
  By Lydsville

Chapter 1 - story

It seemed that Connor had really done it now as he sat as a captor in the basement of the local witches. The two young and rather large women had caught him when he was sneaking around their house trying to find out what they were up to and they took matters into their own hands.

Connor was somewhat worried about how people started going missing whenever they went around the witches' house, they'd enter but never leave but there would be other people who came out of the witches' house who obviously came from some portal as no one saw them enter. So Connor wanted to find out where those other people went and set up his admittedly stupid plan.

He went home form work and began drinking coffee to both forget work and to keep himself awake for the plan. He thought about what he might see to prepare himself so he wouldn't scream in panic once he saw the witches' activities, imagining the horrors of how they may have done away with these people or even eaten them, that might explain why they were both so fat after all.

Finally it was time, so he got on his coat and went to their house to sneak around the back. He found the storm doors to the cellar and decided to go in, but that was where he made his mistake. The witches were in the cellar at that very moment, and with one quick magic blast Connor was knocked out.

Now he had just woken up and saw what the witches had been up to in the hours he slept, having an incredibly large feast all ready for Connor saying that he needed to "build up his energy for the day" and how "everyone has to eat a good breakfast after all" though Connor knew better and vowed he would never eat a bite. So the witches left him with the food in the basement.

The two young ladies carried on about their day, wondering when their "friend" would be emerging. Surely he would get hungry eventually and the magic would do its thing and he'd emerge from the basement. Though an hour or so went by and nothing happened, they began to worry about him as everyone else normally ate the food by now.

Soon they heard activity and knew it was only a matter of time, and indeed within only a few minutes later they heard someone climb the stairs and the basement door flew open.

Out stepped a very changed Connor. Now about the size of the witches but only a little bit under their girth, with a belly that now stuck out as far as their forearms could reach from their biceps being down to their sides and a couple of moobs about half that distance out. Though those moobs were rather round and perky when you really thought about it and in fact looked more like the breasts of a woman. Actually, they were.

The magic in the food not only made Connor fat but had also changed their gender, even their voice had taken an impact enough to hear in their exhales from having to climb the steps and still being out of breath at the top of them. Though they seemed unaware of the changes and were only concerned with recollecting their energy here, thinking over sitting their huge rump down in a chair to relax.

Then they felt a sensation from within their gut that then came up their throat and erupted from their mouth as huge belch. This woke them up it seems and Constance began to notice her now nude body. She was confused as to where her clothes went but decided she just needed to go upstairs and get a change of clothes.

So she got dressed in a nice pencil skirt and blouse that fit to every curve of her physique and made her feel rather sexy when she saw her reflection in the mirror, happily thinking about how all these years of being a housewife had really let her blossom into a beautiful lass of great proportions.

She went downstairs to do the chores that needed doing around the house, her husband was off to work and her children off at school which meant there were only two things for Constance to do, chores and eating. She enjoyed one of these activities more than the other but at least the other only needed to be done every so often, so sitting on the couch to watch some cooking programme and eat was a very common occurrence.

Though out of the corner of her eye she noticed the calendar, it was December, in fact it was almost Xmas and she hadn't prepared any food for her family coming to visit. To avoid the catastrophe she started to prepare some of the dishes her other family members made to see if she could figure out their recipes through experimentation.

The hours whittled away as she made each dish, the table became more and more occupied as Constance made each of the dishes her family always made for Xmas. Looking over the feast on the table you'd think they were already here and had delivered these dishes, in fact they were here.

Constance sat herself down at the head of the table and made small talk with her family members as she nibbled at her average sized portions of the feast she put on her plate. Though soon enough she was left with the leftovers and the others had left, and Constance was still a little hungry after keeping her portions small for her family and was pleased to find how little they had eaten. Another helping of the leftovers wouldn't hurt, right?

So she decided to have "small" snack to fill her up, and then she had another, and another. Before too long she was eating the entire remainder of the feast by herself and those various meals worth of food were soon now all within her even larger belly.

A loud belch escaped Constance's mouth as she sat on the couch rubbing her belly that was now big enough that she had to out stretch her arms almost entirely in order to rub the front of it, and not to mention how her rump was now taking up most of the couch and leaving only enough room for one skinny person to sit next to her. Then of course her breasts were quite humongous, about the size of a volley ball each yet still perky and round.

Constance rubbed her belly for a while, soothing the ocean of food inside and letting it digest in order to be able to get up again. Though as she kept rubbing her belly and letting out any lingering belches from within, she felt as though it was getting harder and harder to rub, like she was stretching her arms out further to reach it entirely.

It was around halfway through rubbing it she felt like her belly now reached to her knees but thought perhaps she didn't notice that at first, but soon she was out of her trance and realized that she was now having to extend out her arms entirely to reach the front of her belly. Incredibly she had managed to gain weight while just sitting there, it seems all the calories finally caught up with her and she had managed to double her size through digestion.

Her breasts were now about the size of basket balls and her rump took up almost all of the couch leaving no room for anyone to sit next to her. All of this within what seemed like minutes to Constance, but yet also she felt hungry again. The bliss of being full had worn off and now she was aware of her empty stomach and wanted to have it full again, only one way to fix that.

The now humongous Constance made her way to the kitchen to see what she could have to fix her hunger, though getting between the island and the counter was a bit of a problem now that she not only filled them entirely but was bigger than the gap allowed for. So she gave up on that for a moment and turned around to see the calendar again and that it was now her birthday.

As she re-entered the kitchen her family surprised her again, all ready with presents, pizza and cake. They assured it was all for her and with that Constance was more than happy to dig in. Enough cake and pizza to feed a party of 10, all for Constance, her family seemed to know her appetite and Constance couldn't resist. Easily downing three bites at once and sometimes mixing the two food items together.

The bliss from earlier had returned and Constance found herself in ecstasy, those 20 pizzas and 5 cakes were almost gone within minutes and Constance found herself full again. Letting out a humongous belch Constance sat back and rubbed as much of her belly as she could reach, contented with the feasting of today.

Now she was even bigger, her belly was now so huge she couldn't reach the front of it and her breasts were the size of large watermelons, not to mention how she had three chairs supporting her rump and still it spilled out over the edges. Constance let out another even bigger belch as she enjoyed the sensations of being huge.

The witches knew she was ready. They finally appeared to Constance and asked if indeed this form felt like her own, which confused Constance as she was unaware of any changes. They showed her a mirror which prompted a shocked expression from Constance, "Oh my gosh..." she said taken aback, "I'm gorgeous!"

Constance couldn't believe just how beautiful she had become through her weight gain, and yet here she was, looking back at the most beautiful creature in the world. Maybe the family wasn't real, but who cares, Constance had a new family with these two witches who let her realize her true self and become her inner self. Sometimes to find yourself, you gotta look in places you'd never think to look.
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Lydsville 3 years
Well, that kinda was the idea. This story has been reworked into a larger one that I'm not sure what to do with it yet. It will be pretty long, but perhaps it could be turned into a series. What do you want to see return?
Lydsville 3 years
Thank you, I'm glad you like it. I fixed a few of the errors you pointed out and I'm glad it has made at least a minor impact on you, that's what I want from stories is for them to leave a positive impression on people and makes them happy
Jiggle Junkie 3 years

That ending sentence is powerful.