoying. Why does she have to look so damn sexy even as a supersized woman too.]

Chloe got ready for school and slowly went down the stairs, catching her breath halfway down. As always, her mom was there plating up piles of breakfast food and looking fatter than ever chewing on snacks of food as she went.

“Good morning honey. You look lovely today, is there a special occasion or something today?”

Chloe did look and feel good today and had tried to look as sexy as she could. Stretchy denim shorts showing off her thicker thunder thighs and wider juicier ass that she definitely inherited from her mom. A stretched out V-neck pink t-shirt that showed off her untucked double belly apron and cute deep navel with stretchmarks and dimples at the bottom (she discovered that tucking in your belly was what middle aged women do).

Her boobs had finally grown to an E cup in old money, and she pushed them up as far as she could with a sexy new bra she bought for school. She squeezed her feet into heels so she could show her ass and legs off before she finally outgrows shoes with cankles.

She straightened her now longer hair and put on some sultry, slutty makeup to exaggerate her fatter face and really draw attention to her double chin.

Chloe sat herself down, took an appetite enhancer, and shovelled mouthfuls of fried and sweet foods down her gullet. In between bites she explained to her mom that she was finally obese enough to get an invite to a party at the weekend.

“Congratulations honey! You’ve been working so hard these past few weeks stuffing good junk food down your neck. You deserve a celebration.”


“There’s your ride, don’t forget your lunch and snacks. I put 4 cans of whipped cream in there for you today. Have a good day!”

“Thanks mom” Chloe said as she waddled to her mom for a kiss. Her big belly rested on her mom’s chest as she bent down to kiss her lazy whale of a mother. She waddled as fast as she could whilst carrying her belly bag of fat on her body to Kath’s car, and managed to lift her butt up and into the passenger side.

“Morning fatty” Kath said with a grin.

“Morning piggy” Chloe replied.

“Where are we feasting this morning? KFC? Burger King?”

“I was thinking Taco Bell” Chloe smiled.

“Oh Taco Bell! Somebody must be happy!” Kath said as she put her car into drive.

“Well I am officially obese now, finally.”

“Congratulations you big fatty you! Let’s stuff ourselves up real good with some Mexican food!”
After they finished their second breakfast, they parked up ready for school.

“God I look like such a hog. I’ve got sauce all over my tits and top! You’ve become a real bad influence on my figure Chloe…and I love it!” Chloe smiled at Katherine and really looked at her. She had put on weight over these last few weeks and looked to be just over 400 pounds too. She was definitely top heavy, carrying a full pair of super fat boobs that struggled in most tops, even in this plus-size friendly world.

“Are you ready to get invited to Alyssa's fat farm Chlo’?”

“Hell yeah I am. We crushed it and gained so much weight. Let’s do this!”

As they both waddled carefully through the halls on their heels making sure that their added girth didn’t put them off balance, they kept an eye out for Alyssa. She wasn’t hard to miss. She looked even wider in the hall as they both heard her husky laugh and slobbish burps. As they approached, they caught Alyssa’s eye.

“Well if it isn’t skinny and slutty. Finally put on some weight huh?”

“We’re getting fatter if that’s what you mean, and we aren’t done yet.”

“Well then, you can come to my party this weekend and prove it.” Alyssa managed to say in between chews of her box of nuggets.

“Dress code is, ‘What if women played sports’”.

“Ok then. See you this weekend.” As Chloe and Kath slowly moved to the canteen, Alyssa yelled, “And bring food!”
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Xombie05 3 years
God yes do the epilogue
91stol 3 years
this is a nice story i enyoyd it
Xombie05 3 years
God I love this please continue