Another cup of jasmine tea

chapter 14

I could not believe what happened this morning! Carol had forgotten to lock the door again. I was just about to close it for her, when she called to me. I was to go into the kitchen immediately! I thought it was an unusual request. I was her prisoner. I was not supposed to leave my cell. Nevertheless, I had to do as she bid me and I am glad that I did!
As I entered the room, the smell of fresh cooking wafted over my starving body. I was half the size I had once been. Carol had me sit down at the table, then she placed a bacon sandwich in front of me. I looked up at her. I was not supposed to eat this kind of food any more. I wanted it so much! She said I could have it, but I had to eat it slowly.
Oh! The salty, crispy bacon was delicious against the soft white bread roll. The sweetness of the ketchup stopped the sandwich from becoming too dry. I savoured every bite. After such a long time without a proper meal, I was in heaven! That one sandwich took me a good five or ten minutes to devour. It filled my now shrunken stomach up completely. I felt so full and satisfied. Carol said I’d better go back to my room to digest it, before my next meal.
I did as she said. I could virtually feel my digestive juices getting to work on the bacon sandwich. As I sat watching the telly, I kept thinking how far it might have got in it’s digestive journey in my gut. Was it still mixing with enzymes? Had my body extracted the goodness from the food? Had it now been reduced to nothing more than unrecognisable pulp? How long would it take to come out the other end?
As the food moved slowly along, I was filled with more energy than I’d had for months, but I had no desire to use all the energy up. I could have started a new walking programme around my room, in an effort to get fit, but I did not want to. I was quite content just to sit where I was. I could have set to cleaning the thick dust off my furniture or cleaning my dirty bathroom, but Carol had told me that wasn’t up to me. She had a new maid who had started to work for her. She would see that it was done.
I saw the maid for the first time later that same day. It was Zoe! She looked a lot plumper than she had the last time I’d seen her. The clothes she had on barely fit her, which made her look even fatter. I wanted to speak to her, but she did not look up in her work. She did not look at me once as we cleaned. I might as well have been a piece of furniture. Maybe Carol didn’t want her to talk. That was probably it. I tried to say at least a friendly ‘hello’ to her, but my voice would not work properly. My body must have still been busy digesting the bacon sandwich. Maybe it couldn’t do two things at once. Digesting and speaking were two different processes, but I probably only had enough energy for one.

After that morning, I received lots of small reasonably healthy meals until I got used to eating. I didn’t have to go to work. Zoe would look after me in Carol’s absence, but only carol would make the jasmine tea for me.
I was allowed to go where I liked, as long as I did not leave the edge of the garden and I did not go upstairs. There wasn’t much point in going anywhere but my room, my en-suite and the kitchen.
Once I was used to eating standard meals again, I felt a whole lot better in myself, but my body was still very soft, flabby and wobbly.
Then, Carol started to turn up the pressure again, with bigger meals, lots of snacks and lots of cakes, puddings and desserts. Eating healthily was no longer an option. I ate a lot of fried foods, a lot of cheese, butter and cream. Even my jasmine tea had an extra spoon of sugar in it.
Constantly overeating was as hard as I had been the first time around because my stomach had been shrunk. However, psychologically, I was in a much better place. I did not feel guilty. I wanted to be fat. I wanted to be fatter than I had been before! I forgot about all the hazards that went along with that, such as struggling to put my socks on. If I needed any help, I knew Zoe would help me.
It might have be difficult to overeat, but I was loving every minute this time around.
Once again, food, eating, getting fatter and sex were all I thought about. I watched the telly, but I couldn’t really process what was happening on the screen. Zoe was happy to help me out with the sex part when Carol was not available. She too liked to eat a lot. We sometimes played food games with each other, feeding eat other. We compared our fattening bodies together. I was gaining much more than her because I had a much slower metabolism after being half starved. She did much more exercise than me too. I only ambled from one room to the other, walking no more than fifteen steps at a time. She was often on the go, cleaning, cooking and doing other housekeeper jobs.
Like Zoe, I lost the ability to speak properly. It didn’t matter. I could still open my mouth to eat.
I was happier than ever! I could hardly wait to be fatter than I had ever been before!
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 3 years , updated 3 years
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