A big wish

Chapter 6 - day 89

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As Chloe and Kath waddled their hefty bodies towards Alyssa’s house, Chloe had to keep adjusting her tennis skirt.

“This skirt is so tight, I can’t believe medium was the largest it came in” she paused in frustration, put down her half of the pizza boxes, pulled her white skirt out of her ass then continued her waddle feeling the skirt creeping up into her ass again.

“You’re not the only one. I got this baseball jersey in medium but it’s a man-size medium, it’s so tight on my tits that they have it pushed up and out so far it’s barely covering my breasts!”

As they got to the door, they both took three deep breaths and fanned the sweat off their faces. They rang the doorbell and waited. They heard some heavy footfall approach the door.

“Skinny and slutty! Welcome to the fat farm ladies!” Chloe and Katherine followed Alyssa’s giant body which she squeezed into a cheerleader’s uniform, into her house. With music playing and lights dimmed, the smell of greasy food and cannabis in the air, this seemed like a standard teen party, except where was everyone?

“You’re both late to the party, but there should be enough food left. What am I talking about? Of course there’s plenty of food!” Alyssa said with a hiccup.

“Late? We’re right on time though. The Facebook invite said 8pm?”

"Yeah but you should have been fashionably early. We start eating straight away! Before you head to the feeding room, what are you both drinking? I’ve got all the sodas, milkshakes, beer. Take your pick.”

"Um, milkshake” Chloe and Kath said at the same time.

“Help yourself and when you’re done, follow the music to the feeding room, and bring those pizzas!” Alyssa waddled her ass sideways out the kitchen door and slowly moved into the other room where she was met with cheers.

After getting themselves a large milkshake each, they did as they were told and followed the sound of the music and the smoke from the weed and moved themselves into the other room. What Chloe saw was both beautiful and utterly disgusting. She saw obese women everywhere. Squeezed onto the couches in Alyssa’s living room with their giant legs sat wide apart allowing their bellies to fall in between them as they ate from boxes of doughnuts, McDonald’s, KFC, and all manner of junk foods.

A circle of fatties were on the floor taking tokes from a joint and passing a bucket of KFC around at the same time. Chloe watched them take one toke and two pieces of chicken before it went to the next girl. Alyssa was on a huge armchair in the centre of the room surveying the feeding frenzy as she squeezed two jets of whipped cream into her mouth. Nobody was talking or dancing. Everybody was eating and rubbing their big, saggy bellies and they heard somebody moan, “God I love growing”.

“Well let’s get stuck in!” Kath sat herself on the floor in the weed circle with her pizzas and shared slices with everyone whilst Chloe squeezed her ass onto a couch with three other girls all massaging their distended guts.

As everybody was shovelling greasy food into their mouths, drinking sodas and beers and letting out thunderous belches, one girl dressed like an obese boxer burped and yelled, “This is my favourite song!” she necked a can of beer and pushed herself up from the couch using two others girls fat thighs and started to sway to the music with her eyes closed.

Chloe was watching her with a mouthful of pizza and said, “Uh oh, she looks wasted…”

The girl continued swaying her fat, bloated body to the music the best she could, but as Chloe watched her it felt like slow motion. The dancing fatty didn’t get her body angle quite right and she fell to one side, right into the centre of the room and laid flat on her ass.

“Fatty down! It’s time to play *BUUUUUUURP* GET UP FATTY!” Alyssa yelled from her chair.

The whole room of obese women started chanting ‘get up fatty’ to the girl on the floor and some even threw bits of food at her.

“You have to get your FAT ASS back up to standing WITHOUT using any objects or anybody else. Hurry up and GET UP FATTY!” Alyssa yelled whilst spitting flecks of cream out of her mouth.

Chloe watched the obese 480 pound girl try to sit herself up and push herself up off the floor. It was agony watching her struggle to move her wobbly body and she just wanted to help even though she knew she couldn’t. Soon everybody else got bored of watching her and just continued to stuff themselves again. There was one supporter for the fatty on the floor though.

One of the obese queens closest to Alyssa was rubbing her stomach and fingering her navel while her thick, sexy naked legs bounced up and down like a cricket.

“God I am so turned on by all this food and my super obese body and this fat princess on the floor! GET UP FATTY!”

It took her about twenty minutes but she heard her supporter and finally stood her fat ass up. She grabbed another beer, chugged it, and then sat on the lap of her solitary obese supporter and kissed her. Everybody in the room cheered and then continued the feeding frenzy.

[This party is wild] Chloe thought.

“Time to call the guys fatties!” Alyssa yelled through the smoke and music. Everybody in the living room looked so swollen and round, stuffed to the brim with junk and slowly rubbing their soft bellies whilst struggling to breathe.

“Are they bringing food? Please say their bringing snacks!” someone barked from one of the recliners.

“Of course they are queen!”

And about 30 minutes later, it looked like half the football team and basketball team arrived with beer and McDonalds. More burgers and nuggets were passed round and more beers chugged by the women. Soon the ‘feeding room’ smelled even more of sweaty obese girls, flatulence, and delicious greasy junk.

Alyssa had the team quarterback on her lap nuzzling his face into her thick neck and whispering into her ear making her giggle. Even Kath got attention from one of the muscular jocks who joined her on the floor making her laugh and feeding her nugget after nugget after nugget before he finally picked her up and escorted her out to his car.

She waddled out as fast as she could with her bloated distended belly on show as she winked to Chloe and mouthed “I’m about to get me some!”

Chloe was happy for Kath. She was happy, and hungry. She grabbed a burger that was next to her on the couch and took two giant bites.

“God I love being such a greedy, gluttonous, piggy” she mumbled with a full mouth and her eyes rolling to the back of her head with pleasure.

“Oink oink, right?” she heard a guy’s voice to her right say.

“Excuse me?”

“Sorry. I’m Scott. I’m on the school swim team.” He said as he rolled his shoulders back and pushed his chest out. “Chloe, right?”

“That’s me…how do you know who I am?”

“I saw you in the hall one day with your friend when you were looking underweight. Then I saw you after training in the school cafeteria cramming cake into your face. I’ve seen you grow bigger and more beautiful each day and have been waiting for this party to meet you. I knew you would be here.”

“I have gotten pretty fat haven’t I?

“I mean, you could get fatter for me maybe…”

“Oh could I? Is that what you’d like?”

“I would. What would you like...Piggy?” Scott said cautiously, almost testing the water with his words.

Chloe couldn’t believe she was being flirted with by a fit, muscular, broad backed swimmer whilst she was the biggest she had been in her life with sauce and crumbs all over her puffy pudgy face, fat hands on her round plush stomach with new red stretch marks from the weeks of stuffing she had put herself through and her thick bare legs on display and wobbling with the slightest movement. She knew she looked disgusting and like a gross, greedy pig. But this guy was into it and she was going to take her chance.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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Xombie05 3 years
God yes do the epilogue
91stol 3 years
this is a nice story i enyoyd it
Xombie05 3 years
God I love this please continue