Hungry for more?

Chapter 2 - still hungry for more?: the aftermath of debauchery

I still remember those words “Don’t be afraid. Indulge in your darkest fantasies. Hungry for more?”. How could I let myself go like this? This wasn’t my darkest fantasy or, was it?

It’s been 2 weeks since that message appeared on screen for the first time and not a lot has changed. The city is still empty as it was, but for some reason, there’s still electricity and running water everywhere. The doughnut shop I have ransacked seems to have a never-ending supply of products, which is ideal for me since I’ve started to do so, my hunger has increased substantially. I haven’t stopped eating since then, however, out of nowhere a feeling of realization hit me.

The message on the screen was right, this is my darkest fantasy and I didn’t realized until now. I’ve always wanted to stuff myself with enormous amounts of food, I’ve always wanted to be something big. I’ve always hid this desire from everybody because it is not socially admissible to go after that lifestyle. But now, since I’m alone and there’s nobody to judge me I could give in without any shame. And that’s exactly what I did.

I got out of the doughnut shop and into my car, walking with this newfound heft was a challenge although it felt so good being off balance for a couple of minutes, another difficult task that I had was fitting into my car, I easily took 20 minutes to get inside of it . The first thing I wanted to do was to measure myself to see how big of a pig I had become. I drove to the nearest Postal Office to weight myself (I definitely knew I had to get weigh there because no domestic scale could give me an exact measure).

I got to the Postal Office and as per usual, empty as it gets. I found the scale, I mentally prepared for its reading, I took a deep breath and step on the scale. It took a minute but for me, it felt like an eternity, a beep from the machine was heard and it read… 450lbs! I was bigger than I’ve ever imagined. That means I gained 320 pounds in just three weeks, that’s 106lbs average per week. My God I’m such a pig. This is only the beginning, and to celebrate I’m going to let one of my hidden fantasies come to life.

I got back into my car; it was quite a struggle, but I did it once, and was determined to do it again. After getting inside my car, I felt a sharp hunger pang, that was the solid indication that I needed to eat something and, boy oh boy was I going to. I drove as fast as I could to the nearest clothing shop, to fulfill my fantasy I needed to be wearing some clothes and in my current state I was completely naked. I got out of my car and into the clothing shop. It took several hours to find the right fitting, but I managed to do so, and as you would expect, my hunger got more intense by the minute. I settled down on some suit pants, a white button up shirt a belt and some underwear. I picked the outfit a size bigger than my actual size so I could enjoy a bit of time wearing loose fitting clothes, which wouldn’t be for long. All suited and booted, I was ready to fulfill my fantasy.

I pulled up to the nearest cake shop, I have never been this hungry in my life so, this stuffing session was going to be marathonic. I get out of my car and walked inside the cake shop, it was filled with the most delicious looking cakes I’ve ever seen in my life, they ranged from a chocolate cake to Oreo blast cakes. As you could predict, said shop displayed it’s logo on a TV. The logo was interesting as it was the name of the shop, it had a plump cartoonish baker with a big smile holding a cake that said the name of the shop which was “The Baker’s Super Dough Cakes”. I was in awe watching all the cakes, I couldn’t decide where to start but yet, my hunger was rising. When suddenly, the Screen of the shop went black and played a high pitch sound followed by the phrases: “Don’t hesitate, my plump pig. Just enjoy and satiate your hunger. Grow bigger and fatter. Bigger is Better”.

As on command I took a 10” chocolate cake and grabbed a mouthful and shoved it in my face. “oh, so good!” I cry. I kept eating the chocolate cake, I ate it up in under 10 minutes. I grabbed three more. I chewed and chewed the delicious cake. My face stained with delicious chocolate. My white button up shirt was getting tighter and so did my pants. After that, I placed fifteen 12” by 18” double layer cakes on the ground. I didn’t care much about their flavor, I just wanted to fill my gut as much as possible.

I laid on all four to eat the cakes I laid on the ground. I pushed on, stuffing more food to my face that I could swallow. I could feel my belly touching the floor and pushing my arms and legs to the sides. I was so fat but, I wanted to get bigger. My clothes were so tight they were on the verge of exploding. Chew, swallow, chew. Each bite that I took pushed more cake into my face. And like that a button from my shirt popped. My God It felt so good! Soon the other buttons started to succumb to the never-ending expansion of my enormous precious gut. I kept eating and eating until my pants couldn’t handle my size anymore, they felt so tight but when they popped, I got a second wind and so I did the same with the cakes again but this time I placed 30 cakes on the floor.

I was colossal, the true definition of gluttony and unrestraint. I felt my member pulsate with every breath I took, turning me on so much that I was always on the border of climaxing. After finishing the cakes I laid on the floor, I felt complete, rubbing my gargantuan gut. It was so soft yet so firm at the same time. I couldn’t think about anything. My eyes lost in space. I was bigger than everything I could’ve dreamed of. I never imagined I could pig out like this, it felt so good.

As I was rubbing my gut, the TV from the bakery turned on displaying the following message: “You really outdid yourself, you gluttonous pig. You now weigh 885 pounds. You’re the true embodiment of obesity and debauchery. Are you still hungry for more?”
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 2 years
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MangaBL 3 years
This story reminds more and more of the comic: "Curse Of The Doughnuts"
BigGutBoy600 3 years
Thanks for the interaction! Much appreciate it.
I'll keep that in mind for my next story.
MangaBL 3 years
I really love story!! Are you going to continue or make more one shots of other guys who were twigs or jocks and have them fatten themselves up? Either way keep up the good work!!😍